
Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I mean .. in this case its really not she who's to blame lets be honest.

The MC turned her into a vampire but instead of overwatching her turning proccess, he thought its smart to just go to sleep and not worry about anything lol, he's just kind of an dumb idiot sometimes.

Like dude, just stay awake if you turn someone into a vampire and make sure she doesnt harm innocents in the procces, even when youre playing a MC without care or morals for innocents it should still be in his interrest to prevent anything which could traumatize Eliza (like killing a innocent woman ...).

Yeah, and if you really want to judge from a morality perspective, the mc is a monster too anyway.
Honestly, I think they're both to blame, though the MC bears the bigger share. They both knew that becoming a vampire would cause Eliza to thirst for blood and have difficulty controlling her emotions. An innocent winding up dead by the newly vampirized Eliza is not exactly a surprise. It's like killing someone if you drive after a heavy night of drinking: sure, the alcohol itself is responsible for your poor reflexes and bad judgement, but you're still the person who decided to get drunk while far from home.

The MC takes it the extra mile though, as he blew off his responsibility to be Eliza's "designated driver" and then decided to sweep the whole thing under the rug rather than accept the slightest hint of consequences for his gross incompetence. Lovely.

Overall, this was not a good update. I'm not fond of fridging the poor barmaid just to give Eliza some edgy angst, and the notion that everything will be fine once she gets some practice feeding on people is laughable. There's really no distinction between the Light and Dark paths at this point: both are perfectly happy placing others at risk for his own convenience. I don't understand how the MC can just waltz into Taron's prison when he's obviously still using the place. Onyx was about the least interesting take on a symbiote I've ever seen: she's wicked powerful and down for whatever and who cares because sexy, right? Blech.

I'm not really interested in seeing what happens next.

People seem to forget the MC also has a route where he is a sadistic killer.

One choice has him murder an innocent just to get back at another person. That wasn't him "losing control" that was him making a point which is far worse than a brief loss of all reason.
The more relevant point is that the developer seems to have forgotten there was a route where the MC didn't kill an innocent just to satisfy his own whims.
Dec 29, 2018
I'm seeing a few comments in here trying to absolve Eliza of any wrongdoing by placing the blame solely on the MC, but that isn't fair. She's just as guilty as he is. She chose to become a vampire of her own volition. She wasn't forced or tricked into it. She drank from the chalice as fast as she could without doing any research about it, or even waiting to think it over for a few days. She was reckless and irresponsible, and an innocent woman died because of it.

All three of them rushed into this without any sort of a plan for the future, and all three of them should feel remorse for what they have done, and be worried about how much worse it will get. And yet, none of them care about this poor woman at all who died because of their carelessness. Eliza briefly started to spiral into self-loathing, but that was quickly cured with a rooftop hug.

Eliza should be demanding that they lock her up until she can control her urges, but instead she's happily learning to use her new powers, well... right up until she tries to kill her boyfriend because she can't control her urges. But that's okay because he's strong enough to stop her and gives her another hug, which as we saw before is all it takes to convince her that everything is fine.

Everything is not fine. It's totally fucked up. They head back into town to find Dalen, who is researching vampires. He says he's only found bits and pieces so far, and "until we get more information we have to be careful with how we deal with the situation." A little bit late on that one, eh?

"Better late than never" seems to be their approach to research here, but they should've gone with "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". This whole situation should've been handled with care and caution. Instead, the main cast all turned into brainless incompetent dipshits who created a disaster for no reason at all. There was no need to use the chalice the day they got back.

They should've done their research over a few days before making the big decision, find a source of blood for Eliza to feed off of for the first few days, and then if that wasn't good enough for her, well... at least they tried something. I would've been more sympathetic to them if they tried and failed instead of not trying at all.

This very poorly written part of the game does a lot of damage to the characters, and the story as a whole. It's even worse than the previous story arc about Kira (the pirate who looks and acts like a WVM character), because at least Kira was unimportant enough that we could fast forward through her scenes without missing anything of value. Drinking from the chalice is a huge change to the story, so it can't be glossed over.


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
Some of you should really do some biblical lore to find out that angels, are very definitely not the good guys.
Yeah, they're essentially "living" weapons that usually unquestionably follow orders (there was one pretty notable exception). They (usually) don't have emotions, or morals. If God says "Kill that baby", they will.
Remind anyone of anything?

