4.10 star(s) 18 Votes


May 23, 2020
Does anyone have a complete save of Kunoichi trainer? I want to see the protagonist's dialogue transformed into Hinata while he talks to Naruto, I only managed to get to the part where he gives Naruto a handjob and then I can't do it anymore.

PT/BR: alguém tem save completo de Kunoichi trainer? quero ver o dialogo do protagonista transformado em hinata enquanto ele fala com o naruto, só consegui chegar até a parte que ele da uma punheta para o Naruto e depois nao consigo mais.

Dazai Suya

Jul 29, 2019
I have a question, NTR option happens anyways and we refuse to see it in this?
Like "would you like to see NTR"

I tap "No" so I won't see what happens behind the MC?


Sep 19, 2017
Hi, I have a quick question, what do I miss out on if I don't have patreon code? is it just some outfits or are there scenes locked behind the code?


Sep 19, 2017
Hi, I'm having some trouble with the aphrodisiac in hinata's story, I already completed Tenten's story, got her back to her shop, and since, I can't find Shady anywhere anymore, he's not at Ichiraku anymore, nor at Tenten's shop, I checked several days in a row, during the evening and day (you never know :p) but he won't appear anywhere :/ and I tried manually adding the aphrodisiac via the nightstand cheat, but it's just causing my game to freeze, so I can't use that either... So either completing Tenten's storyline cause him to disappear from the game, or he moved somewhere unknown to me :/ Anyone know how to solve that problem?
Thanks :)
PS : I have a similar issue with the event at the lake with Temari, I completed Tenten's kidnapping and Temari's storyline in jail first, and now I can't get the trigger for the lake event, or find the location on the map for that matter.
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Apr 15, 2019
Anyone know what to do? After I talk to her I can't go into any other spots and I can't leave the hot springs.


Game Developer
Aug 18, 2017
Hi, I'm having some trouble with the aphrodisiac in hinata's story, I already completed Tenten's story, got her back to her shop, and since, I can't find Shady anywhere anymore, he's not at Ichiraku anymore, nor at Tenten's shop, I checked several days in a row, during the evening and day (you never know :p) but he won't appear anywhere :/ and I tried manually adding the aphrodisiac via the nightstand cheat, but it's just causing my game to freeze, so I can't use that either... So either completing Tenten's storyline cause him to disappear from the game, or he moved somewhere unknown to me :/ Anyone know how to solve that problem?
Thanks :)
PS : I have a similar issue with the event at the lake with Temari, I completed Tenten's kidnapping and Temari's storyline in jail first, and now I can't get the trigger for the lake event, or find the location on the map for that matter.
It's a bug. Will be fixed in the next update
4.10 star(s) 18 Votes