VN - Ren'Py - Nothing Is Forever [v0.7.3] [MrSilverLust]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love this game and can't wait to see what happens next. This is the only game I've played in a long time that actually got me to care about the characters.

    I am loving the humiliation and femdom scenes, they're so well done and all the characters feel like real people, like this could actually be happening right now and it would be believable.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Written for the version 0.5.1

    Weak points: animations, graphics
    Neutral: Lack of characters voice (voice acting)
    Strong points: inner thoughts, uniqueness, dialogues, MC, realism, characters, development, story… simply almost everything else.

    What makes this game unique are the five “inner demons” of MC, dialogues, MC himself and graphics.

    I think that this game should be played at least two times by anybody.

    First, I advise you to play it like you would do in rl. MC’s inner demons are interesting and show different points of view than yours, but almost always plausible.

    Second, I highly advise you to play this game without regard to the consequences of MC’s actions. Even if MC’s not punished in “real life”, his inner demons don’t leave him in peace.

    Dialogues are interesting. I almost didn’t skip any of them, which is rare for me in porn games. And few I skipped were during sex scenes. MC has a vast psychological knowledge and is sharing it with other characters and the player. He also can lie, when he’s manipulating other characters, but the warning about psychological information in the game being all made-up is at least partially false. Quite likely for legal reasons and those that perceive psychology as exact, unerring science.

    MC is a rare instance of existence in porn games that is both competent in his specialization and humanly fallible, supporting the realism.

    Realism is also made by showing plausible events and situations that are happening during a long time. Ofc dev is using “time skip”, like giving information that 3 weeks has passed, to not bore the player.

    Graphics are unique and it can take time to get used to them. However the art style is quite likely timeless, so it may be passable even after many years from now. Animations are short and look simple.

    Characters are different from each other, interesting and realistic.

    is high, supported by curiosity of the consequences of different choices, different relations with female characters and different kinks of love interests. When it’s possible for example to guide MC to be dom for one woman and sub for another, it doesn’t cover 100 % lewd scenes, as MC’s usually can use a different approach then female preferred kink.

    I bored myself writing this review. Simply play this game, it’s much more interesting than my review.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.5.1] Still playing but played long enough to give a review.

    ● Story/plot - 8?/10
    It is one of the hardest game for me to review. With no expectations at all at the beginning I was amused by its maturity, realistic dialogues, great emotion expressions but... What tends to be a big advantage at the beginning started to become disadvantage as I played more.

    This game just feels too real in its complexity, interpersonal relations etc. Messages on the phone seems real, often hiding real thoughts and you feel that it is hard for characters to express themselves just as it would in real life. The same comes with live interactions, often things are not so obvious, they often miss or don't get hints given them all the time just like they would forgot that they are in game and they suppose to entertain you, not to live life you already have. After some time I became tired of some characters or dramas and not that they were written bad, quite opposite actually...

    The greatest asset of this game tho is MC's knowledge of psychology itself. As someone who knows something and experienced some shit in my life, I can say that this game is more like a "psychologist simulator" or "getting out of depression simulator". Dialogues often are tooo loooong, just as I would read some articles about specific behaviors, MC explains all stuff about mental health issues, kinks, sex life, relationship and all of this stuff is more or less 1:1 accurate to real life. I think that because of that, that is perfect game for... everyone? Especially for younger players who still explore themselves and are not sure what is "good" or "bad" etc. As for me, I know most of this already and it bores me but I'm sure most of players will get great wisdom from it.

    If it comes about plot and story itself... I'm not sure there is anything more than just a life? MC done mistake in the past as we all do, changed city, met some old and new friends, goes to work, handles daily dramas and own mental problems just as we all do. This is not kind of game when you got some magic dick and you are something special. This is game that has some depth in it and helps you understand little more about how the interpersonal interactions works, shows you that everybody has theirs own daily struggles, time passes and it is not like there is something interesting to do everyday... That is how life works for most of people and game shows it 100% accurately.

    + FINALLY game where MC has two male friends! And both of them are normal! I wish more games do that instead of one jester male friend
    + I like "..." in dialogues, it makes them feel more real
    + MC is not horny dog talking about nothing but sex or making assumptions to it like in many VNs

    - As said before, dialogues are often waaay toooo loooooong. As much as I respect wisdom coming from them, reading all this super wise MC monologues about humans behaviors at every possible dialogue makes me super tired...
    - MC having problems noticing Emma's crush, jealousy and care until she had to tell him straight forward. From all of the people out there he should be able to read others feelings and body language easily. Was it his depression fogging thoughts? Maybe, but later on it still looks like he does not see obvious things. Same goes with Deb, I mean there were clues and at some point it was obvious they like sharing or something, yet after massage MC tells he has "no idea what this is all about". Lack of consistency I would say.

