OK, so, impressions. Backstory first I guess. I've been playing My New family since some 6-7 updates back and enjoyed it ... sort of. What I enjoyed with MNF was always the wholesomeness and fluffy feeling of it, even if it had some darker moments occasionally. But that was partly the problem of it: what Milan Kundera might have termed "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", in a game version. I never really felt invested in the story and there has been a distinct lack of variation in the game for a long time, just added characters. My second issue with that game was always Honey Select. There is something about that program that creates a sort of distance between me and the proceedings: no immersion possible in any HS game. But I liked the sexual aspects of NFM so when I heard about this new project I had high hopes.
So is it any good? YES! Yes it is. The move to Daz was everything I had hoped it would be, graphics wise. Immersion now possible. Storywise then? Even better I'm happy to report. It's darker, more intriguing and filled with potential. Invested? Oh yes I am. It feels like the dialogues are much better, the characters more believable and the setting much more interesting. I played the demo that came out a few months ago but the finished result is even better than I was daring to hope it would be. Homerun, Killer7. Add to that, the potential wincest hinted at which, to my mind is of a more spicy variety than the one on offer in MNF and this could end up being one of my favourite games.
I've never supported a game made with HS and I don't think I ever will, but if the next update lives up to this one, I'm off to SS fast as lightning to toss some money at the dev, and it will be money well spent.