VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Pleasure [v0.39 Elite] [Tasty Pics]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    First of, I rate this game 4.5! 5 is for perfect games, high quality tittles and this one comes close but not perfect...
    Game looks beautiful, unique filter renders, really nice 90% of the time... Sometimes, lightning is weird, but its a good trade of. Really like the style !!!

    Some girls are more generic then unique or special, but its fine. They look gorgeous, so no complaints :D (yes, bimbo style, but their persona is fine and realistic)
    Day 1, 2 and part of 3 is a benchmark! Wow, literally my top 5 games of all time. So many choices, nice story, not too long script, amazing!!!
    After that, teasing continues to the boiling point, conversations become so long and boring, eventually things go right on track!

    One suggestion to dev/devs if they`re reading this. Take your time, try to maintain choice levels(I know its boring to implement). I don`t mind teasing, so no rush, its just that there could be a way to satisfy our needs with some side characters or whatnot :D
    Don`t waste time on Extra content, its just not that appealing if main character is dreaming, or not present... Not worth it...
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This one's gone through quite a change. The beginning is very cryptic, you pick a lot of choices without clear picture how it will change your path. But once you set on a path there's several updates of less complicated story and the art quality is very nice.

    From too many choices to perhaps too few, this game is far from perfect. Either way, I have enjoyed myself with it lately. Not the most exciting story, but the art quality does make it up for me. Now I mostly wish it didn't force anal scenes but that's hardly a major complaint. It is a common kink, but not for everyone like myself.

    Solid work. I would recommend a walkthrough mod for the early choices.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game could be great but as it is now it is a chore to play. Even if you are using the walkthrough it still is. If you miss a tiny detail the game throws it in your face with big letters like: "You could have gotten scene xyz but you have not enough points".
    And replaying the game every time in search for probably only one missing point sucks.

    Story gets interrupted frequently by "This is the end of this version" messages that have not been removed.
    At one point you even get what looks like a main screen where you have to click a "click here to continue the game" message first.
    Extra content messages followed by extra content scenes that do pretty much nothing for the story (probably my fault for downloading the "elite" version).

    The only two good things about this game ar two major ones. Story and Renders. But that gets overshadowed by the sloppy and unpolished overall presentation and the unforgiving point system.

    If I want to pursue a certain route/girl let me do that but don't punch me in the face for going that route but missing a tiny point somwhere.
    I "play" this to have fun, not to get annoyed.

    So my rating for this version (0.6 elite) is: 2-3 stars
    I would probably rate the non elite version slightly higher because of the reasons mentiond above.

    I have to test it with the walkthrough mod yet but VNs should not need a mod to enjoy them.

    If the shortcomings mentioned above do NOT bother you just adjust the rating for yourself to 5 stars and have fun.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Wooow... Very good screen play. I was wonder, those characters are real. It's really speck about women sexual need, like in the real life. Game is scenes are well organized based on my choice (Manly or Pervert). I really fell in love with Lori and Brab.

    This game not about simply strip and fuck. Erotic and sex content are perfectly fit in the scene (Videos only bit slow). Script is very good. I can see how dev coded.

    My first game is Dusklight Manor and second this one. I was really looking for good 3DCG, romance, good screen play, emotional. This game beat me. I can't find similar game like this. Because, I hate over sex scenes. Suggest me. If you similar like this.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    +Render and animation quality looks pretty good.
    +We have good character developments.
    +Girls/Women looks hot.
    +At first story and plot feels kind of interesting.

    Bad Points
    -After some time story stars feeling pretty boring.
    -DEV makes realy short updates ends in only 30 minute with waiting 2-4 month... Its realy bad point...
    -DEV dont know what to do with animations and sex positions at all... While animations looks decent enough he always add one or two animation to whole scene and always choice worse angles/positions for animate, its o frustating to see that much amazing position/angle as a pictured and see worse one as a animated...

    For The End
    This game started pretty good and at first it was 4-5 star game.... But with time we lost that potencial and its became poor, sadly...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a game that is made with sensitivity and some awsome taste. All the conversations between the characters are very well written and find a almost perfect completion in the graphics.

    Keep on this amzing work! I cannot wait for the next version!
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    Really nice game...
    First of all, renders are absolutely gorgeous, on par with the best out there.. Animations are great as well (although there aren't many of them)
    Story is fine, nothing too crazy, which I like.. And it's compelling enough to keep playing
    Characters are good with some depth.. But I'm not a big fan of Lori tho, too much of a buzz killer but whatever

    Not a huge amount of content so far, but it's pretty nice..
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Definitely not worth the hype.

    It's one of those games that there's very little sex content and your hand cramps up from pressing the left mouse button too fast.

    Renders are its only redeeming quality.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Loving the story-line and the characters that played the part.

    The animations for this visual novel is brilliant & highly detailed too.

    Would I recommend it? Well it's on my "watch list" 10/10

    Nice job to the creators with this awesome creativity.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally had time to play for first time, excellent job. Cant really see anything wrong with it except its not done yet. Renders are good, girls are hot, story is a nice, mostly normal life story with no giant monsters and magical powers.

