Looking forward to how this game is going to shape up. The renders look good already, and the first preview one reminded me of Caribdis' (THE GOAT's) work. Girls are hot, too.
The story is.. well, nothing new yet. Some common tropes, highschool setting. We've been there. But it's just the intro, so what comes afterwards is what really matters.
The fable for the japanese language and culture is a little too much. I don't need an explanation of how names work in Japan, or how the gang's name is written in Kanji. I can understand how it's easier to flesh out a setting like this if you've watched 100s of anime and are familiar with the mood/setting/feel etc. of them, but it can become a little too much.
Also, using expressions like "dafuq?" "oh boi" and record scratches plus the japanese stuff makes it difficult to immerse into the story.
All of that sounds harsher than it is, of course. I'll try out the next updates for sure. Dev seems very enthusiastic about this, which is very important!