Max Muscle

Sep 10, 2021
This is Lyk4n's message: "I just want to inform you guys that right now, I'm on vacation with my family. I'm going to go back home next week and continue working on the next update as soon as I arrive home."

Take your time Lyk, you deserve the break :3.


Active Member
Nov 3, 2020
I really like the game I haven't played that far into it just after the talk with your co-worker Yui that you ended up sleeping with after getting drunk. I really wish there was some kind of sex sound effects to go with the sex scenes even just a female voice moaning. I like that it has music but for me, that alone doesn't really set the scene. Also, I really liked the characters and story so far. My favourite girl so far is Krystal. If at some point some kind of good female voicing was added I would really like to continue the game. If it comes up later in the game plz let me know as for now, I will stop playing. Anyway, great game.


Oct 1, 2017
I really like the game I haven't played that far into it just after the talk with your co-worker Yui that you ended up sleeping with after getting drunk. I really wish there was some kind of sex sound effects to go with the sex scenes even just a female voice moaning. I like that it has music but for me, that alone doesn't really set the scene. Also, I really liked the characters and story so far. My favourite girl so far is Krystal. If at some point some kind of good female voicing was added I would really like to continue the game. If it comes up later in the game plz let me know as for now, I will stop playing. Anyway, great game.
If it matters that much, just make your own sounds.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
So, I have to ask. What am I missing with this game? It seems to be quite popular with many devoted fans. I thought I would give it a try based on the very high rating and endless 5 star reviews.

Sure, it is pleasant enough, and the women are cute, but the dialog and pacing seems very off to me.

First of all, the elephant in the room. Why would any of these women be attracted to the MC in any way? He goes about life with a blank expression and is completely indifferent to what is going on around him. Whenever anyone asks him to participate in anything, he responds with "Fine" with complete lack of enthusiasm. And during the activity, he merely sits there with minimal participation and no interest in the people in the room or what is going on around him. Are legions of women secretly lusting after bland, indifferent men, drifting through life with no emotion, no apparent interest in the the women, no hobbies other than occasionally playing computer games, just existing as a man taking space? Who knew it was so easy!

Also, is it just me or is the dialog incredibly wooden and repetitive? Everything is just so superficial. It is all like very bad small talk by actors pretending. "Hello", "Good morning", "I am going to have breakfast", "Are you going to work?", "Yes", "Breakfast was good", "I am going to take a shower". That is it, over and over, the only thing that changes is which character is talking. I've played well into chapter 2 to see if the dialog improved with time, but so far it is all the same. Every character has practically the same dialog with just a few words changed here and there. There is some slight conflict here and there, where the MC has to pretend to be one of the LIs boyfriend to please her parents, or fight off a stalker from another LIs secret webcamming profession, for example, to break the monotony, but these are few and far between. These must be some form of Japanese VN tropes, because I have seen these same plotlines in at least 10 different VNs around here. But none of these events leads to more meaningful dialog with the MC.

And the pacing is crazy. You slowly get to know each woman based on some very superficial interaction, loaning her a pen or catching her if she trips on something, with absolutely no positive interaction by the MC other than the same bland emotionless expression and barely polite small talk, and suddenly the LI asks to go to the MCs room, or invites him into her house, and instantly initiates sex with the MC. Usually before even kissing or holding hands or any romantic gesture whatsoever. I know there are some women that act like this, but this seems totally out of character for most of the women in My Real Desire, and each character acts the same way. Why is every woman in My Real Desire so unbelievably thirsty for the MC after barely meeting him just because he loaned them his pen and said that their dress looks nice?

Once chapter 2 started, I just held control to see if anything else happened, and it just seems that the same sequence of events plays out with a few additional LIs that were missed in chapter 1.

All in all, My Real Desire seems very low-effort in terms of creativity, story, and dialog, and is just like many other harem games around here, but worse. The only thing it has going for it are cute LIs, but what VN doesn't have that?

What I am missing here?
Nov 24, 2019
What I am missing here?
Porn logic, probably.

Real life progress a bit too slowly for movies or games, and only a few moments IRL are memorable. When making a documentary, for example, you pick only these moments and glue them together, skipping content which is obviously infinitely larger than the documentary. A war may last years, a documentary about it will last two hours, skipping a lot of skirmishes and background negotiations. Yet, this content still counts. Using this analogy, the movie could easily make both nations seem to suddenly get weary of the war and willing to make peace - but on the offscreen, there have been rebellions, protests, lots of families crying, starvation, and thousands of bureaucrats running around, trying to keep the nation running even when they lose a city.

