Hey guys!
So The Harvest won the poll and I'm staying true to my original idea of trying a full comic format for this one!
Sorry for not being very present lately. I've been immersed in creating as much content for this new series as I possibly can for this month's rewards. There's a point at the beginning of the story I'd like to reach in this release and it's rather ambitious.
So far, I believe I'll get to as many as 8 pages to deliver next 5th!
I know this teaser doesn't show much, it's kind of deliberate, I just don't want to spoil much of the plot with previews yet, so hang in there a little longer!
Hopefully, you guys will enjoy this story with much less text and way more graphics

Many of the pics will be delivered separately, although not all of them are in the same resolution as my usual works, some will be smaller.
PS: I have to catch up with a lot of un-replied messages, I'll try to do that before the end of the month! Thanks for your patience and support, guys!