VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My New Roommate [v1.1] [Iceridlah]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The plot of the game is okay and the graphics are pretty decent, but the plot is way too short and the game is already done, when you feel like it is starting to get funny.

    A shame, because the game really has potential.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has great art and the idea behind the story is unique the issue is the game was short by time you start and get into it the game is about over. I felt like it could have added more after you kick the one character out the game could have been at least 20 plus minutes longer.

    Sex 8/10 short game not much of it
    Art 9/10
    Story 8.5/10 Again needed longer story
    Characters 8.5/10
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Well its obvious minus - shorthess, short time animation, havent real gameplay.

    But it have a great light idea inside it wich one seems a real fresh air in the swamps of incest industry, great scenes, humor, sexy characters that summon not only desire but emotion too - thats line going exactly where we need.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Oh, results first: I'm disappointed, expected better after getting recommendation ^^

    I like the concept of the game/story in general. The graphics are ok (I don't expect much at this front anyway).
    And maybe I would like the game alot if it were longer ... much longer.
    I played it completely in 3 hours (with the different endings). So it IS short.
    Eliza seems to be a nice girl - but she never grows to my heart. The scenes between her and mc were never nearly that funny like in DoDana. And she's not so cute like D from DmD or similar charaters.
    Eliza couldn't be corrupted - she was right from the start a very open minded-person. Nice in rl, but boring for me when it comes to games. So sex with her (or Margo) weren't satisfying since it seems nearly inevitable.
    And as far as I'm concerned there wasn't any taboo to make this game more interesting. Just a very oldschool boy meets girl story, but even with less obstacles for the lovers than on corny Hollywood fluff.

    And all in all the story was ok for a supporting film before the main event, but nothing more.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Really nice concept and well executed. What i like about this game is that it goes straight to the point. Its great for a good fap since is short and has enough scenes to keep you entertained throughout the story. The plot by itself is fine and the characters are likeable, the main heroine is pretty sweet with the MC.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    For starters, the game developer actually finished the game, huge ups for that. The premise is a little farfetched, converting lesbians and all but the execution of the story was linear and was coherent enough to make sense. The art work was pretty good. All in All it was a pretty good game that was playable, had linear plot development, believable characters and the dialog was interesting enough to hold your attention. So compared to some of the games here it was rather good.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is COMPLETED...

    Originally Reviewed on 12/02/2017

    The story, although a bit short, was descent... I liked the choices you needed to make to gain trust and help your roommate have a better life...

    The mini-game with the rapid button pressing was a little unnecessary IMO, but it didn't detract too much... Many different ways to end the story early, so be careful (basically be a bit more respectful to not end too early or save game a lot)... I enjoyed how the story tied up in the end, albeit very quickly... I was very happy for the protagonist and the roommate's ending together (don't want to spoil too much) based on the choices I made...

    I felt like the story might be going somewhere deeper, especially since I enjoyed how the protagonist was helping out his roommate with all her other relationships... But after a few webcam scenes, it ended so abruptly... I felt like the developers didn't want to continue the story, so they wrapped it up super quick to get it over with... IMO, it could have gone deeper or at least continued a bit more before ending it...

    I hope to see more work from the authors, but having an even deeper story, and definitely longer one, would have been great, for this one...
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    ♩♪♫ ŤЦ尺尺ØЛ ♫♪♩

    one of THE BEST ero-games I've played in a LONG TIME. the lesbian tag was a downer for me at the start, but during the journey with my character it changed my view. the surprise ending was top notch. the story was great, the models are great as well (one of the most beautiful lesboes out there, in the game and in reality), RECOMMENDED for all horny sentient beings out there.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    must Play for everyone

    short sexy game. easy gameplay. good Story writing and characters. fapable and good looking model(s). i recommend to save the game a lot or Play with walkthrough (but not realyl needed imo). short game that will give you 1-3 faps.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Benn Swagger

    I want to give 4, but the lack of content and some weirdness kills it. But I can't give 3 too since the story deliver is smooth and good. I can't give 3,5 stars cause it means I'm a pussy. So I give it 3 Stars, but with RECOMMENDED & APPROVED game you should try.

    The problem is, the girl behavior quite odd, in my book. She's gay sure, but doesn't mean she can freely naked in front of straight-roommate, that's just ridiculous. Also she say she's a lesbian, but in fact she's actually bisexual.

    Lesbian doesn't get hard easily by men, let alone Margo who said pure lesbian but when the MC dick touch her ass, she's getting arousal. Another drop point.

    Also, it's short and the girl suddenly IN LOVE with MC just over 25 days and 1 sex + 3 cam session.

    Other than that, are good & smooth. 3 Stars is the legit score for the review.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game and a lot of players will enjoy this one.
    There are 3 paths to take with at least 2 ending in pregnancy.
    Has great sex scenes and 1 path leaves the MC and his wife pregnant with her father loving every min of it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I truly enjoyed this one, and I played a couple of times in order to get the love story ending. I liked all the characters, and it made me smile when i finally got the ending i wanted. If you make another game, i would definitely try it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Story is perfect! Also this game is completly awesome not only by story but renders.. scenes.. damn so HOT so CUTE so.. AWWW .... most interesting game i have played.. so far! (In this category) ... So keep it up guys! make more so awesome games like this! And count me in as Donor for more!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the greatest erotic games I've played, need I say more? Ok, first of all your choices matter a lot so be careful what you choose, secondly the characters are beautiful and have attitude, the writing is good and coherent, sex scenes are extremely hot and well executed with a huge ass buildup it's not like just 'hop in Sam it's your turn!', the fappability is also high for me it reached the max level it can't get better than this, a well deserved full score from me. 5/5
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Hung Gen

    The renders and gifs are good. The story has improved its interaction. The plot of the story didn't really manifest itself clearly until the most recent update. It could use some more tweaking with the interactions between MC and other NPCs.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    my new roommate is a really surprisingly beautiful and heartfelt little game. usually these things are just exploitative power fantasies but the characters here are just a little bit closer to real humans, albeit extremely horny ones. anyway, i really enjoyed this game and will be keeping an eye on its development.x
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Darth Helmet

    This game introduces a different concept based on choice which was intriguing. I love the way the story plays out and how the choices raises or decreases trust. It's simple and this is truly a visual novel. It's a story that allows you to experience it rather than a game with unnecessary choices and annoying dead ends. Give it a try!