Deleted member 900601

Active Member
Sep 21, 2018
So I got into this game, played a good 60 - 90 minutes, great game overall, was working on one path and then it ends?

This is a timed game?

Went from a 4.5/5 to a 2/5 right there mate.


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
So.... No scene replay function ?!
No, not yet. I believe we explained the how and the why a few pages back, but the main point is we're getting to it. We've more pressing things to work on first until it's really needed.

Is there something that I missed in the game , about a game over scenario ? In the last update before the car wash my game said , this is over for the update(though , it wasn't because of it). In this update there was no car wash scene. Some scenes happened one after another and the game is over after a certain point. Is this a bug or is there a aim to achieve in-game before it says "bye bye".
I'm not sure what you're asking here my friend. The car washing scene is still there (it's not the end of the last version though), and there is more added after it now on that arc as well. Did you start the game again from the beginning and not progress that far this time? Is that what you mean? I'm interested in hearing some more in case there is a bug somewhere, so can you elaborate?

There is a day end point (about Day 112 for now in this version) which I'll touch on below in the last comment if that's what you're asking.

BeWilder why don't u use animation for the sex scenes?
We don't have the capacity. It'd take so much time to make them that we would have to cut the versions in half to get one in (definitely not worth it) with our current set up, or we would have to release less than once a month, which is also not something we want to do since people back us monthly. In future games we would like to have a better set up to be able to do them.

So I got into this game, played a good 60 - 90 minutes, great game overall, was working on one path and then it ends?

This is a timed game?

Went from a 4.5/5 to a 2/5 right there mate.
Firstly, thanks for the compliments and I'm glad you enjoyed the game. 4.5 Stars, eh? Wow, that's pretty sweet. Cheers! Now, to you're point about it so.

What do you mean by timed game? There's nothing you need to do before certain times, scenes only have a minimum day requirement which they can be unlocked at anytime, and that's they don't just play one after the other.

If you're referring to the end of game message part, there is a UI panel on the Day Menu to track the progress amongst other things. We've put in a version end point which gets push back with each version, and it's there to give people a point at which to save and ready for the next version. We didn't use to have it, and people would grind on endlessly (and needlessly since we add hire earnings outcomes each version making it easier to rack up cash) to get ahead of future content, which blew the pacing on things and even skipped content on the Day Off side of things. The simplest solution is to just have a point at which you just pause and pick it up from the next version. By the end of development, the end day won't matter like this anymore anyway.

It is possible to get all content in the time allowed as long as you have a decent idea of how to run the restaurant, I checked several times. You only need to get to around Day 90 for all the scenes to be viewable, and I've ended the game with $1250-2000 less debt than needed for them too, so it shouldn't be a problem either. You only need to give it another go to get everything, and if that doesn't work, there are several tricks, tips and save files here to get it for you.

We're still of course developing the game and adding a lot more content all around the place as we go, so there will be plenty more to find as the updates continue. With every new update we add more time/days to the game too so you always have what you need, but so that you don't play on endlessly/needlessly beyond all the current end of content. Also, in the next several versions we'll be back-filling scenes that play in the earlier months since we'll be adding to other arcs, so the time winodw will only stretch out even more, giving players a whole lot of time to do as they please.

Hope that rather long winded explanation has helped out people some.

Have a good time everyone. We're off to make some more sexy.
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Deleted member 900601

Active Member
Sep 21, 2018
Except, right now, if you're on your first playthrough, learning to grasp the game, you're gonna hit that wall loooooooooong before you get all the scenes (or any scenes at all).

Basically, you're reasoning is that you need to play an optimized run, while knowing what you're supposed to do, to get all the scene, that's bad design in a game based on story.

Plenty of other games have that, and they give you a splash message telling you that you've reached the end of the main story arc, but that you can continue indefinitely until the next update.

This is what you should have done, as I said, it's a 2/5 at best right now because of this, turning the game from a "play as you go" into a "You must read guides, walkthrough and optimize your playthrough if you want to get scene".

This is a common issue in games that tack on 2 genre but can't decide on how to merge the 2. You got on one side a sandbox/management game, this is open-ended, play as you want. On the other you have a strict story-line that follows. These two go in conflict, because strict guidelines must be followed, while the open/sandbox plays more as you want.


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
Except, right now, if you're on your first playthrough, learning to grasp the game, you're gonna hit that wall loooooooooong before you get all the scenes (or any scenes at all).

Basically, you're reasoning is that you need to play an optimized run, while knowing what you're supposed to do, to get all the scene, that's bad design in a game based on story.

