Great update, really amazing, well worth the 2 month wait!
No, this is absolutely the single worst release of the game I've seen! One new scene, and like usual these days, it's tied to a certain trait and needs various conditions to even have a chance to trigger, meaning you need to create a character with specific traits in minds to even get to see the scene. The worst part is that it's a user committed one and could be gotten from the discord channel (a while back anyway) for free. Then there is the usual minor changes & bug fixes, which doesn't bring any important changes to the game at all. Unless SO gets his or hers head out of the ass and hire that writer, I consider this game to be dying, and not very far from actual death at this point if the next update isn't a huge one.
Which is a damned shame, considering I supported this game for over 3 years and it was so promising at the start, not only was the game released with pretty much everything you can do now, bar all the new scenes and mechanics added along the way, SO also updated it twice per month, each with way more content than this sad excuse for a release. SO also interacted with us supporters, listened to suggestions, answered our questions in a timely manner, not only on Patreon, but on the blog as well. Posted news, updates, thoughts about the games future and so forth. That was way back 2015, when the game had a very modest support and got like 3-400$ from patreon.
Then the money started rolling in, it was something like 6-7k per month before s/he hid it from the users and supporters, then updates became monthly and the content released was actually less than when it was updated more frequently in the earlier versions. Not only that, that monthly income was not enough to spend more time working on the game for some reason. Perhaps SO has a very well payed job, so s/he could be speaking the truth for all I know. However, very few people make that much money working as programmers where I live, and the salaries here are actually a bit higher in general than in the UK. And then SO suddenly revealed that s/he had a mysterious disease, which made it hard to work on the game in general. Sounds suspicious doesn't it?
At least SO was honest enough to pause patreon charging people in April from what I read. However, this update just
fucking sucks, no if's, but's, whys or hows in terms of excuses can change the simple fact that it sucks! It makes me feel better and more certain that canceling my patronage was the right choice. I just feel extremely sad and disappointed that this game, which still is miles better than any other similar games in the genre, is pretty much a lost cause.