There's usually a focus - a central point which dictates which moments goes in and which moments doesn't. In the war movie analogy, you would cut most if not the whole "bureaucrats" part, as well as all fights which did not translate to a significant change to the war. An important meeting which took hours to negotiate cease fire terms, might be reduced to a dozen seconds of screen time.

In case of this game, the focus is "My Real Desire", that is, the protagonist's growth. So there could be moments memorable for the cast which would not help telling this and thus, would not be included (and including them would end up thwarting the focus, making the game look more like a messy random compilation than a story).

The game does what it proposes to do incredibly well. Naturally there'll be moments which will feel a bit unnatural, rushed, or overly... simple - as I said, real life's scale is way off - which you're supposed to fill it under "Acceptable breaks from reality" and carry on. Think a bit - they should take at minimum five minutes from their house to the work (otherwise, you probably would not pick a car or a bus in first place...), but these scenes can be completed in thirty seconds or so.

You eventually get used to the limitations of the media - sometimes willingly, sometimes unknowingly - and start letting these details blur away in background and look at the same direction the dev wanted you to look at. When you manage to do that, you can judge if the dev was able to do what they wanted to do.

And as I said - it does what it proposed itself to do well, hence the many positive reviews.
You probably will too, if you discard all these details under the "acceptable breaks from reality".
But if you should discard these details, that is entirely personal! The developer can easily dismiss the casts' reasoning and leave porn logic to fill this gap, and you have every right to think this is important and should not be left to porn logic.

Which is to say, your review is perfectly valid, but you wanted to know what you're missing, and in my opinion, you're missing the parts which are supposed to be filled by your brain following "porn logic" in background, without causing any noise to the player.

That's my opinion, anyway.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
So, I have to ask. What am I missing with this game? It seems to be quite popular with many devoted fans. I thought I would give it a try based on the very high rating and endless 5 star reviews.

Sure, it is pleasant enough, and the women are cute, but the dialog and pacing seems very off to me.

First of all, the elephant in the room. Why would any of these women be attracted to the MC in any way? He goes about life with a blank expression and is completely indifferent to what is going on around him. Whenever anyone asks him to participate in anything, he responds with "Fine" with complete lack of enthusiasm. And during the activity, he merely sits there with minimal participation and no interest in the people in the room or what is going on around him. Are legions of women secretly lusting after bland, indifferent men, drifting through life with no emotion, no apparent interest in the the women, no hobbies other than occasionally playing computer games, just existing as a man taking space? Who knew it was so easy!

Also, is it just me or is the dialog incredibly wooden and repetitive? Everything is just so superficial. It is all like very bad small talk by actors pretending. "Hello", "Good morning", "I am going to have breakfast", "Are you going to work?", "Yes", "Breakfast was good", "I am going to take a shower". That is it, over and over, the only thing that changes is which character is talking. I've played well into chapter 2 to see if the dialog improved with time, but so far it is all the same. Every character has practically the same dialog with just a few words changed here and there. There is some slight conflict here and there, where the MC has to pretend to be one of the LIs boyfriend to please her parents, or fight off a stalker from another LIs secret webcamming profession, for example, to break the monotony, but these are few and far between. These must be some form of Japanese VN tropes, because I have seen these same plotlines in at least 10 different VNs around here. But none of these events leads to more meaningful dialog with the MC.

And the pacing is crazy. You slowly get to know each woman based on some very superficial interaction, loaning her a pen or catching her if she trips on something, with absolutely no positive interaction by the MC other than the same bland emotionless expression and barely polite small talk, and suddenly the LI asks to go to the MCs room, or invites him into her house, and instantly initiates sex with the MC. Usually before even kissing or holding hands or any romantic gesture whatsoever. I know there are some women that act like this, but this seems totally out of character for most of the women in My Real Desire, and each character acts the same way. Why is every woman in My Real Desire so unbelievably thirsty for the MC after barely meeting him just because he loaned them his pen and said that their dress looks nice?

Once chapter 2 started, I just held control to see if anything else happened, and it just seems that the same sequence of events plays out with a few additional LIs that were missed in chapter 1.

All in all, My Real Desire seems very low-effort in terms of creativity, story, and dialog, and is just like many other harem games around here, but worse. The only thing it has going for it are cute LIs, but what VN doesn't have that?

What I am missing here?
Pretty spot on. Dialogues are meaningless and it's not very believable that the girls got interested in him (in the beginning he even kinda passively rejects them). But heh I've seen worse VN with worst renders because of bad lighting or badly done custom models


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Ok, well my last post was a bit of a "hot take", I realize. Something drew me in to the game again, so I played more of chapter 2, and the story does get a little better. There is more about the MCs background, which is somewhat interesting, and anytime I can see more of Eira and Sally, that is a big plus. I have to admit that the women in this VN are very appealing, and it is pleasant to see how their relationship develops with the MC, even if it is at lightning speed at times, even by VN standards. So, it will keep me playing just for that reason alone.

