dude, the problem is not knowing or not, it's about learning, and not trying to be a smartass.Also, very true even though I read a lot. I don't pretend I go back to the dinosaur ages or try to freshen up on "old school" slang because it doesn't interest me. If I have to look up slang that's nearly older than my mom I question why a fucking dino is debating or upset at me when they're supposed to know I'm young and stupid- moving on with their productive life that somehow includes jacking off to characters that are way younger then them.
how could you assume, first thing, anyone would censor themselves here, of all places ? and manage to throw a retarded judgement with it along the way.
and there you keep going, you were wrong, it's no big deal, but stop blaming the weather about your actions. work on that.
don't worry I'm not angry, maybe slightly annoyed but next time you say random shit meaning no harm and a retard comes up spitting shit because they don't know better you'll understand.