What's going too happen next?
A basic grammar check.
"Too" is a word when spelt like that but the usage of it in this instance is incorrect. I am a stickler for correct grammar.
"To" is the form you should have used.
Some sentences have far too many commas. For example:
"My name is Janet, I just moved your lovely town, and it's great to have so many nice people in my neighborhood!"
What I would do in the above example is replace the first comma with a full stop and remove the second one entirely.
But that's just me and my pedantism. It's your script so you can write it however you want.
Admittedly, I don't know if English is your first language but I'm going to bank on that it isn't.
I hope I didn't come across as rude or abrasive. It wasn't my intent. I'll stop now and actually play this.