Which is to say, your review is perfectly valid, but you wanted to know what you're missing, and in my opinion, you're missing the parts which are supposed to be filled by your brain following "porn logic" in background, without causing any noise to the player.
True. I get the logic of these games, the MCs of all the VNs here are always pretty much irresistible to all the women they encounter. Normally I just go with it and enjoy the VN. However, in the case of My Real Desire, the MC is uniquely unappealing to any normal woman with his uninterested demeanor and attitude. In this game, each of the LIs have to practically beg him to show any interest. In one example among many, the MC decides to visit Sally at home since she is out of work, sick. Eira reminds him that he could have called, and says that she is feeling better.

The MC says, "Good... Alright then, I'll leave now."

Eira has to practically beg him to stay, saying, "...Wait. Are you going to just leave like that? Since you are already here, why don't you come in for a bit."

The MC does agree to come in, but has to be prodded to actually visit Sally in her room. Why did he go there in the first place if he wasn't going to visit in person? I understand why he acts disinterested, based on his upbringing, but the fact that all the women seem to thrive on his indifference stretches believeability a lot.

Pretty spot on. Dialogues are meaningless and it's not very believable that the girls got interested in him (in the beginning he even kinda passively rejects them). But heh I've seen worse VN with worst renders because of bad lighting or badly done custom models
This is the main thing. It is a real struggle to get through the dialog. That is my number one critique. At least 75% of the dialog, to me, is meaningless filler. I think the writer should really trim the daily pointless dialog about things like enjoying dinner and taking a shower. I normally think nothing about reading pages and pages of text in VNs, and actually like the more wordy ones, but they have to say something interesting. Compare this to a VN like "One Day at a Time" or "Leap of Faith", both of which have even more lengthy dialog. But every line is important to the story in understanding each character and their motivations.

Anyway, I don't want to be too harsh on My Real Desire. All in all, I enjoy it and find it worth playing, as long as you check your brain at the door about the MCs unlikable personality to pretty much 99% of actual women (women like to think that a potential LI is actually interested in them). I think to be fair, it is probably about 3.5 out of 5. Not actively annoying, tedious, or grindy, and all the LIs are quite likeable, but this VN needs major editing of the dialog, in my opinion.


Dec 8, 2021
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Oof...Now somebody mentioned it was avoidable (Raping). Is it still avoidable if you want to romance that specific character or is it like a minor event that happens and is never brought up again? Assuming you can even try to romance that character. Also, does the MC know what he is doing or is he too drunk to know?


Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2017
Oof...Now somebody mentioned it was avoidable (Raping). Is it still avoidable if you want to romance that specific character or is it like a minor event that happens and is never brought up again? Assuming you can even try to romance that character. Also, does the MC know what he is doing or is he too drunk to know?
he's not the one doing the deed
or at least initiating it
the other party is to blame
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
Oof...Now somebody mentioned it was avoidable (Raping). Is it still avoidable if you want to romance that specific character or is it like a minor event that happens and is never brought up again? Assuming you can even try to romance that character. Also, does the MC know what he is doing or is he too drunk to know?
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In a completely different note, hope you can play this game. Its good. And that rape scene happens really early in the game so when you finally reach that part, you can decide if you want to continue.
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Active Member
Aug 24, 2020
Oof...Now somebody mentioned it was avoidable (Raping). Is it still avoidable if you want to romance that specific character or is it like a minor event that happens and is never brought up again? Assuming you can even try to romance that character. Also, does the MC know what he is doing or is he too drunk to know?
The scene itself is not avoidable, you're coming back from a party with your coworkers, both you and the girl are drunk, you put the girl in her bed and go to yours to sleep, and wake up with her in it. She immediatly thinks you're the one that raped her, but instead she was the one that raped you essentialy, of course she was drunk as fuck and thought she was dreaming. So honestly i wouldn't blame anyone in that situation, and that's what they did in the game, just moved on. Unless you are really against any type of scene like that, i would suggest playing the game for yourself, it's hella good.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2020
Oof...Now somebody mentioned it was avoidable (Raping). Is it still avoidable if you want to romance that specific character or is it like a minor event that happens and is never brought up again? Assuming you can even try to romance that character. Also, does the MC know what he is doing or is he too drunk to know?

Well that scene was at the beginning of the game and it was not avoidable iirc, neither was the mc the one that started it (it is more one could say that the girl rapes him :BootyTime: something like "reverse rape", where they do it to the mc,instead of him doing it) even though they are both drunk and she mistakes him for someone else she has a crush on and think it's a dream.
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