Compressed version is pinned now i believe!Will there be a compressed version?
Compressed version is pinned now i believe!Will there be a compressed version?
lol ikrNo I haven't/ Just commenting what I think they mean. Dont see what else they could be referring to with that statement.
Which is weird since your banner picture alone would suggest the opposite.
Sorry to hear that , i hope we pickup your trust again in chapter 2 , we'll fix the few mistakes for sure!By the time she was boarding the subway I had to quit this game becuase of the points above. Not my cup of tea I guess although I loved the setting and models.
sadge♪ ♫
Big in Japaaan tonight!
Big in Japaaaan be tight!
Big in Japan where the Eastern seaaaaaaaa's so blueeeeee.
♫ ♪
Guess who is going to be... BIG in Japan?
Update: Those dialogs... my God.
Abort, abort!
Actually most of other the females are on a linear path , what you control mainly is kiara / damian so give it a go in chapter 2 , since it will mainly focus on her , if still not no worries thanks for trying it out!not only one but multiple female protagonists? well not for me (even my favourite incest kink will not help) but good renders gl with developements....
Not at all , that's just one element the main focus is on Kiara getting herself together in japan while remaining noble and either keisuke or damian depending on your choices in chapter 2 getting closer to her or.. well azumi.So if I understand you correctly the main focus is gonna be incest?
Hey there thank you so much , first of all glad you like the gameJust finished and would like to share some thoughts.
1. Azumi is such a cutie and I cant wait to start her romance.
2. There seems to be a mystery surrounding Kiara's amnesia and hopefully it's not just that her family wanted her to avoid dating someone.
3. Hopefully John suffers terribly in the future.
1. The game is in desperate need of someone to go over the dialog.
2. The meeting with Mason regarding the divorce makes him seem like an idiot. Being drunk wouldn't excuse John molesting his daughter to the court.The 'assault" came from her protecting Kiara and that would actually help Mia's case against him. And instead of deleting the evidence from the bar Veronica should buy it. Can you see why Mason's advise is really bad.
3. I pray to kami that every guy isn't going to be a total sack of shit. How has Dennis been groping guests without the hotel being sued or him being fired? If you defend yourself he shouldn't even try that bs again with them.
4. I really dislike switching to the different perspectives when they dont add to Kiara's story and it happens way too often.
Hopefully these negatives get addressed and we can tell Keisuke and Damian you're not interested in dating.
Sorry but he seems to be a creep as well going by his $500 scene. I get the impression he's lying about being gay to get women to let their guard down and get naked around him. Natsuko also seems to thinks he's a creep so I'm wondering why she suggests you go to his shop.
No worries , have a great day!nah i actualy saw your incest content coment now and going to avoid it like pleague![]()
Umm, there are plenty of black people in Japan.Dennis probably will not appear anymore in the game , that was just one off go actually because the game mostly will be in japan now and i couldn't have black / african american people there so for those that wanted scenes with one black guy , they got it.
I mean there are but not majority right , if people want it we can include em but for the most part it's asians + mixed people.Umm, there are plenty of black people in Japan.
It is compressed now my g, enjoy it.
What the fuck is this!? Are we supposed to let the devs do what they want or not?Yeah but even if public response is in favour of the male protag to be included (Which seems to be most likely), please do make him optional and minor part of the game. Male MC in a FMC centered games are like parasites who slowly and gradually take over the entire game to the point FMC who's supposed to be main character turns into npc in their own fucking game. I.e Glamour.
Her aunt literally says she doesn't need to work so there's no point in forcing the job scene since she doesn't need the money. I could be wrong but wasn't Kiara born in Japan/ have Japanese citizenship so she shouldn't need a work visa.Now again Your another good critcism id like to point here is that I should've given an option to straight up reject the cosplay segment , but the problem then would be you cutting out a entire job section in the game , and while i can do that in chapter 2 with someone who knows code better it still wouldn't make sense since kiara isn't someone with a work visa so she has to do small jobs.
