5 seconds if definitely way too quick, but I also don't think the current implementation achieves your intentions. From my quick tests, how it works currently is you interact with the trapped shrine, get the game over screen, and are then get put back at the shrine you tried to access, which will be accessible again. You don't lose souls even on very hard, so effectively the shrine still works, you just have to watch a cutscene first. Meaning the only reason to push on to another shrine is that you don't want to mash B to skip a load of dialogue.
So to properly dissuade the player from backtracking to a shrine, something needs to happen to the player on respawn. Losing souls is probably the bare minimum. Other possibilities could be respawning without full health/MP, without full potions, with a partially full pleasure gauge, respawning pregnant. The shrine should also stay disabled, though don't put the player into another GO if they interact with it immediately; that would be annoying.
I also think that it should be unpredictable, in both whether the shrine will get trapped and how long it remains safe. If you know you have to make it to the next shrine regardless, you're incentivised to play conservatively or just book it straight to the next shrine. If you don't know if the shrine will remain safe, perhaps you decide to risk it and fully explore an area without being super conservative, or you can aggressively rush to something in the area and try and get back to the shrine before it's trapped. I think the uncertainty would add more tension to the game than knowing 100% that you can't backtrack.
Personally, I think that instead of game overs, the trapped shrines should spawn enemies, or enemies should spawn at the shrine after X minutes, and you have to kill them before you can use it. They could be guaranteed elites or grab Aradia immediately (if using the shrine is required), and it could be any enemy in the same area as the shrine, rather than just the inquisition enemies. I get that this would probably be way harder to code, though.
EDIT: Oh you should also exclude the Church shrine from this, as it doesn't look like it is currently.