Plenty of other games have that, and they give you a splash message telling you that you've reached the end of the main story arc, but that you can continue indefinitely until the next update.

This is what you should have done, as I said, it's a 2/5 at best right now because of this, turning the game from a "play as you go" into a "You must read guides, walkthrough and optimize your playthrough if you want to get scene".

This is a common issue in games that tack on 2 genre but can't decide on how to merge the 2. You got on one side a sandbox/management game, this is open-ended, play as you want. On the other you have a strict story-line that follows. These two go in conflict, because strict guidelines must be followed, while the open/sandbox plays more as you want.

No, see, what I said was you need to have some idea as to what you're doing and who's scenes you are going after, not an optimized play-through. When the game has much more content, there will be several folks who primarily will want to play for Frankie more than Noe for example, and to do that you need to focus on earning tips with Frankie. For now she has only 2 scenes, which the progress tracker will tell you, so really you should be focused on Noe earning tips as much as possible since she has the content. That's really all you need to know. That, and getting Nerve to 4 early is a good thing, but that's an automatic thing that happens as you progress the Main Story and make choices. With that, and by paying attention to the gameplay (avoiding traps basically), you can get every scene in the game by the end. By playing really well, you can get it all sooner.

Now, that's the specific case of the situation, but as you point out and say, having a set end is also a general issue to some as well. To that I have already tried to explain the basic point above, but I'll touch on it again, perhaps talking it out may help us come to some kind of fix that might be beneficial, who knows?

We did originally let people play passed the point that we set as the end (though that makes the end message kind of meaningless since it doesn't account for all content), and people played on to the point that when they played the next version, all the scenes piled up one after the other and they didn't even need to play the game anymore. They also all came rushed together with little pacing.

Next we set it so the end point was the end message, but you could play on to keep getting any scenes you wanted. However, you couldn't save after that point, so you didn't end up in a backlog of scenes like above. People obviously didn't like that and I really don't blame them.

So that brings us to the hard end that we have. People might not get all the content on the first play, but it is all attainable naturally, or simply by cheating, and at least this way the scenes stay at a decent pace over versions, with each update giving some level of playing and scene achievement as we go. This might not be ideal, but so far it's the best of the three potential ways of handling it.

Essentially it comes down to do we leave it open ended where people grind it out needlessly unchecked, or do we leave a curated end to keep some stable pacing? We've erred on the latter, but what do all y'all think of it? Which is the better option and why? What would be a better alternate way of dealing with it then? Perhaps there is a way to make it better while avoiding either options drawbacks?

Will there be a route where Noemi has no choice but to give in to Sal's demands? That would make the game a little more interesting.
Will there be a route where Noemi has no choice but to give in to Sal? No. No there will not.

Will there be a route where Noemi has a choice to give in to Sal rather than struggle to fight for a win? Why yes, I do believe that will be a route to take eventually.

Sorry if I sound pedantic or assholey here, but that's a significant difference to us and I wanted to highlight it while answering your question to say essentially, yeah, you'll get what your looking for when we can progress the Sal/Main Story arcs more.

Dude, big update finally starting to heat things up
Thank you! We're at last getting to the point were we have some of the more fiery/sexy parts coming to the front. Now you see why we did a double set of updates on Beck, right? Soon it'll be time to look to do the same with some other boys and girls in the game too!
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Jan 8, 2018
I'll tell you that for me this game was an 8 out of 10 easily, that is until...
...I worked my butt off to get to 4 stars gaining 4,5,6 or even 7 points with every promotion and then 3 days in a row I get hit for 18 points each day and BANG just like that I'm down 54 points and back to a ONE star restaurant! That can't be right can it? I mean what you earn as opposed to what you lose is an incredible amount, you can basically lose the work of four promotions in just one day... Sorry, I'm out and your game loses 6 of the 8 points I gave it! Fix the issue and you got me back.
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Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
I'll tell you that for me this game was an 8 out of 10 easily, that is until...
...I worked my butt off to get to 4 stars gaining 4,5,6 or even 7 points with every promotion and then 3 days in a row I get hit for 18 points each day and BANG just like that I'm down 54 points and back to a ONE star restaurant! That can't be right can it? I mean what you earn as opposed to what you lose is an incredible amount, you can basically lose the work of four promotions in just one day... Sorry, I'm out and your game loses 6 of the 8 points I gave it! Fix the issue and you got me back.
Lets see now... You where hit by several traps. Where you looking out for them? Did you try block them?

