Honestly, when I saw this game on F95Zone I wasn't expecting much; boy was I surprised!
The game feels like real life only sped up without all the hassle, tediousness, and boredom. It was surprisingly fun and interesting and kept me hooked the entire time!
- Excellent story
- Interesting and unique characters
- A nice blend of story with important choices
- Good graphics and renders
- Good character development
- No grind
- Unique gameplay and experience, especially for a visual novel
- Long game with plenty of content
- It isn't finished
- The cast is too large (too many characters to keep track of, especially the first playthrough)
- English is below average. The game badly needs a proofreader (native English speaker fixing all the poor English)
- The player can only cum once per sex scene (see notes below)
- Animation isn't very good (sex scenes)
- I wish there was a bit more freedom or free time to visit girls in a sandbox type mode/way to keep more relationships alive
- The opening post needs to be improved. The overview of the game sucks and it never mentions or links part 1 of the game. It makes the beginning of the game quite confusing.
- No gallery or scene replay (minor complaint)
The cast is too large. A large cast is good but it can be taken too far and feel that it happened with this game. I would cut 33% of the characters and have it be more focused on their lives with deeper stories and involvement. I honestly have trouble keeping track of everyone and matching faces with names throughout the game. I'll probably play through it again once new versions are released and it will be easier to keep track of everyone. It kind of feels like starting a new job with lots of employees (new people overload). This game really taxed my memory due to so many new names and faces. Sometimes the game would ask me what decision I'd like to make with a certain character and I honestly couldn't match the name with a face.
Another problem with such a large cast is that many of them are barely used. The player gets introduced to them and has one or two scenes/events with them and then they are largely forgotten. I would try to use existing characters instead of having so many "extras" in the game and not have so many "not so meaningful" contacts.
The author really needs to recruit some fans to go through all the dialog and clean up the English. The English in the game is below average. Most people can figure out what is trying to be said but it would be nice to not have to interpret so many poorly worded lines in the game.
One small complaint is with the sex scenes. The player seems to only be allowed to have one orgasm. Once that is finished, the scene ends. This doesn't reflect real life at all. My husband fucks me three to five times in a row with all of them ending in a cum dump. It is silly that the MC can only cum once per scene.
The story is good and engaging and overall a big success.
Overall, the game is well done.
With some moderate improvements and polishing, the author could easily turn this into a 5 star game!
I highly recommend that players give this game a try!