I planned to take a rest today, but decided to check on the stuff I made a sidenote to check later.
Found that I had many instances in which I translated 魔物使い as monster user instead of monster tamer. The literal translation is monster user, but I feel that monster tamer is the correct translation in this case.
What I actually wanted to do was to decide if I translate ハッピーザン as Harpy-zan, happi-zan, or happizan. I ended up deciding for Happizan since this monster is not a harpy, but a demi-birdwoman (not a birdman, not a bird, not a human).
Other thing I wanted to check un was the tentacle clothing monster. I initially left them as Shock Bra, Shock Shorts and Shock Vibern, but I changed them to Tenta Bra, Tenta Shorts and Tenta Vibern. The reason behind it is that Tentacle is pronounced as Shoku and those monsters name starts with shoku so I was having some issues about how to translate them, but I decided to leave them as the Tenta series since not many people know how tentacle are pronounced in Japanese.
I also had an issue about some wordplay with tsukomi and insertion, but I ended up making a new wordplay with a similar meaning because it was hard to keep the joke with a literal translation (tsukonde is plunge, tsukomi is a retort in a slapstick comedy and both use the same kanji so you can kinda guess what the joke was about). It's not a crucial part and just some 1 second phrase that you will probably skip so it was only a great issue for me.
I also translated two more birthing texts which are the ones that unlocks the seedbeds that I was translating the other day so this one was kinda important.
I will definitely take a rest from this hobby tomorrow and do the work I am supposed to do in real life. Procrastinating is one of my bad habits.