Unity - Completed - Mystwood Manor [v1.1.2] [Faerin]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.5.1 Full

    It will be difficult to try to give a review for this game, because there are positives and negatives about it, things that are good and things that are bad. For example, I like to see the way girls are corrupted, at each level reached, there will be a different outfit, but it's also horrible the way this game of you have to grind it, seriously, that makes it pretty exhausting.

    It's a management game, where each task will increase the level of the girls and will have an outfit reward, in which the higher the level they have, the more the clothes will be sexier.
    The girls are beautiful and attractive and the game interface is really good.

    At the beginning of the game there is a selection for which difficulty you want to play, at the moment the difficulty is normal but this is quite worrying. The game has a lot, a lot to grind and this ends up being too exhausting. You have to have a lot of patience and time to play this, luckily I was able to play with status cheats because I couldn't handle playing for a long time. Without it you will have to grind for a long time to earn money and the girls have stamina that every time they work it decreases and it is also necessary to keep the hotel stable, as it is necessary to put the girls to do maintenance functions. Anyway, that's not the bad point, the bad point is that management is a bit... exhausting because you can get cards and these cards give status bonuses but to get those cards you need to grind, so the problem is even in somewhat poorly organized management.

    The game has a very simple story and plot, nothing to make you like or hate. About the dialogues, I didn't find it so attractive, so I didn't care too much.
    Without using cheats it is almost impossible to have fun, the management is good but what made me a little frustrated is that you have to do the tasks at the right time for each character. Not that this is one of the worst things, but you need to increase each girl's work stat until you reach a certain level and then do mission tasks to unlock a reward outfit. Every task includes scene, don't worry. At the moment, there's not much to do, you can't interact with the girls freely, you don't have an interaction with the customers, there are no store options... however over time it is likely that this will be added little by little.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The graphics are really good, as well as the renderings of the female models. About the sexual content, it's good, there are good scenes but the animations are kind of outdated. Not that I'm saying it's bad, it's kind of similar to the previous game, not so bad but not so good either.

    Why I did gave 2 star?
    The game is not bad, because I didn't find it. But on the other hand, you don't feel that freedom, it's just managing the hotel. Of course it's still under development and a lot of things could come up, but something tells me it's going to be monotonous and I hope that doesn't happen. I wish that in the future there are plans to have a harem or something more perverse.
    Anyway, unfortunately I had to give two stars at the time, because I believe in this game and I know it has potential, but due to the grind and a annoying RNG that I couldn't unlock the fucking Yoga.
    I'll be watching and following. I recommend playing with cheats or wait for more updates.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Death Grind = No Fun

    There is no fluff to make the grind even the slightest enjoyable and the tier clothing changes are laughable but not enticing and sexy enough to warrant that amount of clicks.

    This is a huge let down and a step down from the last game even if that one was pretty heavy on the grind too there was at least some progression into it that made it kinda worth it in the end.
    This one is not and i dont think this will change much.
    I'm done with this, as this is just a big waste of time. There is no real strategy gameplay, no story and no sex for hours.

    Auto is always switched off again.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.5.1, maxed/unlocked everything possible
    Still tons of content missing, placeholders everywhere, no interactions with guests except for 1 old dude. Plot is your standard incest mom/sister shtick with harem hire. Dialogue is pretty forgettable, e.g. MC stated to every woman he meets "Wow she's hot", etc. Characters fell completely flat for me, super generic.
    Big props for trying to make actual gameplay though, you can somewhat "manage" the hotel (which is basically draggin+dropping character or their related room 3 times a day). However balance/pacing is pretty terrible. The way that Experience and room cost is implemented results in EXTREME grind. Game is about 10x too grindy; not exaggerating, I literally think that dragging out 1 hour of content/gameplay to 10 hours of mindless, repetitive grind is NOT a positive. Overall 3 because it has minor management, otherwise it would be 2. If dialogue or characters were any interesting I'd recommend it, but they just aren't.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Way too grindy, the game itself is not enjoyable.
    To please your guests you have to grind level your staff to a certain number and answer dumb questions that are repeated 100s of times in one playthrough.
    The UI is fairly intuitive but feels designed to slow you down as most useful info is hidden behind a few clicks.
    The characters are decent, not great.
    The animations are usually pretty bad with a couple of frozen frames between the 1-2 second animations causing it to look strange.