    ● Graphics/visuals/renders quality - 6/10
    I wanted to give it higher note, when you play it renders are actually not bad and you get used to. But then you are lurking f95zone threads and you catch renders from the games you played before and you are wondering how is that your eyes are not hurt playing this game lol.

    Graphics has it own style and I get it but quality could still be better. More details, better quality, better face expressions. After all, I'm the game-has-to-look-pretty guy and probably I would trash this game seeing opinion like mine but do not do that, give it a chance because quality of game itself overcomes its lacks in renders quality.

    ● Animations - 0/10
    There are no animations at all which is a big disappointment. Sex scenes are the most boring ones I have ever seen in VN because of that.

    ● Music - 7/10
    Music is one of the best if we exclude "#1 of VNs". It is nice and good fitted but because of long dialogues music tends to loop and becomes anoying after a while. More diversity could help with that for sure.

    ● Characters - 10/10
    All of characters have depth and story behind that. You can like or not either of them but I cannot say that they are not unique. I like it that they all seem to be "normal" but as game progresses we discover theirs kinks, giving us feeling of even more depth as characters become to open up for us. I will not describe every each of them since my review is too long already, I will do it just about Emma since I hate her lol.

    Emma is so fucking annoying. She is just not far from being as bitchy as Kim, although her feminism fogs her eyes making her unbearable. She just has awful character, she is always peevish and angry. Her hate to men makes her impossible to make right conclusions or decisions. She always wants to be the best, at least better than any men, no matter if it is her friend or not, she goes all in no matter the costs. At the beginning I kinda liked her, I thought she just have problems with spreading out her feelings to MC but after many interactions she is still full of acid and pride, often having even problem with being nice to MC who is her friend. I guess it is another point for MrSilverLust for showing how much feminists are blind and annoying...

    ● Amount of content - 10/10
    This is the biggest wow of the game. I was kinda feeling guilty when I was reviewing some games in the past, pointing out "lack of content, just linear VN" and at the same time having no idea how to improve it. MrSilverLust shown me I was right and wow, all these VNs devs should be ashamed by him right now.

    + Chess games! Live events or stream with commentary and analysis made me actually come back to my chess plays from the time I was kid. Great job here.
    + Skills! This is a big one. All answers give you specific points of character types which you can invest in your kinks and based on that you will or will not be able to push further with some characters. I still see some potential here because sex scenes sucks and using multiple kinks, even with mixed categories would be great.
    + Discovering girls kinks is also great. It is kinda too easy if you ask me, since hints are automatically lighten up in theirs sentences and it is pretty easy to match it with kink later but still it is nice enhancement for the gameplay.
    + As I saind before dialogues are very mature and valuable. It is not common in VNs to have dialogues with actual wisdom coming from them, surely needed some work with that.
    + Freeroam is sketchy for now but is, like tiding up Deb's apartment or city map with some points to visit to see what was happening in last 3 weeks. It is nice change from linear story but again, got some more potential in it.
    + Smaller things like lovemeter, kink inception, drink chose, timers on occasional dialogues...
    + Start/ending of dialogues, smaller font gives you feeling that meeting is not over after couple sentences like in most of game after 5 sentences

    - Phone could be little more extended, for now it looks more like a draft

    ● Fappable - 2/10
    If you got great imagination and like shit-talking during sex than it will be great for you. In other case it is meh... Small amount of renders with not much of realistic quality, no animations at all, tons of talking during sex not to mention sex is kinda rare.

    As I said before, it is more like real life and I think dev wanted to show it here also, that sex is not like in porn or porn games. In reality there are not much chances you got 21cm dick and everyday you fuck different chick, sometimes more than once a day and every one of them is long, amazing and unforgettable. I think it is nice and healthy dissonance for all of the sex-oriented games available here.

    ● Overall - 4/5
    Content quality is not enough to be best out there. Renders improvements, adding animations, little fix with music and dialogues and it will be one of the top VN games out there.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is for 0.5.1. Lets take it apart.

