VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - My Ordinary Extraordinary Life [Ch.12] [Cheepshot]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly a lot of the negative reviews are going to be due to the terrible renders in the first 2 chapters of the game, which is warranted. I started playing the game initially and had to stop because the renders reminded me of cg porn from the early 2000's lol. However if you can stick it out and make it past chapter 2, the renders improve greatly and become pretty decent all things considered. I can say I'm glad I gave the game a chance. Be warned though that there is what some would consider NTR (There is no jealousy from the MC so technically not NTR) rape for 1 scene that is un-skippable (its part of the story).

    Anyways, The game is actually pretty good, it has a story that is interesting and the scenes make more sense and are better for it. The renders improve enough after chapter 2 that I was able to forgive the previous 2 chapters looking terrible. Not the best game but not the worst either. Definitely give it a chance if the only thing putting you off was the bad renders. On the positive there are a lot of sex scenes! It's a good game if you can give the first 2 chapters a pass on render quality.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Regardless of your opinions on content the biggest issue with this game is the garbage grade renderings. These are heavily pixielated sub 1080p renders and there is little excuse for that. If the game wasn't so hard to look at I might be willing to play for more than a few minutes and actually care about the story and characters.
    From other comments and reviews there is a lot of NTR that doesn't seem to be avoidable. All I can say is look at the tags before downloading.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The story started well and the game got players, but it was ruined by forced NTR and rape. One can almost predict that a pretty big part will abandon the game after this shit. Game Maker is certainly aware of how much shit this brings to his neck. :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    No tag for forced
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    The story was going great, until this update.
    When a dev creates a thread, they put their intended tags in the request for the thread being accepted.
    There was no mention of the above spoiler 2 missing tags, not during the first installment or any of the following installments/updates.
    Now I'm not stupid enough to believe some of the dark content "couldn't" go to the dreaded double missing tags. But I am pretty sure, most of us here, including the dev, would expect those tags either added as required, or at the least a mention in the "changelog". Didn't happen, dev can't be naive enough to not know they'd upset several, if not many, followers of this game.
    Meh, will keep an eye out for the content to become avoidable, or just move onto better quality stories.

    Good luck with the game and no hard feelings.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first, Awesome Game! Very Fapper Friendly! Honestly is that too much to ask for these days! My Ordinary Extraordinary Life happily delivers and checks most of my check boxes. I'll be honest decent story packed with sexy scenes love the death scenes/bad end so Its got me hooked in replayability just see what happens.

    I'm a simpleton I don't like drawn out sorry excuses for games blueballing me just to not deliver the goods unfortunately for some wanting more deeper story plots this one might not be for you. On the other hand those looking for a Smut Game full to the brim with sex My Ordinary Extraordinary Life a fun experience full of sex and eye candy you can happily get your rocks off.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: This review is opinion-based and not a technical review.
    Interesting game with an interesting premise but it is a super simplistic story, pretty much a fuckfest, not bad but far from being good in my opinion, the sex scenes jump around a lot and have barely any life trying to be porn-like, the conversations are shallow, it is an average game in every way, it never pretended to be otherwise so it gets a 3/5 it can be fun if you want a porn-game, not so much if you want something with a good story.

    edit: Also no choices, not really, it is either what the dev wants or a game-over

    edit2: Also I mean Average for a game on this site and for a porn-game, as a visual novel and game I would give it a 1/5

    edit3: Again just to clarify, the game has a good premise and could have a really good story, I just don't personally like the way the story is developed.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, this is a tricky one to review. I left off DLing for a long time because that front page image ... but I also know that there are a bunch of fantastic VNs that I was sceptical about for the longest time for that reason. Always kicking myself afterwards: "you shallow fool!"

    Except in this case the impression really was the correct one. I have seen posters here ad infinitum who are - let's call it somewhat critical of the renders and characters on display. And some who defend them. Personally I find it to be offensively grainy and low-res. Honestly, it looks pretty horrible at times.

    The characters are also very problematic, with Karen by far the worst offender. Her skin looks like that of a senior citizen in some renders and she always looks ... weird, I guess. Liie looks weird too but she's kinda cute in a way, and atleast she could pass for her given age, Demi is ok, Jen is ok, Cleo and Alies friends are ok ... So a number of models are not too bad, unfortunately, they're side characters, we're supposed to fall madly in love with Karen and yeah. Not happening.

    And yet. The story is - so far - pretty good. The dialogue is quite nice, albeit with a lot of spelling errors. The sex scenes are somewhat rushed in their execution and would certainly have benefited from the odd animation or so, but loordy, they are hawt! Well, not all of them, but quite a lot of them. So with all that anal and squirting/peeing and ... other things, I really want to love this game. But I just can't. It's like one star for the graphics, five stars for the sex and three stars for the whole package, as an average.

