VN - Ren'Py - New Antioch [R0.5] [TheRedMyst]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    From R0.4
    It's a really good game, one of those that finds a good balance between H-scenes and story. I really like the MC, and the updates are pretty well divided, they don't end in a cliffhanger that makes you mad for a few months, but let you see what will be done in the future.

    I hope the fanbase continues to grow because this game deserves it. Congrats to the dev.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Goated one. Interesting plot, story is fresh and different from what we see in most AVNs. Top quality renders and animations. The build up for sex scenes is osm and well executed. And man, the models look so fine and sexy.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, great renders, witty, knowledgeable, erotic... I really can't think of too many better AVN's than this. A 5-star rating is not something I give lightly (I've seen them bestowed on way too many mediocre games), but this one deserves it. Even without the sex, the story is compelling -- and the sex is neither lacking nor too much. It's the Goldilocks game -- it's just right!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont really drop reviews but i think this game needs more exposure actually interesting story to the point where i came to fap and wasnt really borhered about it by the time i got into it, not just thack but the tension between the characters is great interesting sex scenes in how they come about luciana's sex scene is top tier, lots of potential, i cant see this becoming anyhting less than great for 4 chapters aswell i think theres a decent balance of both story and sexual content, where you constantly feel like youre building towards something either plot wise or for sexual gratification with a pay off that feels worth the build up alot of games mess that up where theres loads of build up and tension in the sake of forgoeing the story and plot and all you gert is a shitty tease scene, this game doesn;t make that mistake, each character feels unique and real, take Enzo, at first his personality quirk seems ver jarring but as the the story immediately shows you it makes complete and total sense as to why he is that way. the story is very big on show not tell which is why the writing in this is some of the best ive seen albeit yes it falls prey to a few VN archetypes, nigh cliche's but the execution and quality of them makes it a non factor in my opinion great game cant wait to see where it goes
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: R0.4)

    + Very interesting premise and central plot
    + Latest lewds were top quality! (Not just in the visuals. In a lot of script elements too.)
    + Attractive MC and LIs
    + Different endings
    + Feels like it's high stakes: MC's life does feel like it's at risk occasionally
    + Suitable music
    + Great scenes where the MC has to either negotiate or fight opponents based on some pre existing info. Good bit of gameplay imo.

    Can't Complain, Can't Say I'm a Fan tho:
    = MC is chadest of chads. Most other men are limp dicked losers. Problem with almost every AVN, so can't say that it's a con. Although, the game could tone down on the rhetoric about the MC's superiority.

    - Renders and animations look a little rough at the beginning
    - Some renders try to show the end result in quite an obvious way. Could trust in the player's intelligence a little more.

    Overall: Quality game that deserves more attention! Has a plot that is likely to interest players who are looking for something more than a quick fap. Fair amount of gameplay time to keep you engaged.

    Rating: 9/10
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    More of this, please. It's already becoming one of my most-awaited games to continue playing. Definitely deserves more attention than it is getting, though. Idk why it's not as popular as it should be, but I think it's only a matter of time. Hopefully. :geek:
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    This was fantastic. Great plot development, characters that feel real (bar the cartoonified ones) and great renders as well.

    My only complaint is that you don't feel like a protagonist when you're playing this game. There's the MC and there are choices, but so far, the MC has been living in jail and fighting for his freedom in an arena, you've barely made any difference or any choice that makes an impact.

    You spend most of the current content (in R0.3) watching other characters and I guess that's mostly because there's not much going on with the MC since he was in jail and in the arena for most of it. Hopefully, now that he's out, you'll get to make more impactful decisions and feel more like a protagonist.

    The above would usually be a deal-breaker for me, but I'm still rating this 5-stars because there's just that much quality in the game. Give us more protagonist in the story and this game is shaping up to be one of the greats.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    i just played the game and i loved it , its simply a masterpiece
    very good story with post apocalyptic / greco roman influence/diablo / theme which i loved it..
    moreover beautiful li , and TRUE Male MC (not a kid not immature man child, no weakling) which is almost rare these days.
    Overall i believe its one of the best VN i have ever played.... i hope it continue like this.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Played : R0.3 Public

    The visuals are great and distinct. The worldbuilding is somewhat unique for these kinds of games, and has potential but is also somewhat lackluster in it's execution (Chapter 2+).

    My main gripe is with the plot though. You start as a capable seemingly intelligent warrior, and through extremely convoluted writing your character becomes a useless weakling. Trying not to spoil much, but the way Ch2 was written (or the start of it to be more precise) is just so silly and requires insane suspension of disbelief. If it were just made more natural, believable, this game would leave a much better taste on my palate.

    As it seems to be a more story/plot-driven game, it matters a lot more compared to porn-driven games.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Love games with this kind of settings. Love to see war arena and fights in its. Nice visual and nice story. Love to see more political wars and blood in future updates. Nice LI's , enjoyed the humour in it. The boar is the best fighting partner MC got, hoping to see him in future updates too.