    In an AVN, generally this comes from lewd content but I must say what makes this novel truly adult is not just sex and kinks etc. The dialogues, writing, relationships etc. are very adult. Developer is definitely a fine-cultured gentleman with a firm grasp on life with experience because he portrays characters very well. Psychological struggles, inner conflicts, criticism on modern daily practices etc. are very well embedded so this is the strong suit of the novel no doubt. The only think I can criticize is the scarcity of vanilla sex, MC almost always has to go for the kinks to heat things up. That's the price of being a sexologist I guess :) I love the morality point system and its implementations to get kinks though.

    Definitely the weak link here. For 2023 this can be categorized as below average, there are hardly any lewd animations. Renders are so basic. It is apparent the dev doesn't focus on this aspect too much. Nice soundtrack tho.

    I like the girls. They are believable and realistic. Their relationship to MC is unique in every way. Plot is also original. We made numerous choices so far I am curious how will events unfold and plotlines disentangle. It is one of the few novels that focuses on MC and his conscience. In most cases we have round LIs but a malleable, tabula rasa MC to fuck and please them. This is not the case, MC brings emotional baggage, this also lets player to think about what to do.

    I really enjoyed it, close to 5 stars. It is not really fappable and pleasing to look at most of the time but really makes up for it in other places. If it just had better visuals then it would be a perfect 5-star. It is a refreshing experience to play an AVN in this approach nonetheless. In next project, may dev improve visuals and create the ultimate AVN that I strive for :D (fingers crossed). A true AVN meant for grown-ups.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    holy fuck...
    i'm not even going to botter making a review on "why you should play it" or "pros/cons" because so many people have already made it.

    Just go and play it, this game is a fucking gem and i'm so glad i found it.

    The only route I finished was the "cheater" and somehow i ended up feeling more human than when i started the gameplay lol

    10/10 for me, fuck it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I made an entire run focusing on the "sensitive" path, in my opinion this game could be absolutely perfect if not for what I consider a big flaw: basically 90% of the sex scenes involving a specific kink (the game is designed like that, and it's a great idea) the MC goes on and on explaining and justifying that specific kink to the girl and why she should do what she eventually does.
    It's just awful, totally ruins the suspension of disbelief and brings the hotness of the scene to ZERO.
    You don't need to explain a man\woman why he\she should take charge and how to do it before doing it. You let him\her take charge and go with the flow if you so desire, and that's the same for whatever other kink.
    I'm just sad because there is a lot of work in this game, and I really wanted to like it and keep playing it. In this state I honestly can't, it's too painful.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Just when you thought you weren't going to find another game that was above average, "Nothing is forever" appears. The characters are excellently written, so well written that as you read, you learn a thing or two about sexuality. It is not just a game to satisfy you, it is a game for you to live the real experiences of many who risk their relationship by opening up sexually with its advantages and disadvantages. Totally recommended game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say, this game exceeded my expectations. I was expecting a standard game about a guy who fucks everything that moves. Considering the rating, I expected some monologues and internal struggle of the main character, in short, I did not take this game seriously, oh dear, how wrong I was.
    I can say with confidence, this is one of those few games from which you do not expect anything, but which remain in your memory.
    All the characters are perfectly written, you want to believe in them, their problems are real, and you don't notice how this game captured all your attention.
    The internal struggle of the main character and his demons is interestingly shown. The moral side of the question is to be professional and become a better version of yourself or give up and accept yourself as you are.
    A unique system of fetishes, it is interesting to explore.
    Each choice has its own consequences, as a result of which some paths are closed and others are opened.

    In conclusion, this game succeeds in its main purpose, it evokes emotions: pity, anger, fear, sense of responsibility, excitement and complete depravity.
    The wonderful thing is that the emotions you will feel will depend on your choice.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, this was an experience.

    I've played some VNs in my life till now, but I can only remember a few fondly, this one will always be in that list. The story ranges from you dealing with your inner demons and trying to bury your past for good to trying to live a "normal" life and to you trying to be an honest and caring friend for all of your friends.

    The characters are what I love about this game the MOST, from a troubled girl who's lost her way, to a shy girl who is trying to be more public, to an old frenemy who you keep going back and forth with, and so many more, there is someone for everyone! I'm very certain you will at the very least like one of the LI's.


    Another thing that needs to be mentioned are the mechanics used in this game, the *skill system*.
    This lets you purchase a *kinky* skill based on the type of choices you make, which are used to unlock sexual scenes.
    The game is full of different kinks, but none are forced down your throat- you choose to experience the ones you wanna experience.
    From what I've read the game doesn't have pure vanilla routes SO FAR (some routes haven't been explored fully and could turn out to be vanilla), so if that's something that you're okay with then hop on board, hit that big fat download button and fasten your seatbelt cos this is one hell of a ride.
    MANY choices have impact (you will know which ones), so choose carefully!

