Another minor thing, but with the canon ages of the daughters, this bit of dialogue doesn't make sense for a couple of reasons:
a "Of course. [o_name] is a wonderful name for her."
p_d "Did you hear what [so_name] said before I put her to bed?"
scene day6_annalayingeonbackfeetonlapsmiletalkmassaginglaugh
with Dissolve(0.5)
a "Yes! When do we get another one?"
a "She is so cute! She just can't get enough sisters."
p_d "No one here ever thinks about getting a boy..."
Since Sophie is, at most, 2 years old and some change, and Morgan (if the trans route has been chosen) probably hasn't come out as a girl, given that she's likely still pre-verbal at that point. Not an actual big deal, of course, but I thought it was worth bringing up. Also, I assume the chapter1.rpy file wasn't supposed to be included in the release?