Nobody thinks this is strange?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
I think it more or less becomes a "unspoken" rule, and you won't know before get caught pants down doing something you shouldn't be doing. Like siblings might be doing some show and tell as kids, get discovered and get spanked for it, but prior wouldn't get told such shouldn't happen. There is a far stretch between kids exploring at such an age, and lets say teens . Because at that stage you should know, and the consequences. But at that stage in life it's also where you go through a lot of changes both physically and emotionally.

So while in a western society, one thing is so and so, but in some other it might be different. As I commented on before, there is places where kids get married off to uncles, cousins get set up etc. Because, tradition, and just how it's done. Practices frown upon by standards of others.

So, when did someone seat themselves down with you and gave you the talk about not desire your own family and what incest is? Or anyone else here? What is the earliest memory you have about what incest is? I probably didn't get the meaning of it before going through the story about Oedipus while in school. At younger age it was just crude remarks and insults along the line of "motherfucker" and things like that with not really knowing the real meaning behind it. It was just things "kids" picked up and thought was cool to say.
I think for me it was when I was way younger, single digits younger. My sister and I decided to play "you show me yours and I'll show you mine". We already knew that running around naked was "bad" so we hid in my room and my mom caught us. I don't think I ever had a "incest is bad" talk but I definitely knew that both me and my sister naked in the same room and looking at each other was a definite nope from mom. I think because most of us learn about this before we discover our sexuality that incest is never really a thing that crosses our minds. Too many years ingrained as a nope before we even really "think" about anything sexual.

P.S. Just wanted to say that even though we have been kind of counter pointing each other that I have enjoyed this discussion immensely Joshua Tree


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
I fight Dragons in Skyrim and no that does not mean I want to fight a Dragon in real life...
But if you were as capable as your Skyrim charakter you would, right? ;)

I don't really see any form of sexual relations as wrong or bad as long as all involved parties does consent.
True, if all involved parties are able to give legal consent.
However all forms being ok as long as consent is given? What about kids/teens/vulnerable adults/drunk or high people who might consent? Nope I dislike all conclusive statements because there are always exceptions to every rule.

I think it more or less becomes a "unspoken" rule, and you won't know before get caught pants down doing something you shouldn't be doing. Like siblings might be doing some show and tell as kids, get discovered and get spanked for it, but prior wouldn't get told such shouldn't happen.
I think for me it was when I was way younger, single digits younger. My sister and I decided to play "you show me yours and I'll show you mine". We already knew that running around naked was "bad" so we hid in my room and my mom caught us. I don't think I ever had a "incest is bad" talk but I definitely knew that both me and my sister naked in the same room and looking at each other was a definite nope from mom.
When punished at that age without explanation, children just think that nudity is wrong or what they're doing is wrong, not who they're doing it with. And that can leave you scarred for life.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
True, if all involved parties are able to give legal consent.
Who and where is your set standard for "legal consent"? I know in the US it differs per state as far as age of consent goes. I know that depending on the judge that having sex with a woman that is intoxicated can get you a rape charge. Your statement concerning legal consent does not have a stable definition depending on where and who you stand in front of.

When punished at that age without explanation, children just think that nudity is wrong or what they're doing is wrong, not who they're doing it with. And that can leave you scarred for life.
Might want to reread my statement. I knew why I was punished. "I don't think I ever had a "incest is bad" talk but I definitely knew that both me and my sister naked in the same room and looking at each other was a definite nope from mom." Scarred for life from a spanking? OMG GIVE ME A BREAK. Its a hand across the ass not some tragic emotional, physical assault by a abusive parent.


Oct 7, 2017
Who and where is your set standard for "legal consent"? I know in the US it differs per state as far as age of consent goes. I know that depending on the judge that having sex with a woman that is intoxicated can get you a rape charge. Your statement concerning legal consent does not have a stable definition depending on where and who you stand in front of.

Might want to reread my statement. I knew why I was punished. "I don't think I ever had a "incest is bad" talk but I definitely knew that both me and my sister naked in the same room and looking at each other was a definite nope from mom." Scarred for life from a spanking? OMG GIVE ME A BREAK. Its a hand across the ass not some tragic emotional, physical assault by a abusive parent.
In my country, "spanking" a child is now illegal.... and can be judged on the same basis as abuse...
Now I'm waiting for all the new generations to turn into disrespectful "rebels"...


