4.40 star(s) 159 Votes


Jul 29, 2020
Damn this was the best and longest 0.1 I have seen in a long time. Also thank you for not making a MC who is a dumbass and won't tell others that he has no memory. Could never understand why the hell you would do that.
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Aug 21, 2019
To add to my previous post; I love how "real" the characters are in both this and My New Family. While the situations, relationships and all that is quite out there(it's a VN game after all), the characters all have believable personalities and stories. It makes you actually invested in the game.
It's not just a bunch of models thrown together, but actual characters. It's on another level compared to many of the other games here. Unless you are just looking for a quick "you time".
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Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
Killer7 i have a question, what made you decide morgan should be optionally a transgender instead of born hermaphrodite? kinda curious since i would think hermaphrodite would deal with a lot less polarized takes from people. or by the off chance (since i chose female route) that hermaphrodite is the case but is for some reason labeled as transgender?

btw interesting start off, i can already see this game having a lot darker tones to it than MNF. and in many ways i love it more for that! lol


May 2, 2018
So I won't make all my comments I probably could but I'll go through a few and I'll say that this post may or may not contain some spoilers as I just finished it.

Coding wise theres a few hiccups in names. There was one time Sabrina(who I named Brina just for whatever I usually keep all but my own name pretty similar to defaults) when it showed her in the hospital with you she said I told them who you were, they just didn't believe me John Doe! (I'm guessing this was a default name used and for some reason it didn't trigger my chosen character name) Also during the first or second talk in the hotel I believe it was with Sabrina it was an action she did and as I have her as Brina it should have said like Brina has pulled out the food or something forget what the line was (I apolgize for forgetting to screenshot or detail it. I'm rather tired) it said Sabrina. While this isn't big deal since I just made it a nickname for Sabrina. It'd looked very awkward if I called her like Yukki or something and it said Sabrina lol Beyond these two I didn't notice any others.

Story wise, I am not really mad or against Jessica at all. I guess coming from someone who is officially diagnosed with a mood disorder(legally) that I always generalize as bipolar(personally) I can see the outbursts and irrational thinking when hurt. So until I know more I really can't fault her. I've done a lot of shit things too. (I even have medication which maybe Jessica needs lol)

I actually really do like majority if not all of the cast. Not really too many complaints I'd say only thing Id say and I think has been said here. The fact everyone tells 'me' that they'll tell me later would probably tick me off a bit after awhile lol but I get its a special case and really doesn't bother me too much. Though I probably wouldn't be as cool or calm if I keep getting ignored lol Thank god his subconscious keeps telling him shit. xD

I was actually surprised how much was in such a first release but then I can't say coming from you it should've been. My New Family always got really good updates which speaking of which I gotta go catch up been behind on updates for games lol

Overall, I can't wait for future updates. Like I said. I see you, I download. Did not regret doing so. Well delivered.
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Reactions: Killer7


My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
Killer7 i have a question, what made you decide morgan should be optionally a transgender instead of born hermaphrodite? kinda curious since i would think hermaphrodite would deal with a lot less polarized takes from people. or by the off chance (since i chose female route) that hermaphrodite is the case but is for some reason labeled as transgender?

btw interesting start off, i can already see this game having a lot darker tones to it than MNF. and in many ways i love it more for that! lol
It was more or less a random decision. I created Morgan and thought to myself that she could work as a transgender character just as she would work as a female. Transgender routes in games are pretty common but I wanted to go a different route - away from the usual "she got bullied in school for her decision" etc to just a normal girl that received all the support and love from her family and friends that she needed. I knew this would lead to some polarized and controversial reactions ( Braindrop prepared me because he received similar stuff because of Shauna ) but I decided to stick with it. In the end it's my decision and if the player doesn't like that, he/she can always go with the female route :).


Oct 23, 2017
For a 0.1 this was fantastic, great story so far, distinctive characters with relationships well fleshed out and fantastic renders too. Just wondering if all updates will be as jam packed and if so I'm guessing you'll be taking your time with them? ala Light of My Life?

Either way, fantastic work, if it keeps going this way it'll be up there with my favourites like LoML, Single Again etc. (y)
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May 23, 2020
So I'm not sure where the story is going to go in this game, so I'm not sure it's appropriate or not, but the ages of the daughters really don't make any sense with the way the girls are presented. You should give the player the ability to manually put in the age as you do with the name.


A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019
Posting here as well, since it touches on both games.

Hello there you wonderful and very attractive people!

Another week, another progress update!
As some of you may have noticed I was able to release the first beta for 0.20 last week. Since then I started working on the next day already and I expect the second beta to drop this week, like usual. So I'm right on time!

That being said, I'm still not sure where I want to go with 0.20. I think I want to expand a bit more on the other side of MC's household, the side that Fiona was able to get some information from. He should get the letter that certain people left for him on the second day, which will contain a few things that will surprise him!

