lokks interesting, but i see multiple protagonist and only female protag tag...so two females or male protag is missing? and if missing can we choice who we want play? not interested in playing as girl in adult games
thx for info
Uhh i guess i should just pin this later as well for everyone wondering about the multi protag tag ,
The game is centered around the protagonist Kiara , who is a female.
During the game you control her and her life / actions mostly , and when her events are over there are story segments in which you take control of few other characters but not to the level of the MC.
So the mutli protag is more or less an option for you guys to explore the other girls , No male protag exists as it was voted in polls here and patreon both that male protag game to be different and not included in this one.
That's all.
Tldr : Answering your question , basically no male protag in this one , we are working on one that's set in the same universe but that'll take time for now.