VN - Ren'Py - New Antioch [R0.5] [TheRedMyst]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic game. an intriguing set of characters, great pacing, and even though some of the jokes fell flat to me, the writing is pretty good overall.

    The dev also knows how to tell a story without words, letting the renders speak for themselves, making you actually pay attention in stead of mindlessly clicking to advance the story.

    I especially like the contrast between the different settings, each of them having its own set of problems and advantages for the people that live there. Relatable villains, leader-figures that have to do the wrong thing for the right reasons, politics, betrayal,... And a bunch of different choices. I love it.

    Oh, and the imperatrix is fucking hot.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best AVN games that I have played in a WHILE. There are so many good things I can say about the games, but I will keep it short,
    -Amazing as fuck world building, I like that the dev gives little snippets here and there but also has an extended lore book for people who want to dive a little more.
    -Interesting characters, characters are feel polished, I wouldn't call them realistic as we don't have magic powers and an apocalyptic world to compare. Characters behave the way you expect them to according to their personality.
    -Amazing renders, pretty self-explanatory.
    - Best MILF in the genre. What can I say, most MILF in the genre looks like plastic. The Queen is not realistic by all means, but she has imperfections and of course her mature personality adds a very good amount of MSG.
    Now, it won't be a review if I just say good things, so now the bad,
    - The whole MC is the key to everything concept I'm not a fan of.
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    I just hope it won't become harem cringe.
    -The technology aspect, I think there's too much of a technology disparity (don't know if it's the right word) you go from ooga booga level tech to like 23rd century space shuttle. I would have liked it if we saw some glimpses of modernity even in the boonies and saw a transition to the mechanical marvel of New Antioch.
    -The Prison arc (Colosseum) was too short, I really liked it.
    - For now, the story looks a little linear, but that can change in the future.

    What I would like to see in the future,
    -At least 2 fleshed out paths, (Loyalist/ Turn Coat)
    -More focus on the double agent stuff.
    -More exploration.
    - More mommy- I mean More queen content.
    - I hope something interesting is done with the Prince and he just doesnt become a 1 dimentional villain.

    tldr, Good shit defo recommend.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really top quality game.

    Great reanders and animations. Overall very high production quality.

    Well written story and dialogues.

    Character models are beautiful. Each character with own/realistic personality.

    H-scenes are super hot with nice build up/pacing. (there are only a few of them ver.4. and pacing might be slow for others but it was ok for me)

    Congrats to the dev! I hope the game gets the support it deserves!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    great game. the dialogue feels very natural, with few grammatical errors. not to mention the setting feels original, instead of just being another college game or something. the only minor complaint i have is there is no gallery atm.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    New Antioch sets the bar high for other adult games.

    - Excellent maledom
    - Well written story
    - Nuanced characters
    - Well written dialogue
    - Plot twists to keep you engaged
    - High quality renders
    - Interesting MC

    - Takes time to set up the story
    - Sometimes the "I am the MC" trope is a bit heavy
    - Bit of a power fantasy, this is both good and bad
    - Medium amount of content, it's so good you want MORE!

    All in all, I greatly recommend it! Eager to see more updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's get one thing straight. If you don't like dominant male power fantasies, you won't like this game. If the words "slow burn" make you want to disembowel someone, you probably won't like this game. But holy god, if you, like me, like both of those things, you cannot go wrong with this game. All the models are spectacular, though I will admit some of the girls aren't exactly my type, but the H scenes, few though they are relatively speaking, are incredible, and show great promise for the future of this game. The writing is amazing, despite the occasional grammatical mistake, and it lends itself well to the H scenes. The first chapter was, admittedly, far too much lore to throw at the player right away in my opinion, but once I skimmed through the dialogue of the first few scenes, the writing picked up dramatically, creating legitimately great characters who I got invested in beyond just wanting to fuck them (though I did still want to fuck many of them, yes). I even briefly considered making a choice that would increase my reputation with the one male character in a scene over the two female characters, just because I legitimately felt a kinship with the man. Literally no other game has ever made me do that in my many years of playing porn games. The worldbuilding is legitimately interesting, though as I said before, the exposition is thrown far too heavily in the beginning. I Can't recommend this game enough. Support this dev, if you have the financial means to do so. Play this game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow this is outrageously good. Amazing writing - you can feel each character's own unique personality purely through the dialogues; good selection of SFX and BGM; and pretty flipping good renders.