    The sexual scenes are spaced very well, and they are STEAMY! I loved Leah's scenes and can only speak for those since I was only on her route.

    Music is sooooo good, some songs are still stuck in my head while writing this review.

    Highly recommended for everyone, please support the dev if you happen to like the game and can afford to!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is some of the most incredible and varied writing in any erotic game I've played. The scenarios are fresh and extremely hot, and there seems to be something for everyone, which is equally refreshing in a landscape of extremes. One of the best games I've played.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best story and kinky based game, and that's saying something because i have played over a few hundred games.

    Great story( some of it touched the heart, like a very good novel/book)
    In-depth choices which really matter
    Great characters loved them
    So many kinks to choose from

    Not really a con but the graphics can use a little upgrade
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    very good renders,good looking girls and the story is good.All the choices have impact on the rest of the story, soif you like avns with choices with impact this one i recommend to play but if you arent a player that doesnt like to have a lot of choices to do give a try because you gonna like the game. congrats on the dev.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh boy, where to even begin. As a mostly femdom player, this is probably the best adult VN I've ever played. What's even more amazing is the fact that a lot of non-femdom players could probably say the exact same thing.

    The characters in here are simply phenomenal. Different LIs in this game truly represent completely different personalities and outlooks on life. An example of complexity of these characters is the fact that Deb, which I would argue would be the main representation of a femdom centered LI, is not even close to being the best one for me. It also feels like that most of the characters truly adapt their behavior towards you based on your preferences.

    Outside of the sexual aspect of the game, the story deeply centers about MCs internal battles and struggles with his past mistakes and future prospects. It helps the player connect with his struggles and forces you to actually consider them during playthrough. All the other characters have realistic depth to them as well, so you don't feel like they are just pretty fuck objects in the game.

    When it comes to technical aspects, the game is as good as it gets for Ren'Py. The game has unique passive skills which are devided into 4 different skill trees. You gain points to spend into those trees based on your choices, basically shaping your overall personality.

    This game truly feels like a masterpiece and I really really hope it doesn't get canceld. Feels slept on and underfunded to me. Easiest 5 stars in my life.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Nothing is forever is much more than a porn game, it is a proper Adult Visual Novel, with adult themes and a very interesting and mature treatment.

    TLDR Review:
    Nothing is Forever has a different premise and treats it well, the story is interesting, the characters believable and the writing very good.

    The models and art take a bit to get used to but being different from the usual makes them refreshing. The mechanics of gameplay are well thought out and make for interesting choices.

    There's not many sex scenes and they really take a second place compared to the story, so do not play this if you just want a quick fap, there's much more here though and it is really worth your time.


    Longer review with some spoilers, stop reading if you do not want to be spoiled.

    In Nothing is Forever you play as a psychologist that has recently gotten a job helping athletes perform better, after having failed as a sexologist, as he got romantically involved with one of his patients.

    The setup of the game seems ambitious and having played through a couple other games with "psychologists" on them I must say I wasn't to keen on it, however this game is really leagues above others with similar protagonists/premises. I am not sure if the author has a background in psychology or not, but it definitely feels like it.

    The writing is fantastic and the psychological discussions are not only believable but also grounded. I found myself really caring about the characters and their issues and, more importantly, connecting with the MC and his inner struggles. The moral conflicts that the game presents are handled correctly and I found myself really trying to roleplay a character and not just trying to fuck any girl around.

    I want to bring this on a separate entry for the review as I think they are one of the greatest strengths of the game. As you take decisions, you are given points in one of four characteristics, small decisions grant 1 point, major decisions grant 5 points. With these points you can then buy "skills" that are kinks. It all makes sense, as if you act like a manly, dominant man, you can't then buy the submissive skills, which means that then you can't act submissive for a scene with a girl that requires that. It makes sense and works well within the game, really defining what kind of person you want to be and which girls will be interested in you.

    I also liked the mini game of piecing together the kinks of each girl, even though getting it wrong is not a problem, as you can keep trying until you get it right. I am not sure how that could be improved, but it would be great if you got something out of guessing it right the first time or something like that.

    Again, one of the greatest strengths of this game, each character feels like a real person and is handled realistically and with respect. I particularly liked the treatment of Deb's boyfriend, even though I am not into NTR and cucking, the fact that his cucking fantasy is explored in a respectful way and he is not demeaned by it was a refreshing approach. I also liked that during that scene Deb's words really carried weight and hurt him, which made him become much more than a prop that is there to facilitate a kink and made him a person.

