VN Ren'Py No More Money [v3.6.0 S3 Ep.6 GE] [RoyalCandy]

4.20 star(s) 166 Votes

Night Hacker

Forum Fanatic
Jul 3, 2021
Close all the doors you like. Afterall, "Ignorance is bliss!"
You must be in a lot of bliss then! 100 days is only around 3 months, which is on par for development time and not a long period of time at all... so... enjoy your bliss!

If you can do it faster, hey, make your own game, I would LOVE to see what YOU can create in three months! LMAO... it's a LOT more work than you seem to think! But... yeah... three months sounds about right... bu-bye troll!

Night Hacker

Forum Fanatic
Jul 3, 2021
He has been doing amination these past days but I am hopeful for a release this month
It's an excellent story, he can take his time if that is needed, so long as he gets it right in the end. We have plenty to play while we wait. He's been pretty good with the timing. Feels about normal for most game cycles on here, at least if you want quality content.

I started making my own game last year... it sucks. LOL... I am NO GOOD at story telling, and it takes a while to set up scenes and render them (setting up being the most time consuming). And that was without animations. Still brainstorming story ideas but... I can program computers, build computers, program RenPY games, render DAZ 3D scenes, but ask me to create a good story and... FLOP! LMAO... my little sister actually offered to create a story, but I haven't heard back from her. I would LOVE to see what she could come up with. :) (a brother-sister dev team... feels wrong for some reason, LMAO)


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
I started making my own game last year... it sucks. LOL... I am NO GOOD at story telling
Ya this is probably why we see some 2-man teams where one guy writes and one does all the graphical stuff which seems to work out well. I'm sure we've all played some games on here (*cough*, AOA Aademy, *cough*) where the renders were awesome, but the stories were not good. Those devs just need a writer.
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Active Member
Mar 15, 2020
I can program computers, build computers, program RenPY games, render DAZ 3D scenes, but ask me to create a good story and...
Many don't realize that writing is tough. There are so many elements to putting a good story together, beginning to end. Unfortunately, it shows, with a lot of projects out there. They can render and animate, but they can't tell a good story. Too bad I'm retired (no it isn't):)

I also don't get the impatience. This is a good story, so it generates interest, I get that, but geez. I imagine it's because I have other things to do in my life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
200 days is pretty extreme. That's over 6 months. 2-3 is good any more between updates is too long unless they are LONG updates (like almost an hour worth of play.) 10 minutes even for 2 month updates is unacceptable. Even worse, once it goes past 3 months you forget what happened.


May 23, 2021
Since for the past three weeks I was doing animations with 300-700 frames there were days in which I was not even doing 1% ;). So maybe 100% = 200 days.
"On average." You can finish all the work in a week, but still release it around 100 days...., that's 1% progress per day on average for us.

And as for people saying 3 months is alright.... Well, you said it yourself that you will/wanted to go back to monthly release.
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No More Money
Game Developer
Jun 8, 2018
Hi guys, feel free to express your opinion on the size of the episodes here:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
"Also someone who supported me 3 months at the biggest tier, will weight more than someone who supported me 3 months at the smallest tier. I'm sorry if some of you think this is not fair, but this is how I repay the people who were by my side."

Good to know that those who support you at lower tire count so much for you...:FacePalm: now if i call you ungrateful you'll be mad... no wonder its becoming harder and harder to find a good dev these days to support and him not being "offended" by my 1$/€ contribution...


No More Money
Game Developer
Jun 8, 2018
"Also someone who supported me 3 months at the biggest tier, will weight more than someone who supported me 3 months at the smallest tier. I'm sorry if some of you think this is not fair, but this is how I repay the people who were by my side."

Good to know that those who support you at lower tire count so much for you...:FacePalm: now if i call you ungrateful you'll be mad... no wonder its becoming harder and harder to find a good dev these days to support and him not being "offended" by my 1$/€ contribution...
I respect everyone and I talk to everyone the same. Doesn't matter if he's a supporter or not. If someone asks me to help them with something in the game I do it without checking their pledge, that's why I'm also active here, where most people are not supporters.
That's why I listen to suggestion and talk with everyone the same, but there are patrons who already paid more than 1000$ for this game. You can't expect the opinion of someone like this to value the same as someone who paid 1$. I get that someone who supported me with 1000$, did it because he could afford it, while someone who paid 1$ did also everything he could, that's why I respect them both and that's why I give the same amount of time to help both players if they need. There are players who never supported me once, yet we talk almost daily about the game development and they come up with suggestions.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2017
If big updates com every 2 or 3 month at max, Yes im in, if it takes longer im good with smaller ones!


Active Member
Nov 1, 2017
I just hope the dev won't fall into the eternal expansion trap many devs succumb to. For now it is the choice between a small episode a month and a big episode every 2-3 months, next it will be an average episode every 2-3 month or huge every 6-8, then we have one episode a year, then game dies.

If you choose 2-3 months per episode, stick to 2-3 months.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
Put yourself in OP's shoes:
You have two reliable people in your life - Person A gives you 5$ every day, while Person B gives you 50$ every day. Your quality of life is certainly better because of the money that Person B gives you, not Person A. Both contribute to your financial well-being, but only one person gives you more room to breathe with your spending. So, in the unfortunate event that you had to choose 1 person to let go, certainly you would choose to keep Person B, no? You hate to see either of them go, but one is objectively more valuable to your existence.

Now, on the other hand, it is important to respect both, as equally as possible. Treating Person A like an after-thought is a slippery slope; Person B might eventually catch on to your behaviour, and begin to wonder if they will ever 'earn' that attitude as well (despite their contribution level). It doesn't bode well for you, the donator, if they treat ANY of their benefactors with carelessness.

I appreciate Royalcandy taking the time to listen to suggestions from any source (like he said, many on here don't donate, yet he still communicates progress, ideas, and release dates for his games), speaking as the lowest-tier donator myself. If the time comes when a 500$/month Andy demands that Royalcandy turns the story/game on its head, it is my right as a customer to withdraw support.

I've gotten my money's worth for the current state of the game, I am not paying Royalcandy for a product I've yet to play.

Tosàt D

Jan 14, 2019
I respect everyone and I talk to everyone the same. Doesn't matter if he's a supporter or not. If someone asks me to help them with something in the game I do it without checking their pledge, that's why I'm also active here, where most people are not supporters.
That's why I listen to suggestion and talk with everyone the same, but there are patrons who already paid more than 1000$ for this game. You can't expect the opinion of someone like this to value the same as someone who paid 1$. I get that someone who supported me with 1000$, did it because he could afford it, while someone who paid 1$ did also everything he could, that's why I respect them both and that's why I give the same amount of time to help both players if they need. There are players who never supported me once, yet we talk almost daily about the game development and they come up with suggestions.
This is one of the reason why i consider you one of the best dev
4.20 star(s) 166 Votes