    The whole flow of the game is like watching a movie production at times with the fade in and out of screens and such, very well done and choices galore, not 100% sure they all matter but they seem to and theres lots of them, i like that.

    Great game just coming into its own, a must play if you havnt yet.

    edit, forgot to mention the extras, not sure what they add, honestly found myself clicking threw them fast. The story can stand alone without them and personally i would take them out and work on more content for the main story
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    3½ out of 5

    Renders are great, story seems good so far, and the characters are interesting. What should have been a 5 star game is deducted 1½ star for one of my pet peeves:

    No 'real' sex in story, all the good stuff happens in dream sequences. I hate hate hate hate it. Any sex or intimacy happening in a dream sequence is too decoupled from the real story and has little to no emotional weight. It is a cheap gimmick to include sexy times in a game with a more narrative focus, but to me it diminishes the entire game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Review based on v0.2:

    Alright, this is quite the interesting game. Beautiful graphics and models, ok story and a good amount of content per update (So far). There is already a few nice erotic scenes which showcases the developers talent quite well, can't wait to see what dev got in store for later.

    However, the story does feel kind of bland and rushed. There are time jumps here and there that just feel off, like there should be content there but there isn't, all in all it just feels uninspired. That does not mean that the game sucks, only that if you are also into a good story then this game is not really for you, but if you can overlook that then check it out, everything else here screams quality.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The best thing about this game is the absolutely amazing graphics. Rendering of the skin is flawless; most other devs make skin that often look like oiled plastic or sofa leather.
    There is also no time wasted to get to the lewd: there are sex scenes everywhere. At the end of each day you also get a scene that is not really related with the rest of the story, but hey, not complaining.
    The main problem is the story: it is very bland and deja-vu, as a result you often skip the dialogues to the next lewd.

    In short, the is for people who don't want to wait to get the sex content and don't care about the story.

    Strong fapping material. ;) :p
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok this game was totally worth checking out!

    I was kind of skeptic when I noticed that it's only v0.2 and I was almost gonna skip it. BUT I'm really glad I didn't because it has a good amount of content for a v0.2.

    Let me start by saying that I loved all the characters in this game. The dev did a great job with the attention to details. I liked how the dev focused a lot on showing all of the characters bodies from different angles and most importantly (for me), he didn't cut out their legs and feet in the renders! A lot of other devs tend to cut half of the legs out in their renders and design, definitely not the case in this game.
    I also liked a lot the head to toes slow scenes (not sure whats the technical term for it), they were great and smooth.

    The renders are great and what I appreciate more about them is the quality. For example the lighting, angles, details and the amount. I thought I would have to go thru a lot of text and very few renders because it is v0.2 after all. But no, it had a very good render:text ratio.

    Now the story MIGHT not be StarWars level, but I enjoyed it because it's interesting and has great potential if it's progressed right. I can tell that it would most probably end up being a fantastic story with many nice buildups.

    Not much to say about the music other than good job dev! The music plays a huge role for me in any game. I always end up skipping a lot of games because of the lack of music. Not in this game tho.

    Animations are also great.

    Overall, this game deserve a 5/5 rating and I can see it becoming fans favorite very fast.

    Good job and keep'em comin' dev.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    sorry, don't usually left bad feedbacks, but this game has extremely perfect graphics. That's why i worry about it. The pb is that the game has very primitive/fjat plot/scenery, permanent freezings with endless crashes - spoil all impression. Such good graphic doesn't deserve such horrible writing and coding works. Sorry, just want You create great, flawless project. The Best Regards,
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising for a first version with well-sketched characters. The graphics and characters are not generic. Perhaps very complex the point system for so few interactions. It would be preferable develop the story better and then make the branches. However it has everything to be a great novel
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Beautiful women and girls in this one. Pretty renders, some animations and a lightweight but believable story so far with a promises of more depth to come.
    It already has some replayability because of the way it scores lust/love with characters and some story divergences if you pick certain options.
    This is one to keep an eye on!

    Edit: v0.28:
    Game has devolved into stretching it out and focussing on trying to introduce newer characters for sake of longevity. Pointsystem doesn't matter anymore past the opening few in-game-days. It looks good, characters are shit now after 3 years of drawn out development!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is full of good old Ren'Py promise. The storyline is not the most far-fetched in the world. The animations are really nice and there seems to be the kind of story-based choice-making that I like personally.
    The game is of course far from finished and what we currently get is pretty much a teaser, but a damn fine one and I for one can't wait for more.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely rate games that is the first release. But really nice renders and the characters personalities are very well made, fun, shy, bitchy, flirty and so on and story is good too so far and the MC gets put into hot and fun situations, lots of different choices that impacts the game and it's animated :)

    Everything is very well made, can't say anything bad at all about it :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The name of the game is very suggestive, what a pleasure to play this game, beautiful women, many sexual fantasies involved, excellent Portuguese translation, exciting from beginning to end ... Being the first version, it brings a lot of content, I'm pleased with everything ... It's been a long time since a game surprised me like that.