Ironically, being a Nephilim means being less of a dick by virtue of that half part, even if they decide to actually be "evil".

Anyway, that aside, I don't care much that Best Girl is a vampire now. Sure, she drained the barmaid, but she's also probably into play biting now, so it offsets. I was fully prepared to have my MC nuke Booty Bay or whatever the pirate place was called and kill literally everyone there to get the chalice back if I had to, so one accidental feeding death isn't going to phase me.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
I'm seeing a few comments in here trying to absolve Eliza of any wrongdoing by placing the blame solely on the MC, but that isn't fair. She's just as guilty as he is. She chose to become a vampire of her own volition. She wasn't forced or tricked into it. She drank from the chalice as fast as she could without doing any research about it, or even waiting to think it over for a few days. She was reckless and irresponsible, and an innocent woman died because of it.

All three of them rushed into this without any sort of a plan for the future, and all three of them should feel remorse for what they have done, and be worried about how much worse it will get. And yet, none of them care about this poor woman at all who died because of their carelessness. Eliza briefly started to spiral into self-loathing, but that was quickly cured with a rooftop hug.

Eliza should be demanding that they lock her up until she can control her urges, but instead she's happily learning to use her new powers, well... right up until she tries to kill her boyfriend because she can't control her urges. But that's okay because he's strong enough to stop her and gives her another hug, which as we saw before is all it takes to convince her that everything is fine.

Everything is not fine. It's totally fucked up. They head back into town to find Dalen, who is researching vampires. He says he's only found bits and pieces so far, and "until we get more information we have to be careful with how we deal with the situation." A little bit late on that one, eh?

"Better late than never" seems to be their approach to research here, but they should've gone with "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". This whole situation should've been handled with care and caution. Instead, the main cast all turned into brainless incompetent dipshits who created a disaster for no reason at all. There was no need to use the chalice the day they got back.

They should've done their research over a few days before making the big decision, find a source of blood for Eliza to feed off of for the first few days, and then if that wasn't good enough for her, well... at least they tried something. I would've been more sympathetic to them if they tried and failed instead of not trying at all.

This very poorly written part of the game does a lot of damage to the characters, and the story as a whole. It's even worse than the previous story arc about Kira (the pirate who looks and acts like a WVM character), because at least Kira was unimportant enough that we could fast forward through her scenes without missing anything of value. Drinking from the chalice is a huge change to the story, so it can't be glossed over.
damn such a good post most some of these things I didn't consider tbh. Still doesn't change anything about my overall opinion of Eliza or the game for me personally, but damn it does really show and makes you think the dev just rushed to get the vamprie arc started instead of taking the time and care that should have been done.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
I'm not too terribly worried about the story after the vampire change other than maybe the writing for the MC at the start was off.

Not exactly sure why they wouldn't watch over her during the change. Sure, he can be morally grey most of the time but I don't think he'd be that nonchalant about the fact his supposed lover/friend is about to turn in to a blood hungry vampire. Not exactly something you'd want announced to the world by having her seen draining someone. Logically he'd be a bit more on alert with that.

Same thing kinda happened with the writing when you kill the sister and then just...leave the continent. Naaaah, your paralyzed GF is totes fine from a revenge kill. lol


Sep 19, 2022
Because he is half angel and angels are psychopaths.
I feel like we're missing a story there. She was swooning on him at the start. There has to be more to it than that. But she better get over it quick - I am not a patient man.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
She killed an innocent woman. This woman was a living and feeling person. She had a family. She had friends. Eliza is a killer now. She has to go. But the real asshole is MC who forced her to do it. There's no good path. Only the evil dark path. MC is not a good being. What kind of asshole forces a loved one to turn into a monster just because she can't walk? I'm rooting for Taron. MC is the baddie.
Yeah because the MC totally "forced" her....
2024-01-26 21_24_17-Nephilim.png
2024-01-26 21_24_49-Nephilim.png
2024-01-26 21_25_28-Nephilim.png

Your anti-story brigade is kinda pathetic btw. I think her CHOICE was kinda hot and can't wait to see how a vampire pure-blood and nephilim continue with the story. Plus now they both have to calm each other down from becoming murderous psychos. Should be interesting.
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Jul 21, 2023
I don't even mind her killing someone
Everyone is acting like she just lost control for a bit and sucked some blood instead of treating it like the murder it was.

And everyone's saying that she lost control. Nope, she did not. She stopped herself when she was about to suck MC's blood but happily sucked blood from that girl.