    The scenes feel as typically a fairly poor reward for the amount of grind they require. I recommend you skip this game, especially since it appears as if the grindy part is the main focus of the development since the story and especially the character development is very basic.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really good in almost all departments with one exception and probably the only thing I don’t like about the game, that is the grind. Hopefully, the dev plans to release a story mode as well for the people who are just interested in story and sex and don’t want the grind and hotel managing stuff.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Every month I look forward to this game, I am not much of a management game player, but this one somehow you forget that it is a management game and just enjoy it...I would recommend this game to anyone who asks
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Personally i think it is a solid game with good script, animation, characters and game mechanism however there are few points you may need to consider before try it:
    it is kinda heavy grinding for the hotel management system I mean there are plenty of female characters focus on their jobs however the energy system make the entire game process slower a lot. There is tools and cards system help you however it is still in development which means it won't do much work.
    Definitely try the cheat mod inside since there is no third party mod that disable energy system or unlock gallery to speed it up the process
    Right now there is still not much content, you may wait untile least one girl allow you got "Home Run"
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The characters are ok, but there isn't much of a story at least not yet, it's really grindy. Very little action with the characters and really it would have been better as just a kinetic or linear, not sure the dev has the writing ability for a story at this point but who knows maybe they will surprise us. There are cheats available but they don't really do much. You only get 1 staff member with ability to work in the kitchen and at the front desk at least in the beginning so you have to split her energy bar between the two activities until she tires out and has to take time off and then your guests get upset because nobody is cooking. I think it's poor planning on the dev's part to only have only a single person who can work 2 separate stations also why can't the MC "Manager" step in and help out? Seems to me working in your own business would make more sense than leaving guests with poor service...anyway I honestly feel like 2 stars are being generous but because it has decent artwork is the only reason I gave it that.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game would be better rated, in my opinion if the tutorial part, which is about the entire first hour of gameplay, was cut down to 30 minutes.

    This is getting on my nervs, on tutorial is over, the mtoher leaves tellig you "thats all", and inmediately comes back to feed you more "knowledge".
    ou can not do anything, you can not renovate parts of the hotel that meet the reauirements cause they are locked by the story. But that story fo the first hour is just a fuvcking tutorial with almost no player choice.

    Doesnt help that, being the start of the game there is no lewd at all. There are quite some moments where you see a character appear and you have to watch the full sequence that shows all her body from head to toes. No skipping, so again, no choice, no freedom.

    So, for the first hour, there is no management, only clicking where they tell you and when they allow you, no lewd content, and the few choices that you have for exploring are under development.

    Seriously remove this game, and publish it next year, with a difficulty adjusted for non retarded people,and something to actually do.

    Design is nothing extraordinary, the same type of thicc voluoptuous woman with way too sharpened textures. Even the guests are like that, is just plain and boring.

    Man of the house was actually good, this is going the wrong way so far.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm in love! took a while to get off the ground but there's an interesting premise, the girls are hot and whenever there's some kind of bug or issue it quickly gets sorted by the easily contactable team :)

    Well worth the grinding :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    For those who came here to learn whether they should play this game. I'll try to answer what I loved about it and why it might meet your expectations
    1. Management. Something you can rarely meet in adult games. Done absolutely thoroughly, you really enjoy this process. Tutorial is really good, in 5-10 minutes you feel super relaxed as you understand all the parts of the economy of the game
    2. Girls. All kind of characters there and slow, logic progress with them. That's what I personally value most in adult games.
    3. Mystery. Not my favourite part but at least you have a bigger goal in the game that makes you play and wonder what is there. Still, I have to say that girls falling for you because of some "magic" is not really that appealing to me, although here it does not hinder the satisfaction I get from the game
    4. Progress. Girls and events happen in a timely manner, not falling all on your shoulders right away and revealing all the cards.
    Small note to the dev: Asian girl really got me nervous about my progress as I was not even close to have a needed amount to buy a security office. On one part I got frustrated from guests' things got stolen, on another part it urged me to learn better how to earn money faster. So I don't really know how to treat this situation but for other players it could be hard mentally
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    [v0.4.4 full]
    This game looks gorgeous, not just the women, but also the interface and other artwork, and technically it works okay, except that it crashed to desktop when I wanted to see if I could check on a guest, that I should be able to considering the in-game walkthrough suggests it! GRRRR.

