There's a few things I've noticed in my playing this that I have some thoughts on.
First, I'd really appreciate pictures or descriptions of face phenotypes more than just "male 1," "female 3," etc. Randomized faces tend to look good, but when manually tweaking it's hard to figure out what the phenotype changes are doing and in what direction.
It's been mentioned that stats have been depreciated, so I don't know if it'll still matter once the new build gets here, but I find that the stats system is too opaque. The only way I have to know what one point in a stat does is to try a fight with it allocated differently; similarly, since all the stats start in the middle, I didn't tinker with them too much until I saw randomly generated characters focusing on single stats and dumping others.
Third, I've wanted to restrict my move options to the ones the AI will pick from, but if I do turn on the restriction it gives me a different set than I manually made. Is that intentional, and if so, is there a way to switch it? There's too many options without the restriction that I'll never want to use, but with it on I'm missing ones I will want to use.
And finally, is there a way to autostruggle without having the AI decide on moves? I'm on keyboard, so mashing is often uncomfortable, and it's not something I enjoy focusing on.