4.50 star(s) 154 Votes


Engaged Member
Apr 9, 2018
Initially skipped this when I saw how long the prologue was, then had to wait until I had a good block of time, but this is really my kind of game. Just took a break before the reunion with the girls. Fuck is this heavy.


Jul 10, 2020
So I wanted to weigh in on the subject of telling Amnesia patients their history. Now, full disclosure, I have nothing to do with the medical field, I just find the way the brain works fascinating, and am trying to piece together potential reasons for treating patience this way.

I believe part of the concern with telling amnesia patients their history has to do with why they don't have access to the memories in the first place. The storage space to the memories is typically intact, but, the pathways to them no longer work. So the patient needs to develop new pathways to the memories. I believe that remembering things on ones own is likely to help these pathways develop, while being told everything about one's old life may actually stop the brain from trying to create them, since it doesn't feel as great a need to reach them, since they can now remember what they were told things were like.

Just a theory based on a long time ago being fascinated with the brain and how it works, and standard procedures with amnesia patients as I know them. Could be totally wrong, but makes sense to me.
More of the concern with telling amnesia patients their history is more about not potentially overwhelming them. In most cases of amnesia, the patient still has those memories and the emotions associated with them there, but they just can't access them at that time.

Potentially, dumping a lot of potential information that will trigger unknown emotions in the patient can essentially overload them. Amnesia is also often caused by some sort of trauma, physical or mental, and depending on it, your mind could be using amnesia as a way to deal with it, so basically attacking the patients mind that is trying to protect itself potentially is often going to cause considerably more harm than good.

This is why the typical treatment is to introduce familiar routines in familiar, safe places in a controlled manner starting with small doses at first. The theory behind it is that if you make the mind feel safe and feel like it's back in a normal routine then it will relax and release the access to memories. It's kind of like having D.I.D. but the new identity is a copy of your original just without memories and you are trying to merge the two identities together.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
My first wife had DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). I didn't find out until years after the divorce. The marriage made a lot more sense after I learned that. I don't think she's ever tried to integrate. She has one dispassionate alter that helped get through her work as an EMT and a surgery nurse.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
I think another point is quite realistic that I forgot to mention: At least as far as the family's more kinky secrets are concerned, I could imagine that one of the points of them not being told to him is because they were afraid that John would think that if he lacked his own memories that they were trying to sabotage his marriage or even give him a false image of his personality (that he might think that he had cheated on his wife multiple times). Aside from that, there were more important things going on at the time.


My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
If you think back to what Dr. Rosenberg told MC and what MC also thought himself for a short while, people COULD also put memories in your head that aren't yours just to make you someone that you not are. I know that a few games do it like that but this is not the case in My New Memories. The stuff with Sabrina or the stuff with Lena would have probably lead to MC just closing himself up more instead of going home to his family if they told him right away. He had to remember his feelings for Anna again first for it to make sense.


Dec 26, 2017
Amnesia and dead fathers are the bread and butter of F95.... :LOL:
It's all about the tropes. my favorite is, "What are [religious figure]'s motivations for this?"
"Well it all started when someone killed the orphans are was caring for..."


