1. What is the point for MC to be ass to Maud? Will I recieve more enjoyable scenes, if MC would be nicer to her, or should MC be real jerk? I know, that Kirsten is realy enjoys to be treated, like shit, but what do Maud likes?
2. In 1.2. Randy is blackmailing MC with information, that he is not 100% loyal to Yvette, and demands to be strap-oned be her in Randy-Yvette-MC-Michelle orgy. Is this the way for MC to smoothly tell Yvette, that he bangs every girl in New Coral City?)) And BTW, should be MC telling to Michelle, that he is dating other girls (especially Yvette), or should it be cept, as a secret?
3. I realy enjoyed the last play. I've found many new girls and scenes. MC, for instance, met Kim (the hot yoga-instructor), and hard-banged Ashley in the but (which is gold).