Bestiality also falls into a similarly disgusting fetish in the real world, but there's not a giant bitch fest over that fetish on this site.
Now I personally am not a fan of the more extreme loli fetish stuff (petite bodies are fine IMO, but fictional very young characters are a no for me), but I also understand that drawings have literally nothing to do with real crimes. The only way it could be an issue (IMO) is if it's realistic art based on a specific underage person (an artist called Shadman got hit with this by drawing Ellie from The Last of Us when the game first came out). But an anime character that in no way resembles a real person isn't a problem, because they aren't real. Seriously, I find people that can't make that distinction far more disturbing, especially if they can for other content.
Then there's the fact that claiming someone liking loli characters is a pedophile waters down the term. It means that by accusing people of being pedos for liking a drawing, an actual child abuser can claim "it's just drawings" and not get looked at as hard. Hell, the FBI has stated many MANY times to stop reporting drawings as **, because it's not illegal and wastes their time by having to sift through the shit reports for real crimes.
Last thing, nearly ever person who calls out lolis doesn't have issues with other underage characters, as long as they "look old enough". Take a look at any of the keyboard warriors on twitter raging against lolis, and then look at their public twitter likes. Odds are they'll have plenty of underage characters in their likes, they just don't have the loli body type.
Regardless, I'm only leaving this one comment, since this is just off topic and begging for a restarted flame war.