    If ever a game called out for a remake on a better rig, this is it. And I ususally hate it when a dev interrupts devlopment to go back and redo chapter one etc. But in this case I'm sincerely hoping it happens, because this game deserves to look better than this.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I've been watching this game for awhile now and was really really hoping the dev has gotten a lot better overtime but sadly this hasn't been the case.

    Renders, could do with a lot work on them.

    My biggest complaint in this is that choices don't matter at all and the dev is railroading you down the path he wants instead of making the choices even matter. Recently, dev is giving you two options and one is always leading to a death (game over) scene and the MC gets killed for no reason at all, i.e. through no fault of his own.

    This shouldn't even be called a Visual Novel and is more of a Kinetic Novel with pointless choices.


    Also I don't understand why dev has such a problem with creampies? It seems that every sexual encounter has him always blowing his load out side; either they want to eat his cum or he would cum on their backs.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is ok-ish but it definately does not make up for the horrible 3D renders. i mean where do i even start, it feels like iam looking at pictures rendered on a freaking potato harvested in 1923. Heck, i don't even think an upscaling AI from 2097 would do anything to these poor renders. i can litterally count the pixels in nearly every render. It sucks because i really think the story has some potential. but at the moment i really can't give it more than 1 star because you can barely figure out what you're looking at.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Images are blurry, like they were rendered in 800x600. Maybe if you play on that resolution it wouldn't be a problem for you, but in 1920x1080 it kills my eyes. And text is just awful, like a screenplay for porn movie of the lowest grade.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is bad through and through.
    Graphics are 90ish. Lightning is bad, shading is bad, resolution is made for a pentium1 struggling to put an image on a 16inch screen.
    Every picture looks like its early internet and its eternally caught in "still loading mode".
    The story ... well, there is an intent to make a story. But its so rushed and boyish, as in actually written by a teenager in a lustfilled sexdream haze. No context, no buildups. And the "i think about sex all the time and nothing else" transfered to every single character in the game.
    Instasex for no reason, as the usual trope when the writer shouldnt be writing to begin with. Just watch the first scene... thats the rest of the game, with differenct characters.

    For a (5,0?) game [im thinking there must have been earlier updates as this is an odd number to start with], this is also on top lackluster in actual content... with a HUGE MARGIN. I would barely call this a 0.1 game.
    Its lazy through and through in every single aspect. Graphics, story, length.
    It reeks of a early teenagers workethics, mentality and how sex is thought of.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a good VN. Lots of content, lots of character development and an interesting story.
    Character development
    Renders are clean
    Most of the ladies are sexy
    Some small grammar mistakes
    In the current update, Karen looks like she's old and wrinkled
    Excellent VN so far. There are several things going on at the same time. This adds layers to the experience. You, the MC aren't just set on a linear path to have sex with all the women you come in contact with, and yet you are. If that makes sense. It's a bigger story than just banging chicks. I highly recommend giving this one a play through or more. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to future updates
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Alex Lem

    Fuuuuuck, Cheepshot added Rape and NTR :FacePalm:, this is how quickly you can destroy your game, it's a shame, I really liked this game. Bestiality is completely fucked up, but NTR and rape??? Its too much. This game is absolute garbage
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't know, I remembered it being better. But this update I couldn't play till the end. The writing and renders are the main reason I give 2 stars... The renders seem weird I mean one thing is the older sister, I mean she looks old enough to be the mothers parent. There is no proper consistency in the renders...
    And the writing seems over flourished and empty, there is an idea in the story that could be turned into a great vn but this game doesn't achieve that. I could live with the renders if the exchanges between characters were to become at all relatable...

    My final word would have to be that if the dev wants to tell this story he should start over... There does seem to be ideas that could become something worth while. Good luck anyhow!
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Usually a game with shit story might have good visuals or vice versa so I can at least rate it with 2 stars for that. This game doesn't have anything going for it.

    The renders are among the worst I've seen in any game here, reminding me of grainy pics from the age of 800 x 600 monitors. The story is a jumbled mess which is just a sorry excuse for the protag to stick his magical dick into anything vaguely female moving in his immediate area. And of course every single of those females is perfectly fine with that since they salivate at the thought of said magical dick from the moment they lay eyes on MC.
    As for characterization I've seen inflatable fuck dolls with more personality than the characters in this. The side characters in this have only one personality trait that they all share. A constant, overwhelming desire to jump on MC's divine cock . Other than that, completely blank space.

    Just skip and look for something else.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I have played latest version of the game, and i can really say that this game is very good with interesting and engaging story. And it has quite a collection of hot scenes.
    Only disadvantages of this game is that renders of this game is of very poor quality! but other than that it's very enjoyable.
    So keep up the good work Cheepshot ,,
    I'm looking forwards for new updates....
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great sexy game with an interesting plot, I can't wait to see what happens in the demon world, the girls are all sexy, 9/10 from me.

    Pros: plenty of sex, including Vaginal, anal, blow jobs, hand jobs, even a titjob, watersports, incest, sex with a female Centaur.

    A very interesting and engaging plot.

    Cons: no sex with the younger sister yet.