Michelle is imo, so far best option.
Irene is adorable...that is, if she stops giving blowjobs to every random Joe.

Yvette is surprisingly romantic, though kind of off putting, jealous and possessive.
I hope there is more of "love option" later on with Yunmei, one of best looking characters.
Elsa and Rain are hot, but kind of bland as characters so far, they need a lot more development, backstory.
Martina is best looking, but high maintenance and essentially just uses MC for her career: really hope she kind of takes a downturn fall from fame and all that, and becomes more loyal/girlfriend path.
Same with Andrea...requires a lot of "work" ( hoping there is later on "domination path")
Really like Luana: smart, succesful, without acting like a stuck up bitch...probably no major relationship there ( honestly she's out of MC's league). Similar with Tatiana, though probably with late on relationship option.
Riley is great: but you get caught, and next step is afterlife.
Also with new Russian girl ( forgot the name), hoping we see more options there.
And half a dozen ( or more) girls...Rebecca, Melissa, Adele, Meadow, etc. There is really huge number of options: typically you'd have trouble just remembering their names, but author really did a good job making every feel different: personality, motivations, background, relationships, etc.