The bitch of the problem is the question whether Nagoo can afford to put animating on hold (assuming this is a side gig and not main source of income), to divert that attention to whatever health problems arose, if any, along with that "normal IRL job" thing (clearly - bills STILL refuse to pay themselves, cheeky bastards). The goal should be to reduce the load, not bruteforce through. Look at it this way: if you struggle to do some things when you are fit as a fiddle, how likely are you to get better at doing those exact same things when your health is severely compromised? As the saying goes: this is a marathon, not a sprint.
I hope not, because I fail to see how that announcement would accomplish anything but fuel all that nagging and moaning. Then again, filtering that "noise" out is like any other skill: takes daily practice to stay in shape. And the sensible part of the userbase is, well, sensible.
I would say "survival bias": some creators just never draw attention to it - or never mention it at all. Some get through, some do not. Plus, of course, Patreon is one of the biggest platforms - hardly makes it the "only" platform to have that issue, it probably is as simple as "the one you hear most often about".