
Mar 19, 2020
I apologize for making you guys upset…
Now seriously without shit or anything. Man do you really through that it was a good idea to make a love interest been gangraped in the past and make her like it? For 2 years this game was sold and perceived as a vanilla harem game, you fanbase don't want this kind of stuff happens to the girls. You threatened to rape Eira and Wendy but at least protagonist prevented that but with Elaine you really crossed the line for the sake of cheap drama. Not only a rape sob story for a LI make everyone eyes roll backwards hard but it also doesn't fit at all with Elaine personality. Not only that you double down in it but you also make her like been raped and become a nymphomaniac, like seriously?


Jul 25, 2017
I apologize for making you guys upset…
Not really upset personally as I've enjoyed this game (in the past) but didn't get around to playing the last 4-5 updates, so I missed all the (yawn) 'secretly raped/gangbanged/blackmailed drama'. Now by adding this stuff as 'surprise elements' all you have really done is destroy any trust I had in you as a game developer (and with it any chance of me $upporting you, or advocating that others $upport you).

To be clear, you should absolutely make the game you want to make (even if you are the only one who plays it) and should feel free to ignore me and everyone else who has criticism. You might lose a large number of players (if you haven't already), but that, again is your choice to make.

I do have one suggestion; maybe consider tagging your game and including a list of expected future tags.

While I am sure that you didn't deliberately, 'NOT' tag the game because you knew that a large portion of your potential fanbase would be outraged by 'surprise ntr' (ish). And I am equally sure that you didn't hope to get them on board as supporters before dropping the 'surprises' change in direction and tone. I would advocate for transparency as not everyone will agree with me in believing that you didn't do any of this on purpose.

Basically, be honest with players and potential $upporters, and from there, go nuts and make whatever you want to make. At least that way you know whoever sticks around is fully aware of the kind of ride they are along for.

Best of Luck, I suspect you will need it.


New Member
Jul 30, 2019
I am now reminded why I consistently get burned by the comments section... Last time I click on the alert and read the comments before playing the update, expecting some CGs about Eliane being raped before realizing that all of the dark stuff people are talking about is only told to you as opposed to being shown. Probably would of enjoyed the update more if I just downloaded and played it.


Apr 24, 2021
Lol I must be the only one who ignored Elaine/Wendy so I missed the drama. I don't blame people for hating that crap but I saw it coming on some level because those kind of LIs always surprise you with something unpleasant.
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Mar 19, 2020
A lot of kink shaming here.
Wait! There are people out there who's kinks are poor implemented, ridiculous and overused plot lines and sob stories? If you mean that rape is the kink in question it isn't fetishized in this because it isn't even shown. Even if it where this is NOT the kind of game where the audience of rape kink hangs soooooo I don't see your point.


May 13, 2018
From what i read, i get that vanilla players are mad, that aside. Elaine was the red head who was very open about being a slut right? So doesn't the blackmail background story kinda make sense? (didn't play since Ch.2 Ep.3 Part 1) I'm just asking because i do find blackmail rape/ntr hot, most of the time, but dislike the real serious, sad-boner-inducing ntr. Otherwise i'm gonna wait for while longer.


Sep 19, 2022
From what i read, i get that vanilla players are mad, that aside. Elaine was the red head who was very open about being a slut right? So doesn't the blackmail background story kinda make sense? (didn't play since Ch.2 Ep.3 Part 1) I'm just asking because i do find blackmail rape/ntr hot, most of the time, but dislike the real serious, sad-boner-inducing ntr. Otherwise i'm gonna wait for while longer.
Yes, Elaine is the redhead. She was presented as being a party girl with commitment issues. Which is totally fine - I don't get why devs can't write a girl with a slutty past that doesn't stem from some rape trauma - it's not hard. Girls like to have fun too. Yes, there was a hint at something in her past which leads her to not wanting a commitment and maybe trust issues with men, but there was no hint that she was being used as some guy and his friend's human fleshlight for years on end. She also apparently grew to like it and turned into a nymphomaniac because of it. Its just... not well written and doesn't fit the character and the overall vibe of the story. It's drama for the sake of drama. Why did she let it go on? Why did her family let all of that go on? It doesn't make sense.

As I mentioned before, it does nothing for either the pro- or anti-ntr crowds as it's enough to piss off one, but not entice the other. But keep in mind, this was a vanilla harem game prior to this. Most of the LI's were virgins. It was a very light-hearted tone. The music is bubbly and most of the girls are instantly attracted to you. It had everything that v-harem fans fawn over. 2 full chapters of this, mind you. Over 2 years of development of this style of writing.

There probably won't be any actual ntr (visually, anyways) in the game. I do have my theory about that guy and his friends coming back for her as this is a similar set up from another character we've already seen. I mean, at this point, it's in limbo. I don't think the dev will change anything, as we now have the netorare tag on this, but I also don't think he's going add that content. Who knows. Honestly, can't even guess at this point. So if you're here as an ntr lover, you're probably going to be as disappointed as the vanilla harem fans.

That said, besides Eira gettin' done dirty (another drama arc involving threats of rape on an LI with an incredibly unsatisfying ending), the story was very enjoyable up to this point. It was super chill. I always looked forward to updates.