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
In my country, "spanking" a child is now illegal.... and can be judged on the same basis as abuse...
Now I'm waiting for all the new generations to turn into disrespectful "rebels"...
Sad. We are seeing it here in the US. Most states consider spanking as abuse and you can see already the difference in children/teenagers of those who still spank/discipline and those that don't. Thank gosh I'm older, I'll hopefully be dead before these new age kids get old enough to be in charge.


Aug 12, 2017
You who like this theme and play this type of game: Would you have sex with your mothers ??
Considering youre on a porn forum RIPE with fetishes, this has got to be one of the most stupid questions.
Its a fetish for 99% of the players, nothing more. Its taboo, thats the attraction, not their own family members.
The only ones contesting this is those that dont like it and instantly think everyone and their moms are fucking.
Add on top of that, that most ppl are physically incapable of crossing that line, because either both or one of the involved would be under the influence of the Westermarck Effect. Aka reverse sexual imprinting. One of the few sexual theories with actual imperical support.

On top of that considering there is guro, rape, demons, beastiality, extreme on extreme on extreme, where anyone who actually did it, would be deemed insane and a danger to society, and that is the fetish you dont understand?

Or lemme guess, youre one of two ppl. Popular basher that likes the attention it gives by repeating other big threads. Or youre struggling with those feelings yourself and trying to hide it, maybe even justifying it for yourself by seeing if there are others.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
In my country, "spanking" a child is now illegal.... and can be judged on the same basis as abuse...
Now I'm waiting for all the new generations to turn into disrespectful "rebels"...
if you take even a cursory look at the related studies, you'll quickly find that every study ever since a 100 years or so has shown that corporal punishment causes an incredible amount of psychological problems that strongly negatively affect the rest of your life. there's never been a study that backed the armchair psychology 'truth' we've all heard hundreds of times that "I was beaten as kid, and I grew up fine."

it's just demonstratively better and proven beyond any doubt with overwhelming evidence that NOT being subjected to corporal punishment raises mentally stronger, more stable and healthier adults.

same thing applies to praising kids when they didn't do anything that special. it just works.

but I guess this is not the place for this.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Who and where is your set standard for "legal consent"? I know in the US it differs per state as far as age of consent goes. I know that depending on the judge that having sex with a woman that is intoxicated can get you a rape charge. Your statement concerning legal consent does not have a stable definition depending on where and who you stand in front of.

Might want to reread my statement. I knew why I was punished. "I don't think I ever had a "incest is bad" talk but I definitely knew that both me and my sister naked in the same room and looking at each other was a definite nope from mom." Scarred for life from a spanking? OMG GIVE ME A BREAK. Its a hand across the ass not some tragic emotional, physical assault by a abusive parent.
I read into mutual consent as no use of force, coercion etc take place and involved parties being adults. You could claim a minor is able to give consent, but a grown up should "never" accept such a proposal. As for laws and legal... @


Unmarried sex can result in a $300 fine or six months in jail.

Jails must be packed in Idaho.....

And the US is not alone about have such weird laws, you find things like that all over the world.

And yeah, the scarred for life part due to get spanked? I suppose our parents and grand parents etc would be all emotional wrecks if that was the case. When I entered school as a young lad, the teachers was still allowed to give you a wrap if you didn't behave and stuff you in a corner. Although such was on the way out. I suppose for my own sake, that was a good thing, because 7 years later my class got split up because... we was... lets say; a unruly bunch. Would it still happen if teachers could discipline still? Fair to say I got saved from a few wraps. Then again, in today's society there is to much cuddling, smothering, wrap the hopeful's in bubblewrap and watch them grow up as assholes.

I never had any siblings, but I got caught, lets say "play house" with kids in the neighborhood. One of the kids had gotten into his dad's porn stash. The best tell to kids doing something they shouldn't is when things goes all quiet. If you a parent, this should be well known. The worst thing wasn't the spanking you knew was coming, it was the parent who found out go around and tell all the other parents, what we had been up to. Doubt any came out of that emotionally scared. But sure was a message well received we did something bad, but not really knowing what, other than that take your clothes off with others was a NO NO. A problem though, because at that age, the message also entice you to do more of that bad things because.. you wasn't allowed too. Without really knowing back then, that sort of some of your first lessons in parenting further in life.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
Who and where is your set standard for "legal consent"? [...] Your statement concerning legal consent does not have a stable definition depending on where and who you stand in front of.
It is not my judgement to say what is legal and what is not, the state has to decide.
I kinda put your quote into my post as an explanation that it's not as easy as it may seem.