The lost of rep on a trap is high, yeah, but that's because if you watch for them they are easily avoidable and reversing them can even give you a boost. Now, maybe the hit is too high per trap, but that's something we take into account as we balance the game every version and we'll keep that amount in mind for sure. It'll still have to sting some amount though since as I said, it is easy enough to dance around them once you get into the swing of things.

Edit: I thought it may be prudent to note something here. The only reason you should be getting an 18 point hit is if you did two waitresses at once and that means they were both hit by traps, so that would be a double. Is that what happened? That, or you also did some Proactive tasks at the same time. Otherwise, 18 points for one hit is waaayy too high, yes, and I don't believe that is what should be happening. Let me know if it wasn't either case I just mentioned and I'll look to see if ti s a bug.

Also, while I'm here, I should note that the higher your Rep, the more likely Sal is to try trap you since he's a vindictive bastard that way. Be aware that pushing rep higher makes you a bigger target and watch out accordingly, yeah?

End Edit

And I'll tack on a small point here too, which annoyingly comes back to the amount of content we can make per month again, but as we keep going, there'll be more (and sexier) Promote outcomes with higher rewards, and with higher competitive bonuses as your stat goes up, so raking in rep points gets easier too, as with all things. Not helpful right now I agree, but there's some solace to be found in that for some people I'm sure.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
I'll kind of agree with the last few people posting. Right now the game is far too punishing for new players. I don't want to have to replay the same intro 10 times to finally get it right to see the scenes, nor do I want to have to resort to save scumming 32432 times just to get through everything in a game. Maybe it gets more fleshed out as releases happen, but right now its just a solid drop for me, and i'll just wait for someone to post the cgs somewhere to see what I'm missing.


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
I'll kind of agree with the last few people posting. Right now the game is far too punishing for new players. I don't want to have to replay the same intro 10 times to finally get it right to see the scenes, nor do I want to have to resort to save scumming 32432 times just to get through everything in a game. Maybe it gets more fleshed out as releases happen, but right now its just a solid drop for me, and i'll just wait for someone to post the cgs somewhere to see what I'm missing.
Before you give it that solid drop, how about sticking around for a while and expanding on the feedback you're giving? This thread is filled with folks coming by and leaving their 2 cents worth, but when we ask for follow up on what their experience is like we only ever hear from a few people a second time. For the most part, we make improvements thanks to them. So how about it?

So you say it's too punishing for new players. Alright. In what way however? Simply because there is a cut-off point at the end that makes you feel you need to play a certain way? Is it that there is a lot of things to keep in mind or they are not explained well enough? What's the key thing(s) that make you feel this way? We'd like to know so we have a chance to understand new players experience better. I myself find the more updates we do the more fun the game is, but I already know how it all works, so we need people who don't to come forward and help us see it your way too.
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Active Member
Jul 2, 2017
Good game , but when i want see scene i already play through , i want a replay function .
With out it , then more save slot ,i do not want play game again to see a scene .
Specially game not create by renpy , because most renpy game progress really quick (sandbox like not include).
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Nov 9, 2017
So do i understand it right that this game is kind of a clickbait? Good graphics, no content and definitely no ntr (that is a negative for me, just to be sure ;))?


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
Good game , but when i want see scene i already play through , i want a replay function .
With out it , then more save slot ,i do not want play game again to see a scene .
Specially game not create by renpy , because most renpy game progress really quick (sandbox like not include).
Fair enough. As mentioned before, both a Gallery and an expanded save system are on our To-Do, but it's a case of when we can spare the time to do the UI for them, and when we cut back a version's scene content to do it. So far it's been the preference of people to add content so it's been on the long finger, but we'll get to it at the first chance we have to do it right.

So do i understand it right that this game is kind of a clickbait? Good graphics, no content and definitely no ntr (that is a negative for me, just to be sure ;))?
Wrong, I'm afriad. Almost entirely, and there is no malicious "clickbating" going on. The game has 44 scenes so far, 5 of them at least hands on/cock out sexual (even more with foreplay/nudity/sexy themed but not sex acts), most of those not with the fiance (and those with him are double pathed with ntr build up), a lot more to come and several more versions intended too. As it turns out, maybe it doesn't meet the definition of ntr fetish for some, which is our mistake when we started all this, but it's by no means clickbate or by ill intent. It's for you to take or leave so, maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't but it's not for lack of effort on our part.

In the end, out goal is to make something that people enjoy and have fun with, that's all. Best of luck and time to all we say.


Jan 13, 2019
I would honestly think people would like the games more and the Dev would get less complaints if they where to make this game and the other one they work on a choice-based visual novel. I love the renders and the story has potential but I would rather just watch and read the scenes and not have to do the management side of the game.