    I really appreciate the time and effort spent into the codex/lore as I would assume that it took a long time to devise the backstory for the characters and places.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far. Very strange story and setting, but fun if you just roll with it. The H-scenes are excellent, the models are varied and attractive. Some may be bothered by how easily charmed the women are by Mateo, but I don't mind that at all. Looking forward to seeing more.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    R0.4 Public review

    This game needs a textbox opacity slider, critically. It is not a problem all the time, but it is a problem often enough to really bug/hurt my eyes.

    This game is bizarre as hell. There's a lot of weird anachronisms in the story and envs that it felt like the author moreso just took whatever was lying around in his asset folder and slapped it together, editing the story later on to make it "work", the good old Todd Howard Special.

    The game steals nearly wholesale from other shows and movies, most notably Game of Thrones, Gladiator, Walking Dead, and others. It really brings me out of any sense of immersion, especially with the Deus Ex style "debate" scenes, which were not explained or tutorialized at all.

    Didn't notice the netori tag, really not my thing.

    I will say that while this game is bizarre and wylding the fuck out, and the plot moves at fucking hyperspeed, it's not a bad plot. It's not really original, and is pretty derivative in parts, but it's well written, and has some very interesting plot threads. It watches a LOT like an HBO show, and I would assume that would be the preference of the dev, rather than a ren'py game, but, budgetary concerns are what they are.

    Holy mcfuckamole dude's dick is impossibly big, he would literally suffer adema if he ever got horny. I mean, at least there's an explanation for it, but christ alive, no wonder there's a breeding problem if pussies in this world are meant to take that fucking molerat.

    The MC is kind of a fucking scuzzball. It's bad enough he's just Adam Driver with a stress beard and an extra decade, But he basically just walks into a situation, or a room, knocks everything over with that molerat in his pantaloons, and walks out with more power, agency, and bitches than when he started. This is probably the weirdest and also biggest power fantasy I've ever seen in a VN. He's just a wrecking cock, swinging around the world. Little care for anything that isn't him or his mission.

    Graphics are great, poses are solid and the characters are very believable by appearance and such. Almost all of the women are fantastically gorgeous (especially Azaeze and Mila)

    I'm only giving this a lower score because of how derivative and bizarre this game is. I wish I could give it higher. 3.8/5 overall.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Bro In The Game

    The story is truly fascinating

    The LIs are also amazing, each with their own personality

    The post-apocalyptic setting also opens up a lot of choices

    I'm really interested to see where the visual novel goes because it's truly fascinating
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    In a modern age of H VN's, standards continue to increase (and often dev times along with it). Newer games do not compare to older games when they started but older games after years of work.

    New Antioch is a game in a post-apocalyptic setting, that sits both in high tech future land, as well as in something close to a Viking show. Some people said the stories is slow, rather it is slow in the H department, but I found it intriguing, right up until around the change of the chapter.

    It's mildly incredible how quick the switch flips, where the main character goes from a hero of yore, to flopping out of a box into jail. However, even before this, he stops his would-be assassin with a DnD game? As a dev myself, it felt like a huge waste of time and renders to do all of that, while the renders to impress me.

    This game, while having strengths, feels tonally inconsistent, where the serious moments do not weave well with the outlandishly funny, (they did well to start,) to where I was thinking, yes, this is the new game to watch, before derailing with a very out of the blue scene.

    The setting is also hard to describe as it's very hard for me to get over a man running around in what looks like a red suit of armor, to then see the daughter in straight up yoga pants, or a woman in a fancy doctor office. It is entirely anachronistic, and does not meld together well.