TLDR: If you liked what you've already played, you'll be that middle ground guy that'll probably still enjoy this.

[edit] I just went back and played it again because I 100% forgot about a scene... he already did show up with his buddies and try to rape her again. He was literally on top of her when MC saves her.
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Oct 25, 2022
Nothing has really happened between Alice and the MC yet, even after coming to town. I'm hoping to see her again soon. :)


Active Member
Mar 21, 2022
Does the mentioned scene with elaine happen if you accept her as LI? (i declined her 2 times (i don´t like those typ of girls) after that she didn´t try it again and was only present in the scene with the orange haired girl and ex boyfriend who forced/blackmailed her to come alone to his house)


Sep 19, 2022
I bet I can look back a couple years and find a post where you say there will be no NTR in game, yet here we are.

What do we expect you to do? I don't expect anything. Ball is in your court. Leave it as-is and move on, change it, do whatever. Its your AVN. People are just reacting to what you've given them after saying that you wouldn't. So, yea, people are upset. They played the game with the assumption there would be no NTR. But that aside... it's just not well written and so overused at this point. You could probably accomplish the same sort of trauma (without the years of rape/gangrape turning her into a nympho) with few, more impactful events (still keep the rape, but make it about how she trusted her friend who ultimately took advantage of her more and more over time which eventually lead to rape. solves the distrust issues with men, which also could explain the commitment issues). We were all on board (if we were at all) knowing she was a party girl as long as it stopped when she started with us. So her slutty background isn't the issue. Rape is just an easy "let's add trauma to this girl's background" trope that doesn't fit a with the character and is a harsh turn in this otherwise fairly light (save for a few lightly dark moments). Also, she threatens to scream rape if the MC doesn't fuck her at one point... all the while being raped by this guy in the background.

So, your apologized. I saw that. But the netorare tag is now on this game for a reason, right? You might say there won't be more, but it's not like we can feign ignorance when more gets added. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice (who else is as old as me and understands that reference?).

Honestly, your game was super chill with an interesting backstory. The last few updates, the character arcs have been... for me, ending Eria's arc with just "oh, she moved overseas" was a huge disappointment, and with how Elaine's background unfolded, it looks that's what we should just be expecting now. I've harped on this enough since yesterday, though, so... you do you. Ultimately, it's your story to tell.
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Game Developer
Nov 7, 2019
I bet I can look back a couple years and find a post where you say there will be no NTR in game, yet here we are.

What do we expect you to do? I don't expect anything. Ball is in your court. Leave it as-is and move on, change it, do whatever. Its your AVN. People are just reacting to what you've given them after saying that you wouldn't. So, yea, people are upset. They played the game with the assumption there would be no NTR. But that aside... it's just not well written and so overused at this point. You could probably accomplish the same sort of trauma (without the years of rape/gangrape turning her into a nympho) with few, more impactful events (still keep the rape, but make it about how she trusted her friend who ultimately took advantage of her more and more over time which eventually lead to rape. solves the distrust issues with men, which also could explain the commitment issues). We were all on board (if we were at all) knowing she was a party girl as long as it stopped when she started with us. So her slutty background isn't the issue. Rape is just an easy "let's add trauma to this girl's background" trope that doesn't fit a with the character and is a harsh turn in this otherwise fairly light (save for a few lightly dark moments). Also, she threatens to scream rape if the MC doesn't fuck her at one point... all the while being raped by this guy in the background.

So, your apologized. I saw that. But the netorare tag is now on this game for a reason, right? You might say there won't be more, but it's not like we can feign ignorance when more gets added. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice (who else is as old as me and understands that reference?).

Honestly, your game was super chill with an interesting backstory. The last few updates, the character arcs have been... for me, ending Eria's arc with just "oh, she moved overseas" was a huge disappointment, and with how Elaine's background unfolded, it looks that's what we should just be expecting now. I've harped on this enough since yesterday, though, so... you do you. Ultimately, it's your story to tell.
Thank you for your suggestion.
I thought it’s fine to have a background of her being raped in the past which made her the way she’s now. Since it doesn’t actually visually show in the game, and her relationship with MC is nothing, but a fuck mate. Therefore, I didn’t count that as NTR, but I guess I was wrong then. As I’ve been reading you guys comments, it’s because she still was forced to have sex with him even after she and MC met, right? So, what if her background is still the same, but she stopped having sex with the guy before meeting MC and the other guys after meeting MC? Would that be counted as NTR as well?

As for Eira’s drama ending, in my perspectives, I think MC should just fix the problem without causing any scenes, because he still has to work for Victor. Believe it or not, I wanted him to slap the bully girl face out of her brain as well, or even killed her and her family. But, that would have just made him a murderer.