Where was her control that time? It only shows that Eliza didn't think it was important to not harm an innocent girl and happily lost control. If she was really out of control she should have sucked MC's blood.

Also, it was her decision to become a vampire fully knowing what it will make her and she decided to go for it so she's also to be blamed. Some of you guys are saying that they don't want her to lose control in the future and then it will be fine but she lost control already and killed someone and there's no way to fix that up so she already fucked up.


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
And everyone's saying that she lost control. Nope, she did not. She stopped herself when she was about to suck MC's blood but happily sucked blood from that girl.

Where was her control that time? It only shows that Eliza didn't think it was important to not harm an innocent girl and happily lost control. If she was really out of control she should have sucked MC's blood.

Also, it was her decision to become a vampire fully knowing what it will make her and she decided to go for it so she's also to be blamed. Some of you guys are saying that they don't want her to lose control in the future and then it will be fine but she lost control already and killed someone and there's no way to fix that up so she already fucked up.
I think this depends a bit on ones own point of view / how you interpret the scenes to be honest. As I don't think it is crystal clear if she lost control or can control her self. To me it looked like she barley stopped her self from losing control the first time with the MC, I don't think she was fully in control when she stopped her self. Then she totally lost control again with the MC during the training. So to me it feels more like something she is struggling with than something she has full control over. Which makes me question why he left her alone at the adventure's guild

I agree there is no way to fix killing someone but if she can learn to control her self better in the future I do think she can redeem herself personally unless her personality changes for the worst. Cause right now she is a kind and caring person with a big heart and I think if she spends her immortal lifetime helping others whenever she can it would out weigh most of the bad she may cause or did cause unless she goes on a killing spree in the future.
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Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
Eliza's change was a good one. Now she can finally stop being a liability and damsel in distress and hold her own next to MC.
I keep on seeing this claim.
That she needs to be his equal in combat prowess or she is "holding him back".
This is some really ass backwards thinking of "strong independent whamons"
Women are not pokemon. They don't need to all be strong combatants.
Protecting a loved one is not "being held back"


Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
I think this depends a bit on ones own point of view / how you interpret the scenes to be honest. As I don't think it is crystal clear if she lost control or can control her self. To me it looked like she barley stopped her self from losing control the first time with the MC, I don't think she was fully in control when she stopped her self. Then she totally lost control again with the MC during the training. So to me it feels more like something she is struggling with than something she has full control over. Which makes me question why he left her alone at the adventure's guild

I agree there is no way to fix killing someone but if she can learn to control her self better in the future I do think she can redeem herself personally unless her personality changes for the worst. Cause right now she is a kind and caring person with a big heart and I think if she spends her immortal lifetime helping others whenever she can it would out weigh most of the bad she may cause or did cause unless she goes on a killing spree in the future.
100% agree. So far the dev hasn't let us down. Eliza will probably control her thirst. The MC will probably help her to become a badass lol. I mean at first Eliza helped the MC control his rage.... but now it's her turn. A beautiful circle.


Jul 21, 2023
I think this depends a bit on ones own point of view / how you interpret the scenes to be honest. As I don't think it is crystal clear if she lost control or can control her self. To me it looked like she barley stopped her self from losing control the first time with the MC, I don't think she was fully in control when she stopped her self. Then she totally lost control again with the MC during the training. So to me it feels more like something she is struggling with than something she has full control over. Which makes me question why he left her alone at the adventure's guild

I agree there is no way to fix killing someone but if she can learn to control her self better in the future I do think she can redeem herself personally unless her personality changes for the worst. Cause right now she is a kind and caring person with a big heart and I think if she spends her immortal lifetime helping others whenever she can it would out weigh most of the bad she may cause or did cause unless she goes on a killing spree in the future.
Idk man. She's selfish. She knew she will become a monster who will kill people for her thirst still she decided to go for it just to start walking again. She won't even try to make it right. She will just go on her way as if it was just a mistake.

You said it yourself that she barely controlled herself the first time which shows that she can actually control her so the 2nd time when she finally killed the girl she decided to let go of her control.

Would you turn yourself a monster just to start walking again?
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Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
Idk man. She's selfish. She knew she will become a monster who will kill people for her thirst still she decided to go for it just to start walking again. She won't even try to make it right. She will just go on her way as if it was just a mistake.

You said it yourself that she barely controlled herself the first time which shows that she can actually control her so the 2nd time when she finally killed the girl she decided to let go of her control.