But isn't she going for a divorce and not a criminal conviction? If she is just going for the divorce than the burden of evidence should be different right? She would just have to show the judge that he drinks excessively and is a danger to the girls and trying to rape his own daughter would qualify as a threat to their safety. The whole OJ thing is that the LAPD had(and has) a history of corruption including planting evidence and police brutality so when some of the blood evidence was shown to be tainted AND the glove not fitting the jurors had an excuse to tell the LAPD to go fuck themselves.2. Actually by definition in law of my country at least and i think its the same in uk , to be convicted of a crime you need to have 3 elements present or some cases 2 of them at least - Sound mind , No coercsion , Mental capacity / intention.
Sound mind and mental capacity by law can be challanged if the person was drunk , now yes realistically john is disgusting and he knew what he was doing but an example to this would be the OJ simpson case where everyone knew what happened but just due to the glove not fitting it goes that way, so naturally due to that john might've saved himself or dragged the case for very long.
Hopefully Azumi isnt treated as an afterthought. It is extremly annoying when a game with female protag+lesbian tag treats the lesbian content as lesser than a guy route or just something for some guy in the scene to enjoy.(or has the tag for like a scene. if it has the tag it should be a focus.)Not at all , that's just one element the main focus is on Kiara getting herself together in japan while remaining noble and either keisuke or damian depending on your choices in chapter 2 getting closer to her or.. well azumi.
Do you even read? Maybe read previous few replies before blabbering? Dev said male protagonist segment will depend entirely on public response, It's not what dev wants or maybe he does Idk. Point is, I didn't demand anything from him, I simply asked him #Please if does include male MC due to public response, make him optional considering the game's entire premise is about Female MC.What the fuck is this!? Are we supposed to let the devs do what they want or not?
"Dev, follow your vision and tell your story" either that applies to everybody or nobody.
Do you even read? Maybe read previous few replies before blabbering? Dev said male protagonist segment will depend entirely on public response, It's not what dev wants or maybe he does Idk. Point is, I didn't demand anything from him, I simply asked him if does include male MC, make him optional considering the game's entire premise is about Female MC.
That sure as fuck sounds like a demand to me.Yeah but even if public response is in favour of the male protag to be included (Which seems to be most likely), please do make him optional and minor part of the game. Male MC in a FMC centered games are like parasites who slowly and gradually take over the entire game to the point FMC who's supposed to be main character turns into npc in their own fucking game. I.e Glamour.
I guess you sure can't read, maybe lookup what word 'Please' actually means.That sure as fuck sounds like a demand to me.
There is , I can't say too much about him you'd have to play to find out and you will have a challange to maintain him as well if you want to get together with the female mcIt says multiple protagonist is there any male mc?
Um.. did you miss the entire tea shop scene , if you did you would know why she wants to do a job.Her aunt literally says she doesn't need to work so there's no point in forcing the job scene since she doesn't need the money. I could be wrong but wasn't Kiara born in Japan/ have Japanese citizenship so she shouldn't need a work visa.
But isn't she going for a divorce and not a criminal conviction? If she is just going for the divorce than the burden of evidence should be different right? She would just have to show the judge that he drinks excessively and is a danger to the girls and trying to rape his own daughter would qualify as a threat to their safety. The whole OJ thing is that the LAPD had(and has) a history of corruption including planting evidence and police brutality so when some of the blood evidence was shown to be tainted AND the glove not fitting the jurors had an excuse to tell the LAPD to go fuck themselves.
Hopefully Azumi isnt treated as an afterthought. It is extremly annoying when a game with female protag+lesbian tag treats the lesbian content as lesser than a guy route or just something for some guy in the scene to enjoy.(or has the tag for like a scene. if it has the tag it should be a focus.)
And the real problem with Dennis isn't that he's black but that the game assumes he had his way with the mom why else would he steal the bag? If I make a choice the game should reflect that by having him being too afraid to even try to steal the bag. It also seems that the game assumes you let the train molester have his way. If choices don't truly affect the story than this is really a kinetic novel.
There is , I can't say too much about him you'd have to play to find out and you will have a challange to maintain him as well if you want to get together with the female mc in the future chapters