    There is a wide array of girls to romance, each with different personalities and exploring different kinks, I just wished that we would have some more meaningful choices with some of them, or rather, some more drastic choices. For example, I really disliked Emma. I get the character and have met women like her in real life, so she was believable and.... extremely annoying to me personally. I chose not to fuck with her (even if it was a hatefuck) as I wanted nothing to do with her. I wish the game had given me the choice to not contact her again.

    Additionally, once you are back in touch with her, your character proposes to her to join his practice as a colleague, and I would not have done that, however, the one that really annoyed me was when during the week's holidays at the beach house, she stays that one night behind, and my character stays with her. I would have liked to be given a choice here. I already had my eyes on Leah and I was being true to her, in that circumstance, I would never have stayed home with Emma, who I can't stand, instead of spending even more time with the girl I really liked.

    Sex Scenes:
    There are some sex scenes here and there through the game, but I found myself avoiding several of the girls as I didn't like them (Emma or Bri for example), and others because I wanted to roleplay the character, this reduced even more the amount of sex scenes I saw, which, as it was my choice, I have no problem with. The scenes I saw were hot enough and the writing was good enough, again, I do not think this game should be approached as a porn game, but as an adult game that has sex in it.

    Overall, this game was a fantastic experience that engaged me, provoked real emotions in me, both positive and negative ones, and kept me wanting more, I can't wait until it is finished! a well deserved 5/5
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Crimson Fire

    So this game is more soap Opera than interesting story. It started strong in terms of execution of sex scenes but then trailed off. In the early story sex was animated. The long the game was in development the fewer sex scenes were animated at least on the paths I took.

    The game also tries to be all things to all people with fetish after fetish explored. Why do developers do this crap? NTR fans don't want romance and faithful partners. Harem fans don't want partners that demand monogamous relationships. Subs don't want dom storylines and Doms don't want sub storylines.

    Yes there are different women for different kinks but if you fancy a lass and it turns out she wants you to lick her feet and dink her pisss and you are not a sub that is a REAL turn off and disappointment. Because you wanted to bang the hot chick. This game is almost always a disappointment with regards to what girl has what kink.

    I would rather this game all all about a kink I don't like so i could skip it then waste the time i did finding I really didn't like the women kink pairings.

    The game isn't bad per say but it is poorly designed because too many devs think a kink is a kink so i will appeal to more people by adding more kinks and it doesn't work that way conflicting kinks in the same game is off putting what it isn't is enticing.

    If you can get past the boring long-winded story and the worsening quality of the sex scenes. And the models you like hit all the right kinks then the game is great but i suspect that a lot of people just drop off silently as too many models fail to match a given kink for the player.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    - Coming from someone who hates sandbox/grindy games, the gameplay is well designed. Its pretty much just a VN but includes some RPG elements with the stats and skilltree. Although not having enough of a stat may lock you out of some paths, it doesn't force you to redo monotonous, routine tasks to gain stats. The dev also provided cheats for those that aren't bothered to deal with this mechanic.
    - Excellent replayability + nonlinear. You can't see every scene in one playthrough, you can discover different scenes by picking different options or by following a different skill tree. This game doesn't force you into a lazy harem route.
    - I'm a person that mutes most adult games cause the dev would just pick the most generic 'royalty free music' or just use random porn star moans for sex scenes. But I've got to say the sound effects and especially the music choices are top notch. Fits the scenes very well.

    - Now there aren't any animations nor are the renders super high definition or realistic like what you're used to from more popular games but I think it looks good enough. No pixelation or grainy renders. It definitely takes some getting used but it has its own unique charm. The black lines seems to be toned down in the latter stages of the game anyway. However, some of the Daz models the dev has chosen for his characters are generic and you might easily recognize them from other Daz games.

    - Writing can drag on sometimes and be a bit boring. I personally prefer more writing revolving around the story or relationships than just deep conversations regarding philosophical matters or humanity. But some other reviewers have liked it, some didn't, so YMMV.
    - This has got to be one of the most anti-vanilla games out there. You'll find out soon enough that the sexual content is extremely... "fetishized". Every (literally - Every. Single. Love interest.) LI has some weird kink or fetish that you have to uncover and conform to. No one is... normal lol. Lea is into having sex in public or with an audience and is very very much into exhibitionism, Jen is into submission/painplay and if you don't like that then asks that you share her with a man or woman thats into domination as she apparently really wants to be dominated, Deb is into hardcore femdom, Kim is into sadism and hardcore femdom, and Emma is into hate fucking and (guess what?) hardcore femdom. Some might like this but I wish the developer provided a more down-to-earth or more 'normal' options for players that are just not into any of the extreme stuff above. Just to emphasize, I'm not saying the dev should cut out all the extreme stuff and replace them with mainstream kinks, but for a game which prides itself in branching choices & giving players multiple options, I think it should at least be an option.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR Undeniablly excellently crafted but punching in so many directions most prospective players will only like parts of the sexual content. Setting, small MC, and content breakdown seems suitable for and biased towards Femdom.

