No matter what kind of mic you have, the combination of Microphone and recording environment together is most important. A small room or closet, cloth on the walls set out slightly from them (seriously, take a square pic frame, tape old towels or clothes to it, you can use plastic clothes hangars etc and\or COMMAND brand stuff to stick it to walls, providing just a little air between the wall and cloth, cover some wall space on all sides, and point yourself slightly offset from a corner [slightly right or left of it] so the walls around you are not perfectly parallel). Once you treat the room a little, you'll be able to do some processing on the mic. Get a decent small speaker and download a file of PINKNOISE. Make a file of your own of this for up to 5 min. Play it back through a speaker into the mic, from where you would be sitting\standing. Play it back for about 1min at 25%-50% of volume, stop, increase volume, and play again; repeat until you are 75%-90% of your max volume. Now put in your audio editor (DAW) and put on an EQ plugin, but don't listen to it (pink noise is nothing but static). Play it and watch the EQ as the volume is raised, you'll see areas where different frequencies react louder or softer than others, you will pull them inline using the eq. Here's where you make a decision: if the frequencies that are a bit loud actually seem to multiply as you increase the volume (ie they get a lot louder when the rest get a little louder, raise by 3 and bad freq goes by 6 etc), then you may wish to put a multiband compressor on the input side, and only compress that area when it begins to multiply, since such a compression actually divides the level. However, you can also set your input level to match the level of the whitenoise at about 60-75% volume, and then use an eq instead, saving the setting first, and then recording a new audio track with the EQ on. When you finish recording, mix the recording to a file, then bring it into another session for adding other effects.
As for the mic... ...a $15 piece of junk can work fine. Just add a decent pop filter, and don't be more than 3 feet from the mic. Get a good input like a ZOOM H6 or H8, heck even a Behringer or m-audio single channel input will do; or one of those usb mixers. Then spend good money on the wire that connects the mic to the input box and the box to the computer. Keep them both short, and highly shielded. You will get the best audio. My favorite pop filter is one I call the BullyBeater IceCream. Basically, you can take any old gym-sock, shove a solo-style mic into it so the top ball or sound element front is covered well, rubber band to hold that in place, then fold the sock up on itself and rubberband the top. This creates a mic that looks like a sloppy icecream cone, and the double filtering of the sock actually provides a really awesome pop filter. It also works great for outdoor interviews, and when you paint the mic like an icecream, you can teach a bully a lesson.