Thanks for the library but I don't see it in my game??
Any solutions. I erase all after .rpgsave but i've nothing.
The library is a collection of savegames, cant run by itself, you have to load each save using the game (each savegame has a label after their file format type to know which scene is wich ie: file5.rpgsave_Rachel_03_dance after 2nd tynimon card_45 )
You will have to copy those savegames to your save folder> "Mynewlifev1.9/www/save", then load them in game
And also keep in mind that RPGmaker has 20 slots of savegames to load, the game makes an index of the savegames you have and will only recognise the savegames it has registered (make dummy saves on the 20 slots in order to overwrite those files with the savegames of the library so you can use the 20 slots)
The easiest way to use the savegame library is reviewing a character scenes (copy every save file from the character folder you want to use into your save folder, open the game and load each save (check what is written after the file format to know which scene is which, in the folder of each character there is an index of savegames so you dont need to make the 20 dummy saves before))
If you want to see a certain scene o want to load the progression at the end of a chapter copy the save you are interested in (i.e.: file15.rpgsave_NESROT_v1.9 complete_427 ) and paste it into the save folder of your game, then erase everything that comes after rpgsave --> file15.rpgsave and rename it to overwrite a savegame slot you already have in game)
Read the README.txt file for more info!
Is there any chance that I can only do Laura quest before dad comes? After dad's return I cannot put magazines and although I bought the dildo I could not place it in mail box. Laura quest is stuck for me. Can any one help?
I'm sure I did Lauras quest after dad return and had no problem, are you sure you are using v1.9 fixed3 + extras? upload your file to check just in case!