Would you turn yourself a monster just to start walking again?
I mean you aren't entirely wrong but I do think alot of it is how we interpret things. Which is part of what makes AVN's so great. I dont see her as someone that will just go on her way as if it was just a mistake at least not without the MC to talk her out of guilt tripping her self. But yeah you are right on that part cause the MC will probably always talk her out of any future mistakes she may make. But I still think as of right now she is a good enough person with a big heart she would honestly help anyone in need when possible to try to make up for any of the bad over the course of her lifetime. The question really becomes does the MC allow her or talk her out of that or does her personality take a left turn and she becomes a totally different person.

About her turning her self into a monster. Yeah that was selfish but I don't think she did it entirely to walk I mean yeah that was a big part of it. I think a bigger part of it was the MC being there clouded her judgement , she probably also doesn't want to be a burden to him so she probably felt a bit emotional cause of that. As she was always doubting her self before she was paralyzed thinking she was in the way and a burden to the MC IRRC ( I need to replay this to recall that aspect correctly). So yeah still selfish but I see it as there was a bit more to just being able to walk again.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I mean you aren't entirely wrong but I do think alot of it is how we interpret things. Which is part of what makes AVN's so great. I dont see her as someone that will just go on her way as if it was just a mistake at least not without the MC to talk her out of guilt tripping her self. But yeah you are right on that part cause the MC will probably always talk her out of any future mistakes she may make. But I still think as of right now she is a good enough person with a big heart she would honestly help anyone in need when possible to try to make up for any of the bad over the course of her lifetime. The question really becomes does the MC allow her or talk her out of that or does her personality take a left turn and she becomes a totally different person.
I have a hard time placing much faith in the MC when he's joking about assaulting people in a dark alley in the hope Eliza will learn to not *quite* kill them.

I get that Eliza is the game's main LI, but that doesn't mean the lives of the background characters are literally meaningless compared to her. This whole vampire twist has been a poorly thought out train wreck, mostly by the characters but at least partially by the author as well. :(


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
I have a hard time placing much faith in the MC when he's joking about assaulting people in a dark alley in the hope Eliza will learn to not *quite* kill them.
View attachment 3299661

I get that Eliza is the game's main LI, but that doesn't mean the lives of the background characters are literally meaningless compared to her. This whole vampire twist has been a poorly thought out train wreck, mostly by the characters but at least partially by the author as well. :(
Yeah I agree with that I think the MC is a horrible influence on her even more so as a vampire


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
I get that Eliza is the game's main LI, but that doesn't mean the lives of the background characters are literally meaningless compared to her. This whole vampire twist has been a poorly thought out train wreck, mostly by the characters but at least partially by the author as well. :(
I think it would've been excellent writing having the vampire arc tied to an MC on the dark path, but I guess the branching caused by the presence of vampirism is a significant amount of work that isn't quite feasible to pull off.

The next best way of tying Eliza's vampirism to the morality of the MC is determining how evil she becomes (i.e. outright killing her victims vs. just sustaining herself enough.
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Queen Lydia's bitch
Jun 14, 2020
Yeah because the MC totally "forced" her....
Yes, he does. It's called emotionally blackmailing. She says it very clearly: "I don't want that. What if I can't handle it?" What is MC, the bastard, responding? "I wouldn't have brought it back and presented to you if there was even the slightest doubt in my mind that you couldn't handle it. Eliza, you're the strongest person I've ever met. I will see you through this, if you choose it." Great, push even more buttons to make her feel like she'll let you down if she doesn't, you pissant! You're not the one who has to live with having to harm other people in order to drink their blood!

MC is such a bastard. She was an emotional wreck. She was insecure. MC just pushed all the buttons. Thats "forcing", dude!

Look in the unabridged script and see it for yourself. I've marked the important statements. It begins when they start speaking about the chalice and how it helps and ends with her drinking the blood. I've changed nothing. Not a single word. You can verify it yourself by playing the scene again. This is the scene:
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I was so naive and thought he took the chalice back to Luxenford so that they can examine it and search about ways to use it without that side effect. But no. Just put in on the table, let Dalen fill his blood in, and let her drink it. What a hero he is. Why didn't they just take their time to examine? The next day Dalen is sitting there and reads tons of papers to find a solution. How about do this BEFORE you turn this poor woman into a monster which kills innocent people when it can't control herself?
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