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After careful study here at the Lawrence Talbot library at Oxford, and consulting with the Chair of Calidum Lupinotuum Virgo studies we have come to the conclusion that this is a classic case of "Werewolf Denial Syndrome". This syndrome is most common among Vampires, Artists who hate drawing hair, and Authors who have had a traumatic experience with asshole gamers. Vampires are especially prone to this syndrome due to inferiority complexes surrounding their relationships with Werewolves. Vampire society has spent a great deal of money to make vampires appear dashing, urbane and sophisticated and werewolves to be nasty vicious brutes. Much of this stems from the fact that werewolves have existed far longer than vampires. Werewolves stretch back to the dawn of man whereas vampires can only be traced to Elizabeth Bathory who caused its inception through the blending of 614 different DNA strands by accidently being struck by lightning on a stormy night in the bath. Being more peaceful and family oriented it has been easier for werewolves to lead normal "human" lives. Vampire authors have even been known to use wolf imagery in their works so as do have a pulpit from which to declare that werewolves don't exist. If an individual "polymorphs" into a wolf, and only a wolf - they are a werewolf! If they were a true polymorph, they could transform into anything. The werewolf myths surrounding the full moon and silver bullets are just that - myths. What better night of the cycle to run free in the woods than the full moon? You can see what you're doing! Many humans get "crazy" and party on full moons. As to silver bullets, well I imagine pretty much anyone would die being shot with a silver bullet; wouldn't you?

Just like vampires and stakes - a stake through the heart or beheading will pretty much take care of anything up to and including a Tyrannosaurus Rex!.
The more strident the cry, the more desperate the individual. Werewolf persecution must end! Especially of the lovely and desirable Tara!
Free Tara! Free Tara! Free Tara! Free Tara! Free Tara! Free Tara! Free Tara! Free Tara! Free Tara! Free Tara! Free Tara!