By the title alone, with the "redemption" thing, I expected that after "netoraring" someone the knightess became aware of the shit she did, had a change of heart/values/whatever, and then embarked on a epic journey to make up for the mistakes, prove that she is really sorry and is a new person, and try her best to win back the heart of the one should never have betrayed.
The H part is with her alone times maybe remembering the true love that she miss so much, or maybe trying to forget the empty, meaningless and never enough pleasures of her wrongdoings. Also, obviously a happy ending with her love, and maybe a neutral ending with a new love because she didn't managed to win back the first one, and a bad ending where she just comes back to the shit (maybe even never managing to overcome her situation and ultimately killing herself, winning the game the gore/graphic violence tag).
Sadly, it's not always that Japanese devs are creative enough, or at least good hearted.
Haven't played it yet, but I'm sure what you think of is probably not avoidable
In my humble opinion, virgin (or almost virgin) routes always does good to a game.