Scarred for life from a spanking? OMG GIVE ME A BREAK. Its a hand across the ass not some tragic emotional, physical assault by a abusive parent.
I didn't mean to say that it happened to you. I just wanted to give the two quotes as an example, and that such an event can leave after-effects for children. And I don't mean the spanking by itself, but the connection of sexuality with scolding or punishment.

I am sorry that it was not understandable. English is not my native language.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
if you take even a cursory look at the related studies, you'll quickly find that every study ever since a 100 years or so has shown that corporal punishment causes an incredible amount of psychological problems that strongly negatively affect the rest of your life. there's never been a study that backed the armchair psychology 'truth' we've all heard hundreds of times that "I was beaten as kid, and I grew up fine."

it's just demonstratively better and proven beyond any doubt with overwhelming evidence that NOT being subjected to corporal punishment raises mentally stronger, more stable and healthier adults.

same thing applies to praising kids when they didn't do anything that special. it just works.

but I guess this is not the place for this.
You have gotten to be kidding me? Look at todays "kids"? Obesity is through the roof. Most kids don't go outside to play, they sit inside on their phones or electronics. They need safe spaces because words hurt, they all want $15/hr to wipe down a table. Participation trophies/praise are like the welfare system for school. They didn't win anything, they didn't sacrifice or work hard to earn anything but they all get a pat on the back like the person who actually earned the A or won the race. Kind of like I get a paycheck just like you and I didn't even have to leave my house or put down my bag of chips to earn it. Free College, steal from the rich and GIMMEE GIMMEE GIMMEE!! LMAO I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!

Lets just agree to disagree and end it there
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
I read into mutual consent as no use of force, coercion etc take place and involved parties being adults. You could claim a minor is able to give consent, but a grown up should "never" accept such a proposal. As for laws and legal... @


Unmarried sex can result in a $300 fine or six months in jail.

Jails must be packed in Idaho.....
I'm sure you'll find that just because a law is on the books it doesn't always get enforced. I used to live in Salt Lake City, Utah and I never got fined or spent any time in jail for unmarried sex. Still got a real good friend lives out there and he lives with a girl and has for years now (not married) and no fines or jail time for either of them.

And yeah, the scarred for life part due to get spanked? I suppose our parents and grand parents etc would be all emotional wrecks if that was the case. When I entered school as a young lad, the teachers was still allowed to give you a wrap if you didn't behave and stuff you in a corner. Although such was on the way out. I suppose for my own sake, that was a good thing, because 7 years later my class got split up because... we was... lets say; a unruly bunch. Would it still happen if teachers could discipline still? Fair to say I got saved from a few wraps. Then again, in today's society there is to much cuddling, smothering, wrap the hopeful's in bubblewrap and watch them grow up as assholes.
Yeah I'm not sure how old you are but I am in that category of people who would be an emotional wreck. I was spanked, I knew what discipline was, and as the above individual said "I turned out fine". I didn't abuse my kids but they damn sure knew what they could do and what they couldn't and what was going to happen if they ignored my rules. I agree with you about what the current society is creating as far as spoiled, rotten "children".

I never had any siblings, but I got caught, lets say "play house" with kids in the neighborhood. One of the kids had gotten into his dad's porn stash. The best tell to kids doing something they shouldn't is when things goes all quiet. If you a parent, this should be well known. The worst thing wasn't the spanking you knew was coming, it was the parent who found out go around and tell all the other parents, what we had been up to. Doubt any came out of that emotionally scared. But sure was a message well received we did something bad, but not really knowing what, other than that take your clothes off with others was a NO NO. A problem though, because at that age, the message also entice you to do more of that bad things because.. you wasn't allowed too. Without really knowing back then, that sort of some of your first lessons in parenting further in life.
Some of my Dad's favorite answers to my questions about "why Daddy?" started and ended with "Because I said so!" and that was it. As a child I didn't always need to know why Dad and Mom said that was bad but as their child I just needed to listen. Made sense when I got older and had kids of my own but..... Meh part of life.


Oct 7, 2017
Some of my Dad's favorite answers to my questions about "why Daddy?" started and ended with "Because I said so!" and that was it. As a child I didn't always need to know why Dad and Mom said that was bad but as their child I just needed to listen. Made sense when I got older and had kids of my own but..... Meh part of life.
If I become a dad in the future I think I'll say "Otherwise I'll fuck your mom !" if my child ask me a complicated "why I can't do that" question ^^
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
If I become a dad in the future I think I'll say "Otherwise I'll fuck your mom !" if my child ask me a complicated "why I can't do that" question ^^
Laughed so hard I pissed myself (Kidding) but that was funny as all hell.
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Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
If I become a dad in the future I think I'll say "Otherwise I'll fuck your mom !" if my child ask me a complicated "why I can't do that" question ^^
Here is the thing...

