Well, the first thing I can tell you is that Morgan doesn't want to undergo surgery. Knowing a few transgenders myself, not all of them have this thought in their head. Some are happy with taking the hormone therapy only and identify as females, which is totally fine in my opinion. I think you are going a bit too in depth there anyway though, while the transgender route is different because you will get events there that you normally don't get, it won't change her personality or anything. On the female route you won't get the talk about getting new pills for the hormone therapy, for example, and some other dialogue changes ( Morgan won't take pills and just stands at the sink to grab a glass of water ).fair. but how deep do you plan to go into the psyche of it? because i may change my mind on morgan and play the other route depending on how realistic the mental instability is. because to the best of my knowledge (and having a best friend who gave board and befriended a trans person for a numerous years) trans people typically have a very high suicide rate post op not because of the lack of emotional support. but rather mental instability issues and realization that it won't be a solve all to their problems or make them happy. and of course the biological and technological problems of the process being irreversible in terms of recovering procreational functionality and sensitivity.
this kinda brings me to the hermaphrodite point, where as the parents typically chose the sex based on which organs work to bring stability and some normalcy to the child. and from what little i know doesn't have the added baggage of mental issues... i think? lol. well depending on what you're going for this could be the better or worse option. going by what i've seen so far she seems a lot more calm than a jessica type. well unless her personality is vastly different on trans path, which i doubt. which might mean she'd be better off written as a born hermaphrodite than a transgender. maybe?
sorry if i'm coming across as condescending or overly judgemental or anything, just giving some constructive criticism and asking some of the hard questions. both for my own personal benefit so i could enjoy both routes and whatever benefits it might bring you, the game, and any other players like me that prefer realism in some odd areas over idealism.![]()
Like I said, I'm not planning to go ultra deep in this territory because to be honest, I don't feel comfortable doing that because I'm not a transgender myself and don't want to cause issues for people that are. I want to keep this as wholesome as possible, simply because I don't like to dive too deep into topics like that. So I appreciate your constructive criticism, but after all it's still a game