Really? While punctuation has generally been horrible... This was intended?
Here is an example: "Quite friend you've made Azumi , hahao got you fired within a day!" I guess that's meant to be more like "With a friend like me Azumi, you'd get fired within a day!" And it's followed by the next line "Hehe , well then perhaps I can tuition you for Japanese" Tuition isn't even a verb, but it's used as one here... And this example is early on with Kiara's trip to Japan with Azumi.
Then you get to Taka's photoshoots and the numbers he says, the numbers in your options, and the numbers that result from them don't even vaguely match... And these are just a few examples I remember (& could get back to due to saves).
You might want to get someone to act as a proofreader and start going through text from the beginning. You may think it 'does not distract overall', but when I have to try to figure out what the text is meant to mean I'm no longer enjoying the game and am instead solving a puzzle.