First, you cheat on your gf with a new girl. Then you have the option to tell the new girl(s) that you have a gf (they take it bad). Next episode comes with an option to break up with gf, if wanted.
Edit: Poor wording. They don't take bad the cheating, they take it as any normal person, and leave him alone

In Lisas case, the cheating was one kiss, which saved her 9000$ for her new appartment and the next day, on the first ''date'' with her and Lauren he's probabably really more disappointed that MC is already in a relation.
As for Lauren, well yeah she is pissed, which i find really funny, after all she was on her knees offering a bj 5min after meeting the MC, in exchange for a price discount on Lisa's appartment.
But she finaly admits that she is a thot, so there is some self-awareness at least.
Imo his gf Emma is the only one, which has a right to be pissed at the MC, im curious how she will react if the MC tells her.
I also find MC's bragging of how he sold the appartment over the limit Darlene told him funny, even more so as Tris told him that he really sucks at true, which idiot pays 9000$ for a Kiss/bj and brags about how good he is at negotiations