    Overall I enjoyed the game . Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Story : in porn games, story is not the first focus, but in this game, story itself is quite Original, not like those COMMON INCEST MOTHERFKER SISFKER games based upon college themes.
    Being in post modern retro mediaeval style provides quite a new environment for post apocalyptic world styles, where everything goes hand in hand, modern world tech + mediaeval era living style.

    Renders : top notch, nothing else to say, they're quite the top notch

    Regular updates have good content size as well as the frequency of updates is also good.

    Overall, the game is a bang, this game deserves to be in the top sections of f95 collection of good games, should also be getting more funding for what the dev is doing.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was an extremely pleasant surprise for so many reasons. So I'll just get the mediocre stuff out of the way first.

    The change between modern fashion and antiquity fashion was a bit glaring. I know that this is not really a free choice, as all developers rely on the availability of assets. But I still want to mention that it's unlikely that there would be two fashion types at the time, without at least mixing up. It's also quite strange to get escorted by a golden knight to meet a woman in an office dress. Or have a presumably badass war veteran wear a roman uniform in one scene and a sweater in the next.

    As a VN player who pays a lot of attention to detail in VN scenes these differences were sometimes so glaring and unexplained, that they bordered on immersion breaking. An explanatory sentence here and there might have helped.

    Now that we have this nuisance out of the way. Let me just state how positively impressed I am with the quality of the writing, both regarding dialogue and the plot as a whole. I've seen Netflix shows recently with worse execution. And while some twists are very predictable and only thinly veiled, they still come across as intended and planned.

    I absolutely loved that the LIs were introduced slowly and not dropped with parachutes as is so usual for many AVNs. During chapter one it really takes a lot of time to even meet them. For some it took until chapter 2 to make an appearance. And this is exactly how it should be.

    The renders are very decent, definitely better than average, but there is still room for improvement. The audio design on the other hand is convincing. The berserker scream in the Arena caught me off-guard and was very intimidating, but there are many little sound effects like the laughter of the senators that I found helpful to make the scenes feel more dynamic and alive.

    The amount of content per update (it's published in chapters) is just right. It's meaty enough but doesn't take forever.

    I enjoy that there are interesting male characters in this novel. Too often AVN means that it's basically a one-man, many-women show. Not so in New Antioch. Despite the lore reasons that explain some role reversals in this Universe, there are still amazing male protagonists. Often in the role of Arena fighters with their own stories and redemption arcs, how short lived they might be.

    The MC is good looking and likable. He is a bit of a brute, but also a brooder, I like that he has doubts himself and is questioning things. He is a Chad, but not a Superchad. His weaknesses are clear. I hope they get explored more in the future. Nothing would be more of a waste than to see him rise to Superman-Status from here on out. But that's not really a fear, just a careful reminder. A strong man is allowed to have weak spots and I do think this MC has plenty of them and it makes him much more relatable and interesting.

    As you can see, I have lots to say. I could add more, but I don't want to overstay my welcome. We will see where the journey goes and I will support the project.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I wish real good luck to this game, it's amazing and beautiful. Such a treasure, the cooks are amazing. More games should be like this, very inspirational and lovely. I hope to see more games like these, such a scenery and memorable images. These games really inspiring me to make one myself. It keeps me going, I can't believe im saying this but these experiences is just something not to be missed on. I wish I can support these creators more. Thank you and I hope the game receives it's deserved success.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the living proof that it is not necessary to put several sexual scenes one after another to make you interested, don't get me wrong, the game has sexual scenes (3 that I know of at the moment) but they are totally worth it because both in quality of animation, story, protagonist, choices, everything is spectacular.

    Honestly when I opened the game I didn't feel like playing it, I didn't expect much because games like this have to have a very good developer or everything goes to shit and loses meaning, but the developer of this game has won my support and I look forward to the next chapter, for these types of games is worth continuing to support new game creators.

    10/10 Male Domination: (The mc can be very dominant if you want and I love that)

    10/10 Renders: (Despite not seeing other games from this developer which is supposed to be his first game, it's a great game with very good renders, even better than some of the top rated games on the forum.)

    8/10 Sex Scenes: There are few, which is not bad because the game does not need it, but it is something personal that I would like to have more as the story progresses if decisions are made to have scenes of this style. On the other hand, the ones there are are very good and are very well animated.

