Execution of the deed with Charlotte was spot on, exactly how it should be done after sooo much time, build up and teasing.
Unfortunately though, same can’t be said about the biggest tease of these VN’s in recent years. Compared to the amount of teasing and considering what a brat she’s been throughout the whole three seasons with this VN, Tris got off waaaay too easy and mildly.
It’s like her scene was hyped up to be the Michael Jordan of its kind, but in the end, it turned out to be more like Grant Hill: full of potential and early promise, but ultimately unable to live up to the sky-high expectations. The scene in the club toilet was better than this to be honest. Shame.
Well, at least there will be a chance to give her all what she deserves in the upcoming episodes. Other than that, it’s been good last couple of episodes.