    + Amazing characterization
    + Some of the deepest coding / flagging for story pathings I have ever seen
    + Scene writing was frankly amazing.
    +The build up to and execution of the 1st Doms scenes of Jen and Emma were some of the best ever I've seen. (Though I didn't find the art for them very hot- since the MC is a doughy pygmy.)
    +The chess matches are a lot of fun
    +Lots of exposition- but it was generally pretty interesting.
    +Did some interesting things with splash art and render style differentiation.
    +Interesting stat development system

    -Praise kink +Submissive female is my favorite kink combination. It was more than a little disappointing that humiliation kink got most of the limelight.
    -Too much femdom
    -MC is really pathetic looking. Doesn't help that there are Adonis lookin' mofos around and half the ladies are bigger than him either.
    -Render quality is low
    -It was very disappointing in Chapter 5 how little content you could get without being a cheater on Lea's path. You basically don't get access to any of the intimate vibed Lea content if you go non-exclusive with her- its all cucky vibed exhibitionist shit. But if you date her for the intimacy you cannot do any other content without being an asshole. It'd be nice to be able to use Loyalty or Man perks to get access to some better vibes here.
    - gets cuckier every update
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a very good game but not without significant flaws. Renders are OK, nothing special but above average for sure. That black outline is unnecessary IMO but it's not annoying so I'm neutral about it. Sex scenes are great for the most part but there's way too much femdom for my taste and it's a shame that dev is trying to cater to as wide audience as possible. Hence every girl we meet has a distinctive kink/fetish (which makes it similar to other popular game that I won't name here) and for example Deb, who IMO is the best looking woman here (along with Olivia, Lea and Jen) has fetish that's unappealing to me. We basically can't have vanilla sex here, there is always some kink added to spice things up (which shouldn't be a bad thing in theory but in practice it's not as fun as I initially thought).

    Writing is one of the best I've read in porn games (there are only 2-3 titles that are above it) but sometimes the dev overdoes and there is just too much talk for my taste. The banter between some of the characters gets old fast and inner-thoughts and monologues are sometimes excessive. What's worst though is that main character is a pathetic human being in EVERY scenario (even in the ones where he's not a bootlicker that allows himself to be stepped on by weaker sex, e.g. when he becomes second Kim). We have his whining/crying/self-pity in every chapter which becomes annoying in the long run.

    What I like here the most though and what makes it shine among other titles is that it has some rudimentary RPG elements and we can "build" our character as we see fit. It's nothing jaw dropping mind you but it's a nice addition.

    All in all it's one of the better games here and could have been THE best but due to the flaws I've mentioned I can't rate it higher than 8/10. Still, I definitely recommend to try it, it's definitely something more fresh than your typical "I'm living with my landlady and her daughters" or "I'm in college and every chick wants to fuck me" scenarios.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are the slightest bit interested in psychology, realistic human behaviour and navigating complex life scenarios then this game is a must play for you.

    The main selling point of the game is the character driven storytelling, there's a lot of developments in that area and it's exciting to see how the characters change over time. You have influence in this as a player which gives a nice bit of agency.

    Exploring of kinks is a nice touch with the points system, you get hints of what makes others tick and then can act (or not) depending on how you spent your points.

    The story is good with plenty of plot elements that drive it forward but I'd say that it's the characters that make up for 90% of the satisfaction of playing this game. They're all deep and nuanced with their own set of motivations and desires. And they ACT like people! Which is pretty damn rare on a site like f95.

    The art style might not fit everyone but I found it to my liking, it gave the game a different flavor which only added to the depth. There's plenty of cool little cuts and montages that makes the story easier to chew.

    5/5 would recommend.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders have weird comic book outlines which ruins the renders, a weird choice.

    The game is boring - all of the 'good options' and content are locked off unless you pick soy-boy options 90% of the time

    The UI is well done, but waiting for endless ui animations after every line gets old immediately
    Likes: shaq9