to simplify it ?! are you kidding me ? by adding porn carieer, drug dealers, new models and characters in every single update, domination path for almost every girl... how that simplify the game, from the aspect of programming ? can you imagine how many new variables he adds with each update ? the game still has errors from day 1, bunch of errors.
i spent some time reporting errors and posting fixes for some, but i'm not gonna do that anymore. you know why, because dev started to treat f95 community like an enemy. he's wrong if he thinks that's the way to get more supporters. why his patreon supporters do not report him bugs from day 1 ? luckily for dev some good people like
P4cc3r5 and
Alfius are still helping on large. thanks guys i appreciate it. maybe not the best place to do it, but congrats on your modder status
at this point a team of true pros won't be able to finish this game as dev has projected it in his head, supporters' influence included. take a look at his previous game, "follower" v0.7 final. 0.7 final !!!
i'd like to be wrong, because i really like the characters in follower and ncc, also i like the dev's enthusiasm, and i respect his hard work. i'd like to see ncc season 2, and season 3 successfully finished, but atm i have some serious doubts. just my 2c.