Anyway, i dare you to make the same argument with the Eternum thread... because it's the same situation. MC bangs everyone and tell no one about the others.... I'll wait for that post.
Yeah its my biggest critic about eternum aswell, i think its the only thing cabidis does really bad: the setup of the harem just isnt existing and in reality all the girls would hate him/be heartbroken, but they just doesnt .. because mc .. is great .. or something .. , it was the same in his first game. But enough about other games.
So your main issue is the MC doesn't tell all the women he's with that he's banging other women? I kinda get that, at least with Eliza, but everyone he's been with knows Eliza is his main girlfriend. And they have no problem with it.
Yes and no? I mean yes im mainly concerend about eliza tbh but the same would be the case for Kira for example and to a degree Alice. The pirates didnt knew shit, mc told them hes looking for the cure for "a friend" and not for his big love while he falls in love with kira

but yeah my main issue is in fact Eliza's situation. But i dunno a kira-admirer maybe sees it problematic with her.
So that brings us to Eliza.... Yeah she said she doesn't want to share him. But in that moment that's kinda like a child saying they don't want to share their toys. After a while i'm sure the dev will have her character development evolve into an accepting relationship and her friendship with all the ladies the MC is sleeping with will be accepted. (although i agree, the MC should tell her)
Yeah, im kinda just saying that i fear that it will feel very shitty when it happens and would have felt way less shitty with a proper (earlier) setup and communication from the mc. I can of course only speak for myself, but it would allow me to enjoy the harem path WAY more compared to how it is now.
But whatever, i didnt intended to make such a big deal out of it, just thought i give my 2 cents and sometimes buu changed little things in retrospect, but i guess this time my perspective just pissed him off lmao
Edit: Yo i did your dare by the way post 29,932 in the mentioned thread, could have done it there sooner anyway already. I think i mentioned it on reddit once about eternum and got flamed hard lmao
Edit 2: Just saw your second post and i think its very strange to state im "denigrating" Nephilim just because i mentioned that i dislike the harem setup, its one of my fav avns ffs but that still doesnt turn me into a blind fanboy, sorry.