    By around this point in time I checked out to look for H scenes as well, to find that it's somewhat limited, with a lot of them focusing on the man more than the woman.

    In all regards, the game is quite good, if not passable, taking the formula set by previous games and succeeding upon it, but not necessarily surpassing it. However these tonal and style flips really take a reader out of the story.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't know anything going into this game and was really pleasantly surprised! There are only a few sex scenes in the beginning of the game, but the story turned out to really keep me involved instead, and as the game ramps up so the scenes. Speaking of which, the scenes are super hot, especially in the later episodes, of course the models are beautiful! That being said, I think I actually got harder looking at the map haha! The dev has created good lore for this universe and has enhanced that with a really cool world map that got me hard as a brick. I'm gonna go support this dev!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    good fucking game so far, immersive sounds wish there were some in every scene, really good cgi, really solid animations, the story goes hard, characters are good, not really anything left for me to say. hope this continues
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    [v 0.4]

    Magnificent game. I'm glad I found this gem somewhat late, so I could play the new update.
    Awesome story, pretty renders, characters that are well-written.
    I've played a lot of VNs here, but this one has probably the greatest potential to get into the "top tier" of VN world.
    It's actually a shame that its not blowing up so far... Deserves way more attention.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 10/10 netori gods have blessed us with netori perfection can't wait to cuck the villain also great pacing and story progression doesn't waste your time

    Art 10/10 great renders with good emotion in faces

    Content 10/10 if you love netori that is
    Juicy in all it's glory say no more
    Also a lot of content for 4 updates

    I can't wait for this to cook and become a top game in site ,I hope more people know about it
    Cherry on top is harem content that is coming , can't wait........
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Production quality is very good and the environmental details stand out in particular. There isn't that much adult content in the current version, but what's there is pretty good. As for the story, I would rate it as very good so far - some reviewers have criticized the characters and I would say in my opinion that this is mostly unwarranted. This is an adult VN, after all - porn logic is to be expected and it doesn't really go overboard here. Furthermore, the worldbuilding is very good and goes some distance towards establishing reasons for different sexual mores than modern day earth. If I had to to give a criticism of any character, it would be Javier. With Luciana's relationship her side of it makes sense with regards to her insecurities and mental troubles and so on. What doesn't make sense is Javier - he has exactly zero attractive or redeeming qualities. Usually in such a relationship stereotype some indication of the man's worth - or past worth - is left so it makes a degree of sense and justifies the present scenario. Why does Luciana put up with such a useless guy? It doesn't really pass the smell test for me. Also, I don't really believe the imperatrix would let a favoured daughter and important asset languish in such a state for any amount of time at all. Faustina is shown as a calculating, ends justify the means sort of person even when it comes to personal relationships but seemingly not in relation to Luciana.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game and good amount of content considering its only been out a year. Not a particularly unique plot but its well executed and the characters are very well written. Definitely more of a plot game than porn game
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great! I really liked how the story and the characters were revealed.
    The technical part also great, there is room for improvement in the action scenes, but in general there are top renders.
    Thanks to the developer, we are waiting for further events and story progress.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good VN, with a very engaging story, complex and interesting characters, and really good art. The mc is strong and has porn game powers, but he isn't overpowered, he goes through hardships and conflict. The girls are hot, each has her own personality and there's enough variety to sate a lot of different tastes. I'm enjoying this game a lot so far and i wish the creator the very best of luck in the development process
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.4

    The game has amazing renders and animations, there are also music and sounds that help set the tone and the atmosphere of the story.
    The main character is a human being with a believable behaviour given his upbringing which is alway a plus. The other characters are interesting and different from each other.
    The love interests are 5 (with at least one more incoming) and while they're all really hot they're also quite varied, endearing and behave as normally as possible (given the setting and the situation).
    Another thing that I particularly appreciate is the fact that the dev is present in the thread to interact and explain and releases are punctual and with a good amount of content.
    Congratulations to the dev and I hope the support and the number of fans will continue to grow!