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
I would honestly think people would like the games more and the Dev would get less complaints if they where to make this game and the other one they work on a choice-based visual novel. I love the renders and the story has potential but I would rather just watch and read the scenes and not have to do the management side of the game.
That may well be true my friend, may even be very likely. It's something we discuss between the two of us for future projects and all, but as we are right now we'd would at least try to make something more ambitious than a simple VN. The Adult Gaming scene will never prosper and grow into something bigger if nobody tries to do more than the simple story telling, right? Sure, it's hard work and there is a lot of heavy lifting to make the game side of things better (hence I'm on here trying to elicit helpful points of improvement and all) but for now it's worth trying, and if need be we can always make the next thing more straightforward, you know?

Anyway, cheers for the compliments on the renders and all else. Glad you're liking it and here to be a part of it all. Onward to more sexy! (Am I right?)
May 8, 2019
There is a day end point (about Day 112 for now in this version) which I'll touch on below in the last comment if that's what you're asking.
Okay I got it now. That's the issue for me. And no I didn't start from the scratch. I used my last save in which the next thing noemi was going to do is car washing. But in this version when I used my last save , I couldn't activate the car washing scene.


Sep 17, 2019
I would honestly think people would like the games more and the Dev would get less complaints if they where to make this game and the other one they work on a choice-based visual novel. I love the renders and the story has potential but I would rather just watch and read the scenes and not have to do the management side of the game.
If the management part of the game is done right, it is something I really enjoy, because it adds another layer to the game and adds more decisions to play the game the way you chose to.

Of course there are games out there it feels tedious and often adds grind without any real purpose than just wasting the player's time. These games would be better if this part would be stripped off, but for this game here I think it adds more fun content and it is well put into the story.


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
Okay I got it now. That's the issue for me. And no I didn't start from the scratch. I used my last save in which the next thing noemi was going to do is car washing. But in this version when I used my last save , I couldn't activate the car washing scene.
Alright, good to hear. One problem solves so, but it sounds like there might be another? Are you saying the last time you played. the next scene you had to unlock was Car Washing one, but it didn't play this time and so you missed out on scenes? If so, that's a bug, and one I would like to quash as soon as possible. Let me know, yeah?

If the management part of the game is done right, it is something I really enjoy, because it adds another layer to the game and adds more decisions to play the game the way you chose to.

Of course there are games out there it feels tedious and often adds grind without any real purpose than just wasting the player's time. These games would be better if this part would be stripped off, but for this game here I think it adds more fun content and it is well put into the story.
Yeah, this is what I was trying to get at in the response to the same post I made earlier. If we can do the management (and gameplay in general for any game) right, then it's a big boon to player experience, and that's what we are trying to do rather than scrap it. It takes time for us to build up all the content there and balance it, but it also takes feedback and some player guided insight too, which is what we ask for from folks where we can. We obvouisly don't want it feeling like it's grind or we're fucking with people by drawing out the content (we would rather just make it straight forward and enjoyable in that case).

Honestly, we get about 3-4 people who give us feedback on this aspect on a semi-regular basis, so the gameplay inevitably gets skewed to what they provide and what we pick up from our own playing experience. The wider that group becomes, the better a fine tune (or large change) we can make per update, that that's why we harp on about it. We're going to keep at it and learn to be better rather than give up on it, and we'll take what we learn forward with us next time we do/do not have a gameplay section in our games.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
i wanna ask about gaining some money.. something wrong there maybe bug idk yet.. let me explain our debt lets say 98300, 4 girls are working we earning 70-80 usd but debt remains same.. are there any spending ?


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
i wanna ask about gaining some money.. something wrong there maybe bug idk yet.. let me explain our debt lets say 98300, 4 girls are working we earning 70-80 usd but debt remains same.. are there any spending ?
Nope, no spending. As of this version, you can't increase your debt anymore, and you could never loss the other girls' tips totals. Can you elaborate some more as to what is going on? Sounds like a bug, and I like to fix those when I hear of 'um. Cheers!

Edit: Or wait... You mean you are getting Kriem/Frankie/Kelsey to work but the debt doesn't go down? If that's the case, they only add to their own totals (for their own character arc scenes), and only when waitressing. Cooking/Entertaining adds to Waitresses' earnings each day, they don't earn money themselves, while promoting efffects the tips multiplier. Only Noe can decrease her debt while waitressing (or play Poker/Washing Cars on her days off).
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3.30 star(s) 43 Votes