Well, let's talk about the big thing that happened on friday. After over six months of work "on the side" while still working full time on My New Family, I was able to release a first playable version of My New Memories. And oh boy was I nervous. I didn't get any sleep on friday and was pushing for an all nighter that ended up with me being awake for 40 hours. I thought I would not be as nervous as I was because the release of My New Family was almost two years ago.

And what can I say...I was overwhelmed. Very, very overwhelmed - positively! I didn't expect such a overwhelming and positive reaction to this first release. I didn't expect that people would enjoy this game as much as they did so far - even more than they enjoyed My New Family, apparently! I was sitting here, speechless, seeing all these comments flying in, seeing the positive ratings on certain sites and of course, watch the community on steam grow. I always thought that I've seen it all, that it couldn't get better but you amazing and wonderful people proved me wrong - And I can't thank you enough for that!

But of course this is just the beginning. I already started work on the first update for My New memories. I will go into more detail on how I plan to update the game in another patreon post, but my plan is to deliver big and meaningful updates like I do with My New Family in a timespan that is tolerable for me and of course, for you amazing people. Especially after the ending of the first release I don't want to let you guys wait for too long!

And I think thats it for now. Thank you guys so so so so much for the incredible feedback on My New Memories. It means the world to me to have such an amazing community supporting me and my work. Love you guys <3



New Member
Mar 18, 2019
Just finished going through this release, and it was great. I look forward to future releases.

I know it might just be because of the structure of the story, where pieces of the past are being learned somewhat out of order, but during the foot massage scene, a piece of the dialogue sounded a bit weird when considering the age of the daughters (18, 19, 20 in the present). Sophie was said to have asked "When do we get another one?", and in my experience with children, they haven't formed questions like that when they're younger than 3. I'll just file it under "exceptional circumstances, not real life".


Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
I'm sorry if anyone has already asked this, but is there a good amount of yuri in this or is it mostly just the male protag having sex with individual girls?
Currently (and most likely in the future) the focus will be on the male MC. I am guessing, based on the Dev's other work, that there will be an intense level of emotional connection between all of the characters (there already is), but the lewdz will primarily focus on the male MC.
Anything more specific than that guess, will have to be answered by Killer7 or someone that he has discussed future plans with.

If you are looking for an amazing story, that is going to play with your emotions CONSTANTLY (gives K7 the side-eye), this is what you want (as well as My New Family, K7's other VN).
If you are looking for strictly yuri content, this might not be for you.


Jan 2, 2020
I've been playing quite a lot of the games/VNs here on F95, and I can't think of any other where I look forward to the next update not for the new lewd scenes but for the plot developments (MNF excluded, of course :)).

ATM I'm particularly intrigued by the Jessica story: it's quite obvious MC did something in their past that triggered all that anger, but I'm very curious about what the real story is, and how MC will be able to mend that gap (as he already started to do); one thing is for sure: if there's someone who we can trust to pull that through smoothly it's the one and only Killer7 ;)

Really looking forward to the next chapter, mate (y)
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Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
It was more or less a random decision. I created Morgan and thought to myself that she could work as a transgender character just as she would work as a female. Transgender routes in games are pretty common but I wanted to go a different route - away from the usual "she got bullied in school for her decision" etc to just a normal girl that received all the support and love from her family and friends that she needed. I knew this would lead to some polarized and controversial reactions ( Braindrop prepared me because he received similar stuff because of Shauna ) but I decided to stick with it. In the end it's my decision and if the player doesn't like that, he/she can always go with the female route :).
fair. but how deep do you plan to go into the psyche of it? because i may change my mind on morgan and play the other route depending on how realistic the mental instability is. because to the best of my knowledge (and having a best friend who gave board and befriended a trans person for a numerous years) trans people typically have a very high suicide rate post op not because of the lack of emotional support. but rather mental instability issues and realization that it won't be a solve all to their problems or make them happy. and of course the biological and technological problems of the process being irreversible in terms of recovering procreational functionality and sensitivity.

this kinda brings me to the hermaphrodite point, where as the parents typically chose the sex based on which organs work to bring stability and some normalcy to the child. and from what little i know doesn't have the added baggage of mental issues... i think? lol. well depending on what you're going for this could be the better or worse option. going by what i've seen so far she seems a lot more calm than a jessica type. well unless her personality is vastly different on trans path, which i doubt. which might mean she'd be better off written as a born hermaphrodite than a transgender. maybe?

sorry if i'm coming across as condescending or overly judgemental or anything, just giving some constructive criticism and asking some of the hard questions. both for my own personal benefit so i could enjoy both routes and whatever benefits it might bring you, the game, and any other players like me that prefer realism in some odd areas over idealism. :)
4.40 star(s) 159 Votes