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
If you think back to what Dr. Rosenberg told MC and what MC also thought himself for a short while, people COULD also put memories in your head that aren't yours just to make you someone that you not are. I know that a few games do it like that but this is not the case in My New Memories. The stuff with Sabrina or the stuff with Lena would have probably lead to MC just closing himself up more instead of going home to his family if they told him right away. He had to remember his feelings for Anna again first for it to make sense.
And it took "Force Ghost Anna" to help him unlock his memories quicker than being told by people in the house. Anna doesn't tell him, she shows him his own memories, allowing him to make a pathway to that memory.
It's all about the tropes. my favorite is, "What are [religious figure]'s motivations for this?"
"Well it all started when someone killed the orphans are was caring for..."
For a moment, the talk of religious figures' motivations made me think of Light of My Life.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 26, 2018
btw do the author for any chance happens to have any kind of analytics from the people who play the game?....Im kinda curious to see the % of people who decided to go with trans Morgan (the only correct option tbh)...
I opted for the other option. I guess I chose the wrong one, but it works for me.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
I would argue that there is no right or wrong, unless you find yourself in front of a game-over screen. The most important thing is that Killer7 has fun developing, we have fun playing and that there is a pleasant atmosphere here.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 26, 2018
I would argue that there is no right or wrong, unless you find yourself in front of a game-over screen. The most important thing is that Killer7 has fun developing, we have fun playing and that there is a pleasant atmosphere here.
It was a joke, because Kionashi had said that one option (trans Morgan) was the only correct one, so then the one I chose has to be wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
The idea behind it is that the protagonist has lost his memory due to a car accident and can hardly remember anything personal (such as his family). The phase in which he briefly considered leaving his family is justified by the fact that in principle anyone can claim to be his family and people could try to feed him false information about his former life. In the first moment it sounds quite paranoid and in the case of an ordinary citizen this might be true, but especially for people with money or influence it can make sense. For example, let's imagine a big businessman who has actually managed to keep his face out of the media. The rest of his management wants to merge with another company, but our entrepreneur doesn't and his stake is big enough that the merger can't work out that way: Fortunately, he has an "accident" that leaves him alive, but at least he loses his memory. Now you place a fake family that makes sure that our businessman doesn't regain his memory fast enough or absconds somewhere where he can't be bothered. Result: The companies can merge and the people involved make a lot of money.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
Kind of surprised this has such high reviews MC "I have 3 daughters, but I don't remember them" "maybe I will just go start a new life" WTF?
As MrLKX alluded to, in his confused, amnesiatic state, all he knew was that he was told he has three daughters. Once he lets his feelings overcome his paranoia, things get much better. He seems to be able to access his emotional memories more easily.

In reality, there have been patients who suffer from amnesia who go on to live new lives without ever reconnecting to who they were.

And yes, during that early phase, I was internally shouting "You IDIOT! Don't give up!"
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
Progress Update | 19/07/2021

Hello there you very wonderful and extremely cute people!

Another week, another progress update!

So, since 0.20 of My New Family will release tomorrow, I don't have that much to share about My New Family right now. But I wanted to talk about the development stuff in general.

As I said in last weeks progress update I will probably extend my "break" after tomorrow for one more week. Usually, when I release a update for My New Family, I take one week "off", where I still work but not nearly as much as I usually do. This meant most of the time that My New Memories got 80% of my time and My New Family only 20%, for that one week only. But work on 0.20 has been pretty taxing, that's why I might extend this to one week. This doesn't mean that there won't be any new content in those two weeks, just that the pacing will be a bit slower. If you are a Sandra patron you should still get a beta this month, by the way.

In terms of My New Memories it looks pretty good right now. I'm doing it a bit different here because I'm making renders while I'm still writing the script for the day. Usually I would finish writing first and then make all the renders, but since making them in daz3d takes more time I'm doing both. So if I have finished an event I will prepare the scenes and render them out over night. This way I can be more efficient, I guess, compared to My New Family where the renders usually don't take that long to make. Still doing my best to put a playable beta out this week for all of you wonderful patrons, fingers crossed I can make it work! But work on My New Memories has been going pretty well in general so I'm optimstic.

And I think that's it for this week. I hope you guys understand that I might need one more week of a break. But, like I said, this is not a guarantee and I might be back to 100% work next week already. I'll see how I will feel after 0.20 is released. I'm very excited to read all of your reactions once you played 0.20 by the way. I think it's a pretty good update with lots of wholesome moments! Stay awesome!



Emperor of Universe 7
Aug 24, 2017

I know that you've already answered on Patreon the question of Yukiko knowing about her parents, but just wanted to check whether it's not a joke or something. Mostly because it kinda feels like a big spoiler, especially in the MC's and Yukiko's relationship, as either they're not that close or she is REALLY able to hold that all in, since it seems that she's handling the MC and the situation better than her own mother is.


My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019

I know that you've already answered on Patreon the question of Yukiko knowing about her parents, but just wanted to check whether it's not a joke or something. Mostly because it kinda feels like a big spoiler, especially in the MC's and Yukiko's relationship, as either they're not that close or she is REALLY able to hold that all in, since it seems that she's handling the MC and the situation better than her own mother is.
It's not a joke and Yukiko will talk to you about this on the first day. She is not happy that Lena made her hide everything in front of MC and she will remember that in the future when it comes to certain interactions between those two.
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4.50 star(s) 154 Votes