
Active Member
Jul 15, 2018
It's a vore game with some yummy on the side
Except nowhere is the game advertised or described as such, in any official capacity. Vore is listed as one of the fetishes on just about every site the dev put the game up on, but it's just one of several fetishes both advertised and implemented in-game. The "fan signature" gif meant to advertise the game doesn't show vore, and you won't even see a vore animation in-game until you get to the alraune boss (Young Mother). All the enemies up to that point are of the "getting fucked by a creature" variety, so if one had to base expectations on the first minutes of gameplay, you'd think that would be what the game would focus on.

Hell, there's only about seven vore animations in the game while the non-vore content outnumbers it a fair bit. My complaints about vore's presence only arise because of how it's included. I'm sure I'll be sounding like a broken record with this, but with my interest in the game primarily coming from the mention of girl x (dick)girl scenes, and how well-done they were in Pixie Panic Garden, it's personally disappointing that the majority of those scenes in this game are vore.

So ultimately, I think there's a weird disconnect between what the game advertises itself as, what's actually in the game, and what people are expecting out of the game. Then another disconnect between the people who (understandably) like the game for the vore and want to see more of it, and people who like it for the other fetishes/content and maybe just wish they could have alternate animations for the cute girl enemies instead of suddenly getting cock-vored by a minotaur.

Damien Rocks

Active Member
Sep 8, 2018
Except nowhere is the game advertised or described as such, in any official capacity. Vore is listed as one of the fetishes on just about every site the dev put the game up on, but it's just one of several fetishes both advertised and implemented in-game. The "fan signature" gif meant to advertise the game doesn't show vore, and you won't even see a vore animation in-game until you get to the alraune boss (Young Mother). All the enemies up to that point are of the "getting fucked by a creature" variety, so if one had to base expectations on the first minutes of gameplay, you'd think that would be what the game would focus on.

Hell, there's only about seven vore animations in the game while the non-vore content outnumbers it a fair bit. My complaints about vore's presence only arise because of how it's included. I'm sure I'll be sounding like a broken record with this, but with my interest in the game primarily coming from the mention of girl x (dick)girl scenes, and how well-done they were in Pixie Panic Garden, it's personally disappointing that the majority of those scenes in this game are vore.

So ultimately, I think there's a weird disconnect between what the game advertises itself as, what's actually in the game, and what people are expecting out of the game. Then another disconnect between the people who (understandably) like the game for the vore and want to see more of it, and people who like it for the other fetishes/content and maybe just wish they could have alternate animations for the cute girl enemies instead of suddenly getting cock-vored by a minotaur.
... You know what? Good points? You're also frustrated? & there's no frustration quite like sexual frustration because sexual frustration don' STAHP.

That said... There's plenty of fish in the sea, mate.
& the game has yet to be completed.
Personally when I reached that scene I thought it was just gonna be regular futanari on girl action, it went from a 4 to an 11 in the span of 2 frames, & I have my pet peeves, but uh, still, the gameplay's great, this guy knows his stuff, his previous game is amazing, I really missed bomberman, his animation is fluid, there is a decent roster of scenes, plus, the game's not even finished yet, so... in the meantime? You know what?

Wow, lots of complaints for a well done and animated game. You folks just cannot be pleased at all.
^ I'm standing with this guy here.
It really just seems people here are complaining with their belly full.. (& yes, that pun stays)
Perfectionism is the enemy of the "decently good enough".
There are many people here who would wish the game went in what THEY personally believe would be the best direction, but come now! 2 full pages of complaints about it? Really? (especially considering they're not paying for it?)

Have some faith, hope for the best, patience is a virtue, & for the love of all the pornography you have avaliable 2 clicks away, just try to enjoy this treat you're getting for free.
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Aug 24, 2019
is it bad that i want more phases and animations to the earlier bosses, the same way they put all that work into the wolfguy? i'm not the biggest fan of vore and soft vore myself i try to speed through them as it stands i loved the fish man boss and the wolf guy boss. as it stands it's up there with a bunch of other games i used to play
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2021
I was not prepared for the dwarf girl vore wow... one of the best I've seen! The moth is also sweet specially how you see Maya move around after the transformation, but it was a nice surprise with that 3rd enemy it reminds me of the comic books swamp thing and a good animation too, cool update.
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Jul 6, 2017
I used 7zip to pack game, try unpack with winrar or 7zip.

Only this was posted, sorry but I don't have one.
Did just that actually. Not sure what windows problem was though. Well my thoughts of this update are pretty positive. Got some new power up's in the area after the swamp. Flame sword and sword slash. That slash is a boss killer and the flame sword basically lets you jump up and reach just about anywhere. Very handy skill. There was this area with 4 green moving platforms that you have to slide through. That part had me swearing a LOT. As to the new enemies, i like moth girl. Not much else.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2021
Unless it says somewhere in the changelog that the saves have broken, assume yes for this game going forwards. I've been through a number of updates, and not seen any save breaking yet for this game.
Can confirm. I've been copying the userdata folder into new update and it works no problems everytime.


New Member
Oct 20, 2017
Damm the dwarf animation made me go diamond but i got really disappointed that when the best part came(when Maya gets fully swallowed) it's a instakill even with the option of vore resulting in instakill being off.

Could at least make the instakill happen when she gets digested like most of the other vore enemies.
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Damien Rocks

Active Member
Sep 8, 2018
Damm the dwarf animation made me go diamond but i got really disappointed that when the best part came(when Maya gets fully swallowed) it's a instakill even with the option of vore resulting in instakill being off.

Could at least make the instakill happen when she gets digested like most of the other vore enemies.
I feel the same way, maybe that can be easily changed. (if he wants)
(I was hoping she'd go in the other way... or at least some kissing before stuffing her right in)
The moth girl was... a surprising scene... I thought it was gonna be like the MGQ side stories, where she would go inside the thorax abdomen & come back out a moth or as a moth egg, but wew... she was Fairy Fighting orally stuffed full of Moth transformation juice.

& oh! a surprise! giant moss dude vanilla!
heck yeah!

I'm satisfied & then some!


Jun 13, 2018
Damm the dwarf animation made me go diamond but i got really disappointed that when the best part came(when Maya gets fully swallowed) it's a instakill even with the option of vore resulting in instakill being off.

Could at least make the instakill happen when she gets digested like most of the other vore enemies.
I haven't seen it, but I did mention in another post, I would also like for the vore animations to be loopable until death without instant death when you have the fetish option for instant-vore-gameover disabled.

Damien Rocks

Active Member
Sep 8, 2018
I haven't seen it, but I did mention in another post, I would also like for the vore animations to be loopable until death without instant death when you have the fetish option for instant-vore-gameover disabled.
I believe that's what the Gallery'll be for, indeed it would be cool for now, for just this instant but ultimately I would indeed prefer that the gallery items were loopable.

PS: I just noticed, the game over theme, I don't know if this is intentional but the tune seems to be making refference to Maia.

- Mystic ♪
- Mystic knight ♫
- Mystic ♪
- Mystic Mai - a ♬ ♪ ♫

If this was deliberate, then it was very clever
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