It's still early in the data collection, but there's a shockingly large number of people who answered "0" to that "sex importance" question!
Well, I'm not totally surprise by this result,
for your game.
I mean, sex isn't the focus of Mythos, it's more of an "add-on". The focus was always the story.
I think people that just want to fap on some lewd scenes have stop following your game a long time ago now. So it's left player who enjoyed it for the story, the lore, the humor... in brief for the writing.
Now, with my 3 for this question, I look like a total dirty pervert
In fact, as I have already written, I don't necessarily want more sex scenes. But I would enjoyed more little displays of affection here and there. Not necessarily a long candlelit dinner scene. But you know, just some tender kisses, a simple "I love you" from time to time, some hugs and cuddles, even (f#ck, I'm about to transform in a
Joshy92 ) some hand-holding.
I can't explain why, I find totally boring romantic straight scenes/stories, but enjoyed them a lot when it's between 2 women.
I'm arguably just the stereotype of the straight male who fantasizes about lesbians. But what can I said, I'm probably just a big fat pervert, I'll go with 3/10 on the sex question after all