#if($w.getSkill("FITNESS") > $w.getSkill("DANCE"))
#set($skating = $w.getSkill("FITNESS"))
#set($skating = $w.getSkill("DANCE"))
#if($skating < 20)
Notwithstanding your serious lack of ability, you venture out onto the ice and away from the boards, trying to keep to your feet. Although it is very much touch and go at many points, you manage to keep your skates firmly on the ice and actually make some progress navigating in slow circles around the rink. When you finish your skate and head off the ice, $f.name has to admit that she's impressed that you managed it, given how much you were struggling. $w.skillIncrease("FITNESS",1)$f.addNpcLikingTiny()##
#elseif($skating < 50)
You venture out onto the ice, pushing yourself to try to keep up with the more experienced skaters. Although you're still learning, you manage to avoid taking any nasty spills or tumbles, and learn quite a bit as you go. You skate fairly quickly, and get a decent workout from it as you and $f.name circle around the rink. When you finish you're both smiling and a little tired. $f.addNpcLikingTiny()$f.addWLikingTiny()##
#elseif($w.getBottom().getLength() != "ANKLES" && ($w.hasTrait("AMBITIOUS") || $scene.percent(15)))
You're good enough that you have no problem putting on a bit of a show, skating at speed, backwards, doing a couple flips. Unfortunately, you put on too much of a show, $w.skillIncrease("FITNESS",1)##
out of an eagerness to show off. ##
losing yourself a little in the moment. ##
During a particularly vigorous twirl your $w.getBottom().getBasicDesc() rides up and flashes your ##
#if($w.getPantiesStatus() == "OFF")
bare pussy ##
$w.getPanties().getBasicDesc() ##
to those around you. You're certain that plenty of people saw more than you'd like. ##
#if($w.getPantiesStatus() == "OFF")
You immediately turn bright red, and skate off the ice. $f.name follows shortly thereafter, and the two of you leave the rink. ##
Unfortunately, that also includes $f.name, who now knows you lied to her. She shoots you an angry look and skates off, leaving you alone on the ice as she storms off in a rage. $scene.addFlag("stormoff")$f.reduceNpcLikingSmall()##
#elseif($w.getBottom().getLength() == "ANKLES")
You are more than skilled enough to put on a bit of a show on the ice, outpacing most of the others out there. Thankfully, your dress is long enough that it hides you from view, even during some of the more exuberant movements, although it does also limit your range of motion and what you can do on the ice. After your skate, you and $f.name turn in your skates and head home. $f.addNpcLikingTiny()$f.addWLikingTiny()$w.skillIncrease("FITNESS",1)##
You are more than skilled enough to put on a bit of a show on the ice, though you have to limit what you do in order to avoid inadvertently flashing anyone. So, you have to restrain yourself from any overly enthusiastic spins or twirls or leaps, but you can still bob and weave around the other skaters. $f.name is not really able to keep up, even with you limiting yourself, ##
#if($f.getPersonality() == "SELFISH")
and looks more than a little annoyed at being upstaged. $f.reduceNpcLikingTiny()##
but takes it in good stride. $f.addNpcLikingTiny()##
Afterwards, you and $f.name turn in your skates and head home. ##
You push yourself, trying to skate closer to your limits, and ##
#if($skating < 40)
your inexperience ##
bad luck ##
catches up with you. You take a fall onto the ice, and it's not a gentle fall, either, but a full on out of control face plant that has you roughly hitting the rink surface. ##
#if($w.getBottom().getLength() == "ANKLES")
Thankfully, your $w.getBottom().getBasicDesc() is long enough that you remain covered, ##
#if($w.getPantiesStatus() == "OFF")
preventing anyone from getting a view of your bare pussy. ##
preventing $f.name from spotting that you're still wearing your $w.getPanties().getBasicDesc(). ##
#elseif($w.getBottom().getLength() == "KNEES")
You're sure that you end up flashing a few people as your $w.getBottom().getBasicDesc() flips up during your fall. $w.addArousalTiny()$w.changeStress(5)##
You can almost hear them mocking you, and imagine what they must be thinking. How many of them must think you're a slut, and how many of them might want to fuck you. $w.addArousalTiny()##
#if($w.getPantiesStatus() == "OFF")
As you are without underwear, there's not a scrap of fabric hiding your pussy from view of anyone who might have caught your fall. Once you're actually on the ice, however, your $w.getBottom().getBasicDesc() again hides you from view, so it's only during the fall itself that you're on display. ##
Unfortunately, one of the people who spots you is $f.name, and she immediately notices that you're still wearing your $w.getPanties().getBasicDesc(). She calls you a bitch for lying to her, and skates off the ice without helping you up, clearly angry. $f.reduceNpcLikingSmall()$scene.addFlag("stormoff")##
#elseif($w.getBottom().getLength() == "THIGH")
Your $w.getBottom().getBasicDesc() is short enough that it provides a pretty good view to anyone who sees you fall or sees you after you've landed, at least, so long as they are coming up from behind you. You turn bright red, as there's obviously quite a few people who see $w.changeStress(10)$w.addArousalTiny()##
#if($w.getPantiesStatus() == "OFF")
your bare pussy. ##
You can almost hear them mocking you, and imagine what they must be thinking. How many of them must think you're a slut, and how many of them might want to fuck you. $w.addArousalTiny()##
your $w.getPanties().getBasicDesc(). Unfortunately, $f.name is one of them, and she calls you a bitch for lying to her and skates off the ice without helping you up, clearly angry. $f.reduceNpcLikingSmall()$scene.addFlag("stormoff")##
If you are seeing this, this is a bug. Report it so it can be deported. ##
After your fall, you leave the ice, still smarting from the impact. ##