Comparisons are difficult in my opinion.
But living in a country which is fairly liberal in all those things, I can say it's not all that great.
Generally, if somebody tells a person something is bad, does that increase or decrease the desire to do it?
I think the only answer is "it depends"... Although drugs of all types under the sun were quite available when I grew up, I always hated that with a passion. Alcohol is an entirely different story and I happily destroyed many braincells when I was young.

Neither had anything to do with people / parents telling me this is good/wrong, although I must admit that in our family alcohol was widely consumed but drugs never, so maybe it did have some kind of subconcious influence.
Back to incest: nobody really ever told me it was bad. Cousin incest is legal here and not completely uncommon. It's simply not an issue, whether positive or negative. I did have a crush on some of my cousins (and an aunt) but never dared to pursue it, mostly for fear of rejection and the subsequent awkwardness in social situations.
Generally I am not really against incest IRL. The biggest problem that is often mentioned is pregnancy / birth defects but that is very well manageable nowadays, with genetic screening and/or birth control. The real problem, in my opinion, is the social awkwardness, especially if it goes wrong at some point. And for intergenerational incest, the power dynamic problem, which generally means abuse, even if in a "benign" form (a boy being seduced by his hot aunt).
I don't agree with this at all. It's the taboo that makes it interesting. (the same with trans/futa, in my opinion).
Unfortunately most games don't make the most of the taboo by ending the game after the MC fucked all his family members, and/or by having the MC fleeing the country.
Actually some studies seem to show that the amount of kids having some kind of sex (not necessarily P-in-V kind) is surprisingly high. Of course, the "partner" can't speak so it rarely becomes known.
Or did you mean that the dog bit your dick by "it's something you learn on your own."?

(just kidding mate!)
I'd do her!