    I played 35 in-game days or so and I have a few emerging issues with this game:

    1. The MC says 'back to work' a lot, but he himself does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that looks like actual work. Doesn't work reception or whatever, these kind of managers are the worst! Slot him in as accountant or something at the very least
    2. The MC has ZERO people skills (kinda important when it comes to managing an upper class hotel maybe?) and talks to his 'staff' like a 12 year old schoolboy who just discovered boobs...weak sauce right there.
    3. The time spend waiting for repeating animations (like the clockwork at the top of the screen) is not long but it adds up. (even with skip) Talk about grinding gears....
    4. For all the talk of 'debts' in the beginning of the game, do I ever have to start paying it off? or do I just keep getting all the revenue for myself?
    5. The management/planning portion of the game is nice and all, but the fact that you need that build-in walk through just to figure out where the (few) interactions are that are in there to level up your girls: that is just a complete farce when it comes to 'game-play'; You made a porn-game into the variant of an IKEA manual.

    There is a lot of promise here and the detailing looks good but that is it. Too much mini-game grind, not enough sexy times...and the fact that you need the built-in walkthrought to get to the sexy times...that is basically the same poor design as the last game.
    I will gladly try this again when the story mode gets added, but for now a hard pass.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I expected a basic renpy romp. But this is actually a great management game, will appeal to you if you like strategizing and building up your empire/manor.

    It's sexy enough to keep you going when management gets to be repetetive. Great blend of elements create a suprisingly high quality product, and very playable even though it's heavily in development still. I recommend it!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphics are superb and the ladies are gorgeous. I am hooked and can't wait to see where the story goes.

    The gameplay is unique and just challenging enough to be entertaining. I made the mistake of deleting my game and had to replay to get to the newer content and I found the game to be a little bit of a grind the second time through. However, I still very much enjoyed revisiting the story and perving on those beautiful girls.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    hi guys this is my review for 0.4.3 verison

    i played and end " man of the house " game
    that was very good game
    and i recently play this game
    and i can say this game is a big magic

    - game play system is sooo good
    - i think this game is the one of the bestest game ever in character art and model , every character you see in this game is soo good and soo realistic
    - music is good
    - story is good
    - all scenes is good
    - back ground designs is soo good
    - characters names and acts is soo good
    - ui art and design is sooo good
    - design of hotel map is so good
    - every thing in this game is match together and this is a nice pack

    - city map is good but it can be so better and be 3d map
    - guests dont have any scenes yet :(
    - i wish all guests in this game was womens

    guys i realy want this game be soo biger than " man of the house "
    i realy want this game be develope at least for 2 year and have more scenes

    i absloutly rate this game 5/5 , i cant rate 4 for few problem and i think that problems is not a big deal

    thanks for reading this review :)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally an actual game with active engagement that isn't clicking through images. Also animations where they matter the most, if you know what i mean... Also watching the development it seems pretty leveled across all characters, probably the best neural approach.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Not going to lie, when i first started this game, i just wanted to see some milf/incest story and action, but as the game showed me its mechanics and features, I actually enjoyed playing the game part itself and wasn't even disappointed that there wasn't much content. Games like this are hidden gems and are so underrated because it's different, it's not your typical rush the story and straight to the H scenes. This is a very thought out game and I gotta give props to the creator for their hard work, truly incredible.

    To summarize this game, it's a fun hotel management game that rewards you with a unique and hot story. The management part of the game is incredibly well done and honestly can be a game on it's own, but I love how everything is meshed together. The game doesn't waste your time forcing you to do tedious things just to advance a scene, there's a progress menu that hints at what you need to do next and they're really simple tasks. The character models are absolutely stunning, very unique and diverse, and is beautifully rendered. As far as content goes, the H scenes are top notch/perfection because the animation is out of this world. The story is still early in development but the foundations are all there, it's leaning towards a mystery/thriller. Overall, this is what a game should be, 5 stars across the board!

    Art: 5/5
    Characters: 5/5
    Story: 5/5
    Progression: 5/5
    Content: 5/5
    Enjoyment: 5/5
    Total: 5/5
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent! even if I can´t kepp the saved games from one update to the other. Gladly playing from the start. that's why I tend to wait an play two or three updates since the last one I played.
    Other than that, awesome!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    All I can say is amazing! Love the "grind" of this game. Great plot to it and you really get into it with how much effort and time is needed to progress. The only thing I would mention as a chance at improvement is currently I felt a little robbed and disappointed that I worked so hard and got that really hot kitchen scene but was left hanging by the lack of a finale aka cumshot. I know thats not for everyone and its my personal opinion but would have loved a few screens of the ending. Even just seeing her cheeks fill or a facial would be the best. Keep up the great work and can't wait to see how it progresses!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Immersive game play, realistic artwork and exciting character progression. You always feel like you are making progress which adds to the game's addictiveness. The management aspect has been well thought out. Its easy to navigate and challenges you to make the right choices at the right time.