Hi, there!
Not quite sure what you mean, here; there are some conversations where you can only pick one option, because picking more than one wouldn't make sense (like you can't accept and reject a girl at the same time). There's also a few where you're allowed to pick all the options, but the order you pick them in matters. If you want to see every result from every conversation choice, I haven't disabled rollback so you can undo your choice and pick another option if you like. Just use the mouse wheel to scroll back (not sure how to do this on Android, sorry).
As for "keep it in novel mode", this part is what's confusing me. In visual novels, the only "game" part is picking conversation options. If you can pick all the choices each time, that's actually the same as if you gave no choice at all; you're still reading the same text, you just have more mouse clicks to do so.
Off the top of my head, I can't think of very many visual novels that let you pick every option before moving on, so I'm curious about which games do and how they handle it, in terms of story progression.