    9/10 Story: Because I am not a native English speaker it was difficult for me to focus fully on the story at the beginning because of the dialogues, but when I did I even managed to feel similar feelings to the characters, such as sadness, anger, resentment or desire for revenge.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Meh. That describes almost every aspect of this game for me so far (up to version 3). The story line has a good premise but a somewhat silly execution. The dialogue is ok. The art is actually pretty good, but the lewd content is low, which would be fine if the story was a bit stronger, but it's not. The pretexts for meeting the women are shallow and dumb. The "fight" scenes anti-climactic because it's turn based rather than time-based so the instant you learn the moves, which is very quickly, the whole process becomes boring. Still, there are some good bones here, and it is early in the game, with the scene just really being set for the main body. It has lots of room and time to improve, and it may, but for now it's just a time killer. Worth a future look to see which direction it goes but definitely not a top tier game so far.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    You ever play an adult game or VN and think "Damn, the story is so good that I'd still play this even if it had no porn."? That's how I felt playing this VN.

    It's a bit of a slow starter so if it doesn't hook you immediately, just keep playing and give it a fair chance. It gets better, I promise. For me, it started to pick up towards the end of the first chapter when the MC meets Aquila (one of the love interests). They play a D&D inspired game together which I found pretty fun and it did a good job of making Aquila likable despite the fact that the real reason she was there was to steal a relic and kill the MC (though she ultimately decides not to go through with the latter when she gets the chance).

    After that encounter, the MC has to leave his home for reasons I won't spoil. He ends up imprisoned and has to, literally, fight for his freedom, first in the pits, then in gladiator style arena fights. There are a few fighting minigames here but they are fairly simple and straightforward and you can easily scroll back if you make a mistake.

    The setting is clearly heavily inspired by the roman empire, but there's also a dose of fantasy (at least one of the characters can do magic) and advanced technology so it feels quite unique. At least to me. I don't think I've ever seen another VN with a setting like this.

    Visually, it looks quite nice. Maybe it's not absolute top tier in this department, but it's definitely above average and I find all the potential love interests attractive. I especially like the way Aquila looks. She's pretty but also has facial scars (as does the MC). Just from looking at her you can tell that she's probably been through some shit, her appearance really fits the dystopian setting of this VN.

    In terms of sexual content, there isn't much yet (some nudity, one of the LIs masturbating while watching the MC fight and a couple of blowjobs). But as mentioned at the start of this review, the story so good that I don't mind. That said, what little sexual content there is, I found hot so that bodes well for the future. It seems like big dick worship is going to be a major part of the sexual content in this VN. There's a widespread disease that causes nearly all men to have small dicks, but our MC is conveniently immune to the effects of said disease and has a huge dick, lol. Also, he secretes pheromones that makes women more attracted to him and he cums like a horse. Oh, and let's not forget that one of the love interests is a self admitted size queen. All of this, combined with the fact that the MC is a handsome guy and an elite level fighter makes him more than a little bit overpowered so if you like good old power fantasy porn, this VN will almost certainly deliver that in the future.

    If you're looking for something with a good story and the low amount of sexual content (as of 0.3) isn't a dealbreaker for you, then you should definitely try this.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for R0.3 Public
    This game is set in a fantasy world. The storyline is very well thought out and very interesting. I especially like the attention to detail. Just think of Hammond the hog, just a random side charachter which is just nicely worked out and adds some humour.

    The characters are well developed in general and all have unique characteristics. Very few characters have been introduced without any relevance which is a big plus.

    Furthermore, this game uses animations which is always valuable and the graphics are decent. All in all, I cant give it any lower than five stars. I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. I really recommend it!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The game had a bit of a rough start with an MC that looks so much like Adam Driver it is distracting and writing that was honestly just boring and unfunny and even made me skip things (like the silly DnD scene). However, by the end of the game I was fully invested and was very curious where the story would go from here. The MC's new haircut also helped.

    The story, and romance, are very much a slow-burn which is not for everyone. But once you do make it past the rough start and the world/story opens up it becomes clear that this is a story full of political intrigue, mysterious lore, and interesting characters with different goals and politics. It gives me some Game of Thrones vibes. Not something you'd usually see in a porn game but I like it.

    When it comes to the porn itself there isn't too much yet. There are some scenes that show sexy girls in hot poses and there's one blowjob scene. So if you're just here for a quick wank then this isn't the game for you. The one blowjob scene is really hot though. It has some great cock worship and dirty talk. If future scenes are anything like that we're in for a treat.

    4/5 for now but can easily become a 5/5 with future updates.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty early, but really really good game so far. The setting is fascinating and quite unique, the caracter designs are on point. The writing is really good too and the future possibilities seem almost endless at this point. Very little lewd scenes as of right now but the dev has already shown he understands the value of building it up rather than going straight for easy gratuitous sex scenes. Genuinely one of the best new games i've played in a while, can't wait to see how it's going to go !
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome game. beautiful unique renders. wonderful unique models. awesome story. great gameplay.

    this has just jumped to being one of my most favourites. really looking forward to updates.

    5-stars is not easily given by me. you've earned it though. i urge anyone who can to help out the dev.

    also amazing mix of sci-fi and medieval and dystopian setting. however, to my liking as it is no NTR or sharing.