As for the NTR tag, I didn’t add it in the first place because the game didn’t have any NTR stories until this update. Not like I didn’t want to warn you all, but as I recall, tags are allowed to be added only if the game has the contents related to the tags at the current stage of the game, not in the future.
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Dec 8, 2020
Thank you for your suggestion.
I thought it’s fine to have a background of her being raped in the past which made her the way she’s now. Since it doesn’t actually visually show in the game, and her relationship with MC is nothing, but a fuck mate. Therefore, I didn’t count that as NTR, but I guess I was wrong then. As I’ve been reading you guys comments, it’s because she still was forced to have sex with him even after she and MC met, right? So, what if her background is still the same, but she stopped having sex with the guy before meeting MC and the other guys after meeting MC? Would that be counted as NTR as well?

As for Eira’s drama ending, in my perspectives, I think MC should just fix the problem without causing any scenes, because he still has to work for Victor. Believe it or not, I wanted him to slap the bully girl face out of her brain as well, or even killed her and her family. But, that would have just made him a murderer.
You do know it would fit more if she was not the one raped but family and her trauma from watching that go on would fit her trouble with relationships and her actions of her threatening to call rape on mc if she see her backstory on someone else and watch from the outside looking in and feels no big deal till it happens to her. Then when they turn to her that can be the part mc stops them. and from that point you have her see the way she acts and can have growth from that point and have a goal for her and mc and no ntr or rape of a li. You can even use the renders you have and just alter the story.

Vax Morale

Dec 26, 2022
Thank you for your suggestion.
I thought it’s fine to have a background of her being raped in the past which made her the way she’s now. Since it doesn’t actually visually show in the game, and her relationship with MC is nothing, but a fuck mate. Therefore, I didn’t count that as NTR, but I guess I was wrong then. As I’ve been reading you guys comments, it’s because she still was forced to have sex with him even after she and MC met, right? So, what if her background is still the same, but she stopped having sex with the guy before meeting MC and the other guys after meeting MC? Would that be counted as NTR as well?

As for Eira’s drama ending, in my perspectives, I think MC should just fix the problem without causing any scenes, because he still has to work for Victor. Believe it or not, I wanted him to slap the bully girl face out of her brain as well, or even killed her and her family. But, that would have just made him a murderer.

As for the NTR tag, I didn’t add it in the first place because the game didn’t have any NTR stories until this update. Not like I didn’t want to warn you all, but as I recall, tags are allowed to be added only if the game has the contents related to the tags at the current stage of the game, not in the future.
The thing is even you change it this will be the third or fourth time rape has been used for drama in this game. It's a bit much at this point tbh.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2020
'My Real Desire' would be for developers to stop using the rape of a love interest as a dramatic device.

Nymphomania can have other causes. Low self-esteem, a recent big breakup, obsessive-compulsive disorder... I'm pretty, pretty sure that the games on this site that excuse nymphomania or promiscuity (whatever you want to call it) with anything other than rape is nil.

But why bother? Clearly the only way to empathize with her is for her to have been gangraped since she was young and because rape plots are dark and adult, right?

Sigh... Despite the latest updates, I still really liked the game. Sorry if I sound offensive, but rape plots really make me quite 'pissed off'. I'm already very, very tired of that. Having so much creative freedom with your work and you decide to fall for the same thing as many others. Yeah, I know I could as well just ignore the game from now on. But this game has been in development for quite some time. It's disappointing when something you like is ruined (for me, personal opinion) with shit like that.


Mar 19, 2020
Thank you for your suggestion.
I thought it’s fine to have a background of her being raped in the past which made her the way she’s now. Since it doesn’t actually visually show in the game, and her relationship with MC is nothing, but a fuck mate. Therefore, I didn’t count that as NTR, but I guess I was wrong then. As I’ve been reading you guys comments, it’s because she still was forced to have sex with him even after she and MC met, right? So, what if her background is still the same, but she stopped having sex with the guy before meeting MC and the other guys after meeting MC? Would that be counted as NTR as well?

As for Eira’s drama ending, in my perspectives, I think MC should just fix the problem without causing any scenes, because he still has to work for Victor. Believe it or not, I wanted him to slap the bully girl face out of her brain as well, or even killed her and her family. But, that would have just made him a murderer.

As for the NTR tag, I didn’t add it in the first place because the game didn’t have any NTR stories until this update. Not like I didn’t want to warn you all, but as I recall, tags are allowed to be added only if the game has the contents related to the tags at the current stage of the game, not in the future.
But you could give it the trauma by other means that isn't another rape trope. You could do what you suggested that and you would get rid of the netorare tag yes but that would not fix the problems of most of the people complaining. Man if you don't see anything wrong with a love interest being raped for years, gangbaned, used as a sex toy and like it enough to become a nymphomaniac because of it and not only that she could have got out of that situation from minute 1 then ufff. Elaine was probably always the less popular character because she came across as a slut but with the last updates she is revealed without question that she IS indeed a slut. So the real good way of restoring some of your credibility is if you would remove the whole rape backstory, create a original and more compelling trauma for her that isn't sexual in nature. Because it seems like rape is you default drama inducer (Wendy and Eira stories).


Game Developer
Nov 7, 2019
Thank you for all of your suggestions. I will overhaul her story in the next update. Hopefully it doesn’t fuck up a save file.

And for her hairstyle, please give her some in-game time to grow it back :cry:
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4.10 star(s) 127 Votes