The game is very good.
I only disliked 2 things about the game:
1. When you find out that the MC's mom was slutting around. Like for example when MC and Ester go through old photos and you find an image where MC's mom sucking off a male stripper ... Thankfully the mom is not in the game.
2.The horrible lag in the animations. Most of the early animations have an atrocious lag. The lag was so bad that its not fappable at all. It would have been better if they were still images. But thankfully later on in the game, the animations are very smooth.
Aside from this, the game is amazing.
Tho I have to say, the old omments here do NOT match whats in the current game when it comes Velle. Some of the old comments here say that she fucks omeone in the room when you ask for her.... This does not happen in the game. Velle does not sleep with anyone aside from the Main Character. When you ask for Velle in the strip club, they will tell you that "She does not work tonight" and thats it.
The main cast of girls are pretty amazing. I did not go for many of the side girls, since i did not like how they looked or what they did. So far the beach girls Anastasia were my favourite. Also they had very clean animations in the scenes.
I still have a few more levels and events tho.
1. Velle probably has the best progress in the game.
At first she is just a wild whore. Always talking about how she wants to fuck handsome studs and hot chicks. She also abuses her power for some perverted stuff , makes you go to the beach and fondle her to make some other guy jealous etc ...
BUT as you progress with her, you will notice a very subtle change in her behaviour (you might not notice it if you focus on her). Around level 10, she will stop talking about fucking and looking for handsome guys and hot girls. She will start to have a different attitude towards the Main Character. She will be more nice and less pushy. At around level 20 she will actually start to ask for your permission for perverted stuff. For example in the club she asks you if its ok for her to show her new tits to the female characters there, But then you can say "I actually do mind" and she will respect it and not show them.
A very nice touch by the dev.
She goes from some wild hoe to a loyal waifu as you progress with her. Now if she just stops with the strip club, then she would be the best waifu.
2. Nafari is also incredible. I dont know how to describe it but Nafari has the same "whore aura" as Velle, but in a more mysterious way. You never know what to expect from her. One moment its all science and normal talk, then it suddenly takes a super perverted turn lol. And she knows whats she is doing because their is always a smirk on her face. But at least she does not fuck around with others. Honestly she is probably my favourite.
3. Naihra is probably the go to waifu for most of us

SUper sweet, super cute and she is also mature. Tho she is kinda clumsy.
4. Fenora is probably the worst in my opinion. But thats just me. I feel like she is just a kid with big tits. Tho she has some nice moments, I did not like her very much.
5.Esther is the milf here. A retired hoe

, you how her "wild youth" along with MC's mother
It was nice how casually she escalates stuff. Honestly her moments were pretty fun. It feels like she is an airhead bimbo that you take advantage of, but actually I feel like she knows what she is doing. Also a nice touch by the dev.
All in all, the main cast are amazing. Very different personalities, but none of them are actually rude bitches.
Tho I dont understand something. Like what does strength do ? You go to the gym to increasethe stat, but its never used lol, at least I have not noticed its use.
Another amazing thing about the game is how you can prevent "uncomfortable" scenes/events. Like you get the option "Stop event" in red text. This can be used for example with the bdsm/female domination scene with Velle , you can tell her to stop and untie you, which I did. Or anything similar like that that goes a bit far for you and your tastes.
Sadly you can NOT stop the Nude Modeling/exhibitionist stuff with Esther. Im personally not into such things.
The only good thing here is that there are no other male characters there.
Even tho I dislike some stuff in the game, I still enjoyed the game and cant wait for more. Gonna support it but hopefuly we get the new update next month.
I just hope the old sex scenes get reworked, because they lag is way too much to be enjoyed.