Same, no idea why its so slowso i gotta ask does anyone have like really slow start screen for the game with all the chicks dancing? or is it just me? takes me forever to even get pass the "hit enter/z key" part of the screen due to the slow down
It's at Knightstown, right next to Chinatownwhere is the new house ?
The Problem is when you are further in the Game and you don´t know if you activated it you can´t use this because you live in Knightstown and can´t get in your old home so it is only a patch when you play from beginning. Ok I break in for the future you need a place in Knightstown when you haven´t activated for all time.Incest Patch v0.8
Copy and extract to where game.exe is located.
Go to your garage and enter the garage storage. Click the stars at the locker.
Patch unlocks some scenes not available in normal gameplay.
View attachment 719355
Note: If you have PC cheat mod , you don't need the incest patch. Activate Incest via cheat menu.