There is a difference between what you want to say before you get kids, and what you will say after you actually get them.


Oct 7, 2017
Here is the thing...

There is a difference between what you want to say before you get kids, and what you will say after you actually get them.
Yeah... that was supposed to be humor...
And it's clearly not a thread, or actually a forum, to use to describe how you'll raise your kids, neither to judge how other raise theirs.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Yeah... that was supposed to be humor...
And it's clearly not a thread, or actually a forum, to use to describe how you'll raise your kids, neither to judge how other raise theirs.
Which I didn't point out or state either. Just said there is a difference. Time is the only judge when it come to how someone raise their kids and how they turn out. The end result is your verdict :p


They have far less problems then we have in the United States concerning alcohol, drugs, sexual issues.
Comparisons are difficult in my opinion.
But living in a country which is fairly liberal in all those things, I can say it's not all that great.

Generally, if somebody tells a person something is bad, does that increase or decrease the desire to do it?
I think the only answer is "it depends"... Although drugs of all types under the sun were quite available when I grew up, I always hated that with a passion. Alcohol is an entirely different story and I happily destroyed many braincells when I was young. :)
Neither had anything to do with people / parents telling me this is good/wrong, although I must admit that in our family alcohol was widely consumed but drugs never, so maybe it did have some kind of subconcious influence.

Back to incest: nobody really ever told me it was bad. Cousin incest is legal here and not completely uncommon. It's simply not an issue, whether positive or negative. I did have a crush on some of my cousins (and an aunt) but never dared to pursue it, mostly for fear of rejection and the subsequent awkwardness in social situations.

Generally I am not really against incest IRL. The biggest problem that is often mentioned is pregnancy / birth defects but that is very well manageable nowadays, with genetic screening and/or birth control. The real problem, in my opinion, is the social awkwardness, especially if it goes wrong at some point. And for intergenerational incest, the power dynamic problem, which generally means abuse, even if in a "benign" form (a boy being seduced by his hot aunt).

Now, in games it's just a silly and fun fantasy. It's super fun and handy for both devs and player to have the hottest woman on Earth as your mom, making you breakfast every morning and giving you a good night every day. Probably the taboo factor does help but I woulnd't say it's the biggest part of it.
I don't agree with this at all. It's the taboo that makes it interesting. (the same with trans/futa, in my opinion).
Unfortunately most games don't make the most of the taboo by ending the game after the MC fucked all his family members, and/or by having the MC fleeing the country.

Take bestiality as an example, everybody know it's "not right" , but I've also never heard about it in school or from my parents either.
it's something you learn on your own.
Actually some studies seem to show that the amount of kids having some kind of sex (not necessarily P-in-V kind) is surprisingly high. Of course, the "partner" can't speak so it rarely becomes known.
Or did you mean that the dog bit your dick by "it's something you learn on your own."? :p:ROFLMAO: (just kidding mate!)

Even though my mother is a spitting image of that model Bria Myles? Nope
I'd do her! (y)


Oct 7, 2017
Actually some studies seem to show that the amount of kids having some kind of sex (not necessarily P-in-V kind) is surprisingly high. Of course, the "partner" can't speak so it rarely becomes known.
Or did you mean that the dog bit your dick by "it's something you learn on your own."? :p:ROFLMAO: (just kidding mate!)
Haha, wrong use of word ^^
More like "understand naturally" than "learn on your own... after trying"
I had that "Ahhh fuck, let it go ! I won't try again !" kind of picture 30b9s1fil2ux.jpg in my head after reading :ROFLMAO:

I also agree on subconscious influence part. "A child's mind is the most malleable" as they say.
Can, in some case, be used to explain all kind of fetish. A child see something, and that thing influence him in the future.

For me it was milf I think, spent a week-end at a friend's house when I was 10-11, and that friend's mom asked us to take a bath after getting dirty outside. And she decided to make sure we didn't play in the bathroom by washing us herself.
So now each time I want to watch milf or mature porn, I have that memory of this sexy mid 30's mom with blond square hair, wrapped in a bath towel washing me with a sponge glove and everything that pops in my mind.
And I'm a fan of short blonde square hair as well...

Can work same way with incest or other fetish, both irl and as a story plot :
- Young man catch his mom in the shower by mistake and now see things differently...
- Young